Directed by Hagishima Tatsuya, Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai (a.k.a. Calling You) is based on the same-titled light novel series by popular writer Otsuichi. Like Otsuichi's Waiting in the Dark, which was also recently adapted for the big screen, Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai revolves around two lonely young people who find each other in an uncommon manner. Shy, quiet, and unsure of herself, Aihara Ryo doesn't quite fit in anywhere. Though she wants to make friends, she has trouble speaking up and holding a normal conversation like everyone else. It seems that whenever she talks, the words just don't come out correctly. Gradually, Ryo has gotten used to living life in silence as a lonely and introverted student. With no one to talk to, Ryo also has no need for a cell phone. Longing for friends to talk to, she creates a cell phone in her mind for imaginary phone conversations, and much to her surprise, one day Shinya picks up on the other side. For the first time in her life, Ryo has found someone she can talk to.
both movies tell romantic but sad stories about people who can talk with each other although they live in different places and times.
Directed by Hagishima Tatsuya, Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai (a.k.a. Calling You) is based on the same-titled light novel series by popular writer Otsuichi. Like Otsuichi's Waiting in the Dark, which was also recently adapted for the big screen, Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai revolves around two lonely young people who find each other in an uncommon manner. Shy, quiet, and unsure of herself, Aihara Ryo doesn't quite fit in anywhere. Though she wants to make friends, she has trouble speaking up and holding a normal conversation like everyone else. It seems that whenever she talks, the words just don't come out correctly. Gradually, Ryo has gotten used to living life in silence as a lonely and introverted student. With no one to talk to, Ryo also has no need for a cell phone. Longing for friends to talk to, she creates a cell phone in her mind for imaginary phone conversations, and much to her surprise, one day Shinya picks up on the other side. For the first time in her life, Ryo has found someone she can talk to.
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead
try to solve problem
In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
try to solve problem
In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Miho, a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother's potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As she flounces out of the restaurant, she drops her cell phone. At the moment there is an earthquake, and she drops her cell phone down a staircase. The phone is found by Tokijiro, a boy that lives in 1912