2 people found this review helpful
May 24, 2022
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Bohn is good at the Lovey Dovey eyes, but Duen couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. He's also a pod person that I cannot believe have lived on this planet long enough to make it to college, let alone medical school. I'd give examples, but the sheer frustration I had at Duen's existence would be a rant not fit for this review. Also, really really didn't like Bohn going 'I've decided I'm going to date you, so you don't have a choice in the matter' and just flat out refusing to back off even though Duen wasn't giving a single signal that he reciprocated, and in fact was adamantly *against* it. Right up to the end, Duen is averse to anything remotely physical happening between them, even a hug or holding hands. And the constant pretending-to-be-upset to get attention and you-can't-be-SEEN-with-another-man-because-that-means-you're-flirting was aggravating.

Mek and Boss were better. Mek's actor being the ONLY ONE with a voice over was jarring and always ripped me out of the story, but their story itself wasn't bad. I wish Boss's feelings had been given more time to explain - how he'd loved Mek for so long but didn't think anything would come of it, while at the same time he tried giving his heart to others only to be rebuffed over and over, and even to loving Fon. How he loved them both, not more or less, just different, and in the end chose Mek. I seriously felt so bad for Boss this whole series. He tries so hard to be liked and then everyone except his tiny friend group treats him like he doesn't exist. The acting subplot was hard to watch for that reason.

Ram and King. Oh. My. God. RamKing. Best actors in the whole show, for one. Best story in the whole show, for two. I could watch a full ten episode series just of them falling in love, Ram staring at King like he hung the stars, King understanding what Ram means without Ram having to speak. Both of them knowing each other's fears and protecting each other from them. King, who takes an interest in anything weird or different, finding that this man's happiness is what's important to him, that he feels Good when he's with Ram, and not knowing how to handle those emotions. Ram, his heart closed off, struggling to be understood by the world, finding someone who just seems to Understand Him in ways the rest of the world doesn't. King planted a seed of care in Ram's heart, cared for it tenderly, carefully, and watched it bloom. And that bloom was so beautiful it changed King's whole world.

I watched this entire series just for them. Everyone else was filler.

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Drama_ junkie
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
What makes My Engineer work is its simple storylines that balance just enough depth to provide substance without making the stories too complicated and relatable young actors who are cute and act well.

The series starts off weird and disjointed. I almost dropped it because of it. But hung on through the first two episodes and found it a very well worth while watch. The couples are interesting. Not only because of their cuteness, but for the Yin/Yang nature of their relationship. The simple opposites attract theme and the journey that each couple took to find their mutual love for each other is told well enough. It’s sweet and cuddly without being too sappy. Kudos to the writers and director for providing equal screen time for each of the couples, this is often a problem in ensemble couple series, so you can actually appreciate all of them.

Take the time to watch this candy sweet series. Yes, it’s not going to be as deep as Until We Meet Again or have the twist and turns of Theory of Love. It’s the simplicity annd cuteness of My Engineer that make this worth your time.

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Mademoiselle Noir Flower Award1
2 people found this review helpful
Mar 1, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
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It's Complicated . . .

I began watching this series many months ago. I got bored sometime around the first episode and forgot about it. Then, I watched a story video of RamKing on YouTube about a month ago. And I was intrigued. So, I looked up this series, remembered I had tried to watch it before, but decided to give it another shot anyway.

Bohn and Duen are fine, at first. Until Bohn decides to be insanely jealous if anyone other than Duen's close friends interacts with him. It's not healthy, and he does it 3 or more times. It gets annoying to see him repeat the same stupid mistake over again, learning nothing. Also, Bohn decides to pursue Duen, seemingly out of nowhere. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them. I just didn't find their dynamic to be too terribly intriguing. Also, the whole joking about who's top/bottom got annoying fast.

Mek and Boss had the husband-wife name thing, but at least for them it felt more like nicknames they had for each other for a long time. So, it didn't come across as forced.

I'm not going to just say negative things about Bohn and Duen, don't worry. They do have some really cute moments, especially with the kids. This couple needs better communication skills though. So much conflict could be solved by a simple conversation right away and/or a quick apology.

Basically, the main reason to rewatch this (for me) is for RamKing. And secondly, for MekBoss (although that is heart-breaking for a very long time). Mek and Boss have a really touching relationship. I was moved by Mek's devotion for Boss. And Boss's loyalty as soon as they begin a real relationship.

It's difficult at first to get over the dubbing on Mek's voice at first, but it's worth it.

Ram and King had a lot more chemistry, no stereotyping, and they didn't have the "I don't like guys, I just like you." It was very real and exceeded my expectations of how natural an on-screen couple could be. The progression of their relationship was very smooth. And, unlike the main couple, King didn't pursue Ram out of nowhere. He found him strange, so he tried to talk to him, and then he became interested in him as a person. Eventually, he realizes he has feelings and only voices them at the very end of the show, finding them returned. Even though Ram doesn't talk much to King, or much to anyone in general, he conveys a great deal with his actions and the few words he does use. Also, I got a real kick out of him dragging King with him to eat to thank him. Lol. King helps him with his schoolwork, expecting nothing in return though, which was really sweet.

Also, the contrast and similarities between them are very interesting. King talks to his plants, is really smart and helpful, and is afraid of dogs. Ram is talented at boxing, has tattoos, loves dogs, and speaks very little out loud. He comes across as a deep-thinker who uses his words carefully to express himself. At the moment, I can't think of a relationship like theirs that I've seen before.

Personally, I'd first watch compilations/scenes of RamKing before I'd rewatch the series. My Engineer doesn't suck. It's just that the main couple taking up the majority of the screen-time doesn't hold my attention enough.

If I had to rate Ram and King's story, I'd give it a 10/10. But I really want a separate series with them! Please! Give it to me! Or, at least give me a second season of My Engineer that continues their relationship as a side couple. I just need them!

If I had to rate Mek and Boss's story, I'd give it a 9.5/10. Just because the husband-wife name was annoying for a bit. And Boss was a bit too unintentionally insensitive at times. Please don't recast Mek if you make another season! If you're going to do Mek and Boss again, you have to have the original actor! Or, just don't include them. He's too good to replace!

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2 people found this review helpful
Nov 23, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Awesome ... Can't Wait for Season 2

Wow this drama was really good, I so enjoyed that I rewatched again in one sitting.

There are four main couples and the series gave justice to each by giving them ample screen time. The pacing was good, and although there might be some awkwardness in the acting sometimes it wasn't to the point it'd put you off. The series also had moments where is has brought up common and worn out cliched plots in the bl genre and dissolved the misconception.

BOHN-DUEN : okay, this relationship is on the immature/inncocent side. I feel this couple get a lot of flak because their personality combo is one that frustrates people the most. I too am among those that have felt like smacking sense into either one of them in a scene or two but at the same time I understand there dynamic as well. Bohn is the popular boy who is used to having everything his way who fell in love for real, for the first time, with the innocent boy. Duen is innocent, with zero experience on how to be in a relationship. Bohn comes off as an arrogant bully but he always gives in to Duen at the end. And Duen is not your typical cowering submissive boyfriend either. This pairing is one that asks for a LOT of understanding and patience on the viewers part or else they'll just be misunderstood. But I really believe that if the done well, this pair has room and will allow the production a good opportunity for real character growth and development.

MEK-BOSS : This couple's relationship is one for the angst. It's a story of Mek who's in love with his oblivious best friend Boss. The heartache for the viewers gets worse as Boss is always chasing after girls and dragging Mek with him. I have to be honest, with the whole drama with Rayan (Mek), I tried very hard not to get invested in this couple so I don't get disappointed, but it couldn't be helped. They are so cute together I ended up invested.

RAM-KING : The VERY BEST pairing of the drama; hence why I have dubbed them "The Royals". Right of the bat, this pairing was a favorite. I couldn't get enough of their scenes, not a single one can be called just a filler. This pairing tells the love story between a plant and dog. King understands Ram like he understands his plants without Ram having to utter a single word, while Ram, the dog-lover, likes to care, feed and pull King around . I love how intuited they are with each other and to be honest this pairings visual is no joke either. Their character and relationship development was done really well. Really I can go on and on about these two but I'm worried I'd veer off of even the bounds of spoilers lol I'm all in for Monarchy all the common people be damned!

THARA-FRONG: The slooooow burn couple. Theirs is the least developed relationship in the series but I believe we will have more story for them in season two.

The only downside for me on this were the girls, running around like they had nothing better to do, and then the sister who clearly is siding with her brother, but oh boy does over exaggerate.

Overall this was really good and like i said I did watch this twice

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3 people found this review helpful
May 31, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
Overall, for me the drama was OK, not great. At first, it felt like every other BL cliche drama out there, nothing we haven't seen before. A bit slow n dull. Yeah I liked too that the series tried to addressed the misconception issues/topics of gays role. I learn something there. But I thought that the story was a bit ridiculous with plot points that don't make much sense. At times, it worked. At other times, it didn't. Besides, the acting is mediocre as none of the actors were able to emote properly. If we were to compare with other BL series that I've watched or other series in general, the quality of this series is not up to par.

However, over time I got interested with the characters. What saved it for me was the characters RAMKING...and MEK/Boss to some extent. Really without them, I wouldn't have like the series at all. It is interesting to see that RamKing couple get very much attention from the series compared to the main couple. I even seen several comments mention that they are among the best BL couples ever. I scoff. They are good, but definitely no where near the best.

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Ongoing 7/14
7 people found this review helpful
Mar 30, 2020
7 of 14 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This show is amazing, love the storyline so far. All the couples are my fav. please don't cancel. So let's start with the first couple of BohnxDuen they are so cute and I love how they start off. Also, he gave space to Duen so that good that way he will open up to Bohn more I can't wait to see what will happen with them. On to the next couple BossxMek, now with this couple, I hope it will turn out alright because I like both of them so far but it's still sad how he hides his feeling away for Boss but I got my fingers crossed plz have a good ending. Now the finale couple RamxKing and why I said finale is because we haven't been introduced to the other couple just yet, anyways Ram and King are my favs. so far their storyline is so good that I rewatched their scenes more than the others but I like all couples let me just say that now okay. Also, I like how they start out you don't really see that in other bl, I also saw on the opening where Ram and King are in a group photo but they are looking at each other it's so cute well this is my review for this show so far let us see what happens next.

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Theresa Klein
2 people found this review helpful
May 31, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers
Ok so as always with my reviews, this is gonna include spoilers and I will first go through the things I liked and then through some things I didnt like.


1. The flow of the story
The flow of this story just seemed so natural, nothing seemed rushed or weirdly out of place. It was easy and fun to follow along. One understood the characters actions and their development wasn't brushed over but properly done.


Omg yes. All of the couples are sweet and cute together.
Let me go through them.
Duen and Bohn : I think its fair to say that their were kind of the main couple ( even so all the others got a good amount of screen time ) But those two are who started it all. This couple does something I at first didnt like as much but started to find very interesting throughout the series.
Usually when pairing Bl characters if one is quite childish/ immature ( usually the bottom ) the other one is quite calm and mature or calm and strict. But here they were like nope, we are making both of those guys really childish and immature in their own ways. Duen is quite inexperienced in relationships and is also really immature when it comes to handling his partner ( This means he never really gets when his partner is jealous or when he oversteps with being super close to other people. He is still really innocent that way) . He is also really insecure which actually surprised me ( this was only revealed later) but it made some of his aversion to contact and spending time with his partner make so much sense. He didnt want Bohn to get too close to him as he was afraid he would then notice he isn't that great and leave him.
OK now Bohn he is also super childish but in a boyish way. He loves teasing and pranks and doesn't really know when he takes it too far. He has a bad handle on his emotions and usually shows his dissatisfaction by sulking in a corner.
At some points of this series I didnt quite like this pairing as their combined childishness led to repeated problems like jealously in their relationship.
But I have to say it was so interesting to watch and especially in the last episode one can really see growth in both characters. Bohn owns up to his mistake without making a show of it and Duen opens up about his insecurity about their relationship. If this was the only couple on the show, it might have gotten too much but the way the story is build it never gets overwhelming.
It also really gives the watcher a good lessons about prober communication with their partner.
Another thing I really like was their problems never lasted ages. Yes jealously was repeated but it was isolated incidents with consequences. I hate it when the couple show a problem the first episode and it just drags on without being solved. Their try to solve problems and then get into little fights and solve again.
Even the last (big fight/break up) didnt last long which I loved for that couple ! Because the break up and fast getting back together made so much sense with both of their characters.
I am really looking forward to season 2 and the contained growth they still have to go through.
The relationship isn't perfect, its actually far from it. But the characters aren't either and it shows that two imperfect people can create something just because they like each other even if it is difficult and they have to change some things.

OK now Mek and Boss :
MY HEART :) These two are so adorable. Like Men you have all my heart. I felt him hurting whenever Boss needed help in his relationship or courting of Fon and the acting was amazing. And yes the voice over can get annoying. ( If anyone doesn't know the actor of Mek is chinese and his voice was dubbed over) But I feel like if one just goes with it, then it doesnt disturb the viewing experience. However as I am a native German and we just adore dubbing all english things into german I am also kind of used to this kind of voice over.
Ok back to the couple. I loved them. They never faced a big problem and the way the got together was just so great. And the Boss revealed he also had feelings. I was just swooning. They are so prefect for each other and seem to comfortable with each other. The typical best friends to love. The ending problem was so relatable and solved so sweetly. I won't say too much but I also enjoyed their scenes. And lets just say them dancing with each other was too cute. Iconic i might even say.

Frong and Thara :
I need more. Thats all I can say. I love both characters. They are both quite mature but both have their own burdens.
They aren't that far along yet so I am hoping for more development in season 2. However I just have to say. YOU FEEL THE CHEMISTRY ! Like they way they look at each other ... one can just feel they already started to develop feelings.
They are slowly getting closer and my heart was beating in the last episode when they took the cutest photo ever. I like that they didnt rush an ending for them as it would have felt weird with their characters. I also love that we learn about their family backgrounds and see where they are coming from.
Also i just love how everyone has a unique personality and one can see each person and learn something new.

OK Now to the KINGS: RAM and KING ( get it KINGS )
This is most peoples fav couple. And even though I think all couples in this series have their merit. I have to agree.
These two what can I say. Amazing. And Perth the person who plays Ram has a youtube channel. So if you can't get enough of him check that out.
I dont wanna spoilt this couple but lets just say Ram has three huskies and Kind lets them stay at his house even though he is terrified of dogs. They play with kids.
They have to cutest development and you can see how they strata to trust each other. They both change each other.
And the ending .. The KISS I AM DEAD.
I heard that in season 2 they will be the main couple which yes please. Since they also have their own novel.
So they have an open ending but with season 2 on the horizon i will perfectly content.

3. The friend groups
Each friend group was cute and nice. I especially love the girl and I relate so much. She should really get a Bf in season 2 :) She was just really funny.

4. The humor
There were parts were I really had to laugh in this series. The humor isn't relying completely on overacting but also on just some solid story based comedy. I have to say Ram and his I am not talking attitude made me brats out laughing so many times. Also Bohn and Duen.

5. Serious topics
There are some more serious topics discussed without it dragging the series into something extremely serious. Topics like cancer, loosing a parent or a parents affair and the afflictions that can have on the kid are shown.
I really wanna commend this series for bringing up new and insetting topics.

OK The negatives :
I was annoyed with bohn und duen sometimes. Especially Duen as I just didnt get why he was not nice to his bf even after he agreed. However most of these concerns disappeared after the last episode as I got to understand the character more.

The flashbacks of Ram and King were cute but a bit unnecessary. (and yes i am trying to find straws right now)

All in all it is a fun BL to watch and it was honestly this and EN of love which got me back into watching BL and gave me hope for 2020 Bl. If you are wondering what I though of other Bls released this years. Just check my other reviews.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
I totally didn't regret on watching this series. RamKing got my Attention really good. Just curious on how their relationship will go until i watched the whole series. Their love story are just so natural and i actually love it. The Casts, the Story and their Love Cycles. Comedy, Romance and So many things to Learn in just One Series. Does anyone have news upon the filming of the new season? Is this going to be released this year or not? But I'll still wait for the next season to see their love grow upon each other :>
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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 17, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

Honestly, I didn’t believe in love until I saw RamKing...

I never really write reviews for shows I like as I find it hard to form words on this topic. After my fourth time watching this show I was suggested that I should write a review as I have seen it so many times.

Some general knowledge about me and this shows the relationship is I didn’t like the drama at first. After I had finished watching the show I had rated around 6 stars which I think says a lot now that it’s currently 9.5 stars. Also, a fun fact about me is that I hate romantic comedies (I think you can tell by my ratings for some dramas I have watched) but of course there are some exceptions.

I’m also going to be splitting this up into pairs just like my y-destiny review as there are four main relationships in the drama.

I think they were the main reason why I didn’t like the drama at first. When watching for the first time I thought they were annoying and toxic. I understood the character’s motivation of why they wanted to start dating but it still was shaky especially on Bohn’s part. I just never understood why Bohn acted like he was always mad at Duen. When he knew ‘being mad’
would hurt Duen. Was it just to get a reaction out of Duen? If so, why not just try a different way that wouldn’t hurt Duen. Still, I think they are toxic to this day and one of the main reasons this will never be a 10 star (and I don’t think it deserves that). The Tom and Jerry dynamic is something I can work past if the characters grow past that in their relationship.

Going off-topic for a bit as I feel like this is important to understand why I hate romantic comedies (all of this is my opinion and I know many people love this genre (which I respect but I just can’t find myself to love this genre as a whole)). In some cases, they overdo it with the comedy aspect of the drama. Which can lead to the serious moments of the series seeming like they are not serious. In these types, they take the relationship too lightly. In other cases, I’ve seen good balance but the characters lack motivation and growth. There are great ones but it’s just the majority I have watched are like this.

You may be asking are my thoughts are on the ending of these two. Did they show any growth and that’s why you were able to get immune to them? I think the reason why I was able to get by them is that I have watched the drama four times. They are not something that I think the majority can get past in their first or second watch. To answer the other half of the question, I would yes and no that they showed growth. The reason I said yes is that the characters show potential to grow and seemed like at the end they were going to start taking their relationship seriously in the next season (which at this rate I don’t think we will get). The reason I say no is kind of the same reason the growth potential was too late. It wasn’t worth it to go through 14 episodes for last-minute potential and with little to no hope of a season two. Honestly, my ideal season two would be to watch these two have personal and relationship growth. Maybe Bohn finally learns that he can be vulnerable and can get Duen’s attention through other ways. He also learns to give back to Duen in some type of way and being caring towards him. I think for Duen maybe he could become a more mature person through this relationship as now he has more responsibility besides school.

I’m very much in the middle about them as I like them but I wouldn’t go to say they are my favorite couple in this show. I don’t mind Mek’s character and I don’t mind Boss’ character. I think they set a decent example for if you want your relationship to have its deep moments but still want it to be funny at times. As you go through the story it gets deeper with Mek and Boss but then the series gets back to being funny. It has its highs and lows of being funny than being deep.

I think it maybe could’ve gone deeper with Boss trying to hide his feelings and dating other people. That would be my only complaint about their story and how its pacing went. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, the voice-over for Mek. I don’t personally mind it but if you are watching for the first time it may throw you off for a couple of episodes. For season two, I don’t want them to make Boss have a girlfriend as I feel like that would be too big of a turn unless they pace it correctly. I don’t know what I would want if they just recast Mek and continued the storyline. Maybe they could add a ‘Robbie’ archetype. (T//N: The Robbie character is an inside joke between me and someone. The Robbie character is the character that tries to win/steal one of the characters in the couple creating a love triangle but the Robbie never has a chance. Examples of Robbie characters are Mill from 2gether, Folk from My Gear and Your Gown, and Frog from My Engineer.) I was thinking the Robbie character could go for Mek and we mainly follow Boss’ perspective.

I honestly don’t have much to say as the story started to progress so late into the series. I think though that they would make interesting characters/relationships. I like the dynamic of the really sassy, fashionista, but secretly has a sweet inside/storyline falling for the sweet, caring, and eccentric character who has no clue. I liked they took this side relationship really slow because when you have a Robbie character they always end up with someone but that storyline happens at times very quickly. Also, Thara saying that they were brothers felt like when you get a sticky note slapped on your forehead so you don’t forget something.

In my ideal season two, I think it should start with Frong should try to get closer to Thara and start trying to drop hints to him. I think this should go on for a while but Frong’s hints get more extreme and obvious as time passes. I don’t why Frong getting in an accident and having to be in the hospital came to mind but it did. I think this could work for a breaking point like Thara realizes that he has started to develop feelings for Frong that are more than brothers. I think this could also work out for Frong giving up because he is now in the hospital plus he is getting no response from Thara. Now, Thara has to start chasing after Frong to kind of win him back.

Where do I even start with these two? If you take one look at my page you know I love these two. I do have my reasons but I will get into those later. Talking about the characters I love their slow burn of a storyline. It took them a while to get to know each other and they put in the effort. I will say that King put the most effort into getting Ram to talk to him but you could tell if you re-watch Ram liked (platonic or romantic) King from the start. They are quite opposites but I think that’s what made each of them curious about each other. After watching it four times I could tell that King liked Ram because of how much he treated him with care. He knew Ram had a vulnerable side and he accepted Ram’s vulnerable side. King gave that indirect advice without needing to know what happened. Which I think is why Ram knew that King was the one who understood him the most. I didn’t realize this until Perth pointed this out in a youtube video of him reacting to RamKing moments. King always compares Ram to a plant and King loves/adores plants, so he has so many. I heard that and paused the video and sobbed because I had watched the series three times at that point. I had never realized that before and when it was processed I wasn’t prepared, to say the least.

Just like the header said I didn’t believe in love until I watched these two. I won’t go into great depths into this because it can be a quite personal topic but I think this helps to add the context to why I love RamKing so much. In short terms, I kin (T//N: If you don’t know when you kin a character, you embody this person to the next level) Ram. I’m a quiet, reserved, intimidating, and parent type of friend. I also relate to him on a more personal level with having issues and feeling like you can’t tell your closest of friends at times. I’m so glad that Ram had someone that was there for him even when they didn’t know what was going on. With everything that had happened to me, I didn’t believe in romantic love anymore but after watching them something went off. It felt like when you are waiting for an embrace but then you finally get it and it’s so warm. Then everything comes down that you were holding up for so long. ( why am I cringing at my own words?) They became such a huge comfort couple of mines which has led this series to be a comfort to me also. This is why this series has risen so high in rating since I watched it a year ago.

Honestly, I haven’t thought of what I wanted of them in season two beside them getting together. Besides that though, the Dad topic is going to have to be addressed by Ram coming back home after the camping trip. This may lead to Ram reclosing back to King’s place which I think could create conflict because King may be slightly upset that Ram hasn’t addressed what happened that night. This could create mixed signals to King in some ways which could lead him to distance himself to Ram slightly. I think we should also learn something about King more or something that happened in the past as I think it’s quite interesting to learn more about King.

Other Details:
I remember watching the intro for the first time and having to pause cause I couldn’t handle the editing. The editing at times was interesting, to say the least, and the fact that this story takes place throughout a little bit over a month is questionable. Also announcing that a season two will come out and it’s been a year and it hasn’t even started production I think says a lot.

Do you want a season two at this rate?
Yes and no, I want to see what the official people are going to do with the story, and far off it is from who I imagined it. At the same time no because with all these issues that have happened I think we should just let it go and imagine how we wanted it.

Would you recommend this?
I have a hard time recommending this to people because I know this series is not for everyone and I think the majority of people don’t like it. If you reading this and thinking about watching it because you want something brainless then go right ahead.

Are you planning on watching it for the fifth time?
Not right now but with me never say never. I think this series as bad as it is it’s something that I will never forget and a huge comfort so I most likely will return to it.

I type my reviews on a google doc and then paste them into the review box. This is is four pages worth of me ranting about this series. If you read through this all then you deserve a cookie.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 21, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

A cute series but with a bad main couple

First of all I have to say that this was my first bl ever and that may be the reason why I like it so much.

In the series is not that much going on but it is chill to watch. The story is about Duen a medical student who is way to innocent and Bohn an engineer student with a big jealousy problem. I did not like them at all as a couple and they had really stupid reasons to fight.
But the side couples carried the show. My absolute favorite couple ever in the bls I have watched is definitely Ram and King. Their chemistry is incredible and I really like how Ram needed to learn how to talk to King. All their scenes are great and I can’t wait to see how their story continues in season 2.
Another great side couple was Mek and Boss. I personally love friends to lovers and they did a great job. We could see how much it hurts Mek to see Boss only as a friend and this couple was even the first one to kiss. I am also really happy that we got to see them together but I don’t know how the writers will continue their story because the actor of Mek got fired.
The last couple in this series is Frong and Thara. They are okay but not that special. They happened later than the rest of the couples and we didn’t get that much of them to see and we are now stuck at the brother zone.

What I really enjoyed about this series is that every couple got enough screen time. It is really cute and really innocent but I kinda like that.
I also really love the cast of this show. They seem like really good friends in real life and their visuals are great. But what I didn’t really like is that the actor of Mek is Chinese so they had to dub his voice which kinda ruined the quality of the series. In the front of my mind the should have from the beginning casted a different person therefore that the actor also got fired, but I don’t even know if that would have been possible.

After all I really enjoyed this series. It may not deserve a this high ranking but I really like it and it was a good bl to be my first bl.

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Lucky Point
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Such a handsome cast you will fall in love with the couples..that's why there's a season2!

I love how Ram is like a plant, quiet and self-sufficient but needs to be cared for in a special way that requires you to pay attention. While King is like a dog, high energy, loyal, smart, goes on a whim, and at times a little ruthless.
Ram and King: intensely looking at each other
Me: about to die
Thara; we're brothers, right?
Frong; I can't remember when my mother gave birth to you.
I just noticed that this show doesn't have those Awkward BL commercials, advertisements, or Products placement lol
BossMek: ✔
DuenBohn: ✔
KingRam: "... we're getting there.."

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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 16, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

If I hear that damn piano music again I'll... I don't know... flip a table or something.

After having to experience the mess TharnType was, this turned out to be a much needed refresher.

This series is a reminder that you don't need a lot of money or a big production team to make something good, because what matters the most is the writing and a good set of actors. That's how this series made me feel, and I must say that I'm pleasantly surprised. I mean, the thing was better than many of the BL dramas I've seen up to this point (not that I've seen many, but you get my point).

The pacing and writing of the story felt natural and cohesive. There aren't any huge time gaps that leave you confused or thinking that they cut story out for the sake of timing. Something that bothered me, though, was the soundtrack. These companies need to learn to spend some extra coins on some good musical pieces, but the constant repeating of the same damn piano melody got me f*cked up. It was cute at first, but around episode 3 it got REALLY ANNOYING. Let's play a game: drink a whole bottle of Vodka every time a drama makes a "let's go to the beach!" or a "let's plant trees!" episode.

I believe this is the first drama were I actually find all the characters likeable, even the ones I don't really care about... and even all the couples were interesting. You know, it isn't uncommon to have more than one couple in the story; however, most of the time a big majority of them turn out to be absolutely irrelevant and a waste of time. This one, however, forms part of the very few dramas were I was looking forward to ALL the couples, and we have to thank the writers for that. There were four couples in total and each one of them had enough screen time to get to know and connect with them. Can't say that from A LOT of dramas out there!

BohnDuen --> I find hilarious how the main couple was completely overshadowed by the support couples, for good reasons! But I have to admit that I liked them despite of what the popular opinions say about them. Not everything has to be rainbows and disney-style romance and what really shone here was the comedic side of their relationship. Please give a well-deserved round of applause to Poy because he totally carried this relationship with his fun and approachable personality. Cooper has a predator smirk, by the way... don't know why I'm mentioning this, but whatever.

RamKing --> Well, hello there. What turned out really cool about them is that they got a main couple writing for a support couple. I really liked how well written Ram's character development was; it was unexpected, but excellent. Not a big fan of his voice, though, I expected something that sounded a lot deeper than that LOL. King reminds me of me by being this icebreaker kind of human. I like how he doesn't give up even though he got the cold shoulder plenty of times.

BossMek --> Honestly, I am this close to grab my gay ass and take a trip to Tri Creation's HQ and riot for them to bring Ryan back. Despite of whatever the hell he did to get himself fired, I must say that he was undeniably my favorite actor in this drama. I adored seeing how Mek's feelings were written all over his face on screen. He didn't even need to speak for me to know EXACTLY how he was feeling and THAT MAKES HIM A GREAT ACTOR, SIS! Inntouch (this f*cking name, y'all, I can't) was trying a little too hard to the point that his acting came a little forced, but I feel like it progressively got better. It makes me really curious what's going to happen to Boss next season.

TharaFrong --> Am I the only who doesn't wanna see them together? Don't get me wrong, I liked both actors and both characters, but they just don't match, sis. Shane 's acting felt a little awkward, so maybe is the lack of confidence by portraying a gay character? I don't know, but I am definitely curious about them next season.

Now talking about confidence. Poy and his fake cheek kiss got me pissed off. I mean, it's just a kiss on the cheek, man, it isn't like you gon turn gay just by a miserable kiss on the cheek. These straight actors need to loosen up a little bit. Look at Perth, he went all out and it was one of the best kisses I have seen in a BL drama so far.

All in all, this was a very good drama. If you're looking for your first BL series and want something lighthearted and fun, please watch this one with no hesitation! I'm sure you're gonna like it.

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