236 people found this review helpful
Jul 18, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 13
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Let me say this right off the bat: If you’ve been watching K-dramas long enough- and by long enough, I really just mean like about ten dramas among of which atleast two were law/crime/investigation- there’s a high probability that you’ve already seen all there is to see in the genre. There are some tropes that will always and I really do mean “always” happen in these shows.

Let me count them down with you:
1)Corrupt people in power who have successfully fooled the public into believing that they are good.
2)Our underdog hero and heroine who have a tragic past caused by the above mentioned corrupt people in power.
3)Our hero and heroine having coincidentally linked childhood history of some sorts.
4)An abundance of convenient plot-devices and complications that happen just for the sake of happening.
5)Rushed endings.
6)Our hero having magical powers that makes him have an IQ of 269, ninja fighting skills and a slightly whacked emotional quotient.

Yeah in 9/10 K-crime/law dramas this will happen. I bet my left tit on it. So if you are going to wear your granny glasses and make these the basis of judging what is original and what is not- you might as well save yourself the hassle and stop watching these altogether because by these standards you’re never going to find a drama that is “original”. Even if you do find one that seems different on the surface, I assure you it too will have a lot of typicalities in its core. And I say this in the nicest way possible ‘cause been there and done that.

So you ask me, Jeana, if they all tell more or less the same story what’s the point in watching? So glad you asked. The thing is, while the story may not be entirely never-before seen; the characters that tell the story and the way they tell it, is. And that makes all the difference.

Lawless Lawyer, in its core is also a typical crime/law drama and it has all those tropes I just mentioned above. However, the reason why it’s a must-watch is because it fulfills the goal all dramas strive to achieve: entertainment. And ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you this: LL is entertaining as fucking hell. It has moments that will have you cracking up, moments that will have you hold your breath in suspense even when you can already predict what’s going to happen and moments where your heart will fill with pride because of the characters you will surely come to love.

I’ve been eyeing Lee Joon Gi ever since I saw him single handedly carry the clusterfuck that was Scarlet Heart Ryeo on his beautiful broad shoulders. His acting chops are no joke. You bring him on the screen for two minutes and he’ll show you he isn’t playing. You know how we say that “some actors just emote with their eyes”? Yeah well, LJG emotes with the very flex of his jaw, the flick of his eyebrow, the tilt of his head- you name the part and the man will show you how to act with it. Simply put, he is brilliant. Which is why it’s literally a surprise to nobody that Bong Sang Pil is an extremely enigmatic character with madness in his eyes and gold in his heart. It was a joy to watch him and by the end of 16 episodes I was mighty fond of him.

Holding her own alongside LJG was our beautiful and talented Seo Ye Ji who first impressed me in Save Me and now won me over in LL. Her character had a solid backbone and she wasn’t afraid to show it. I usually have a bone to pick with beautiful actors -both male and female- because they rely heavily on their looks and decide to model their way through the episodes. Even when they are talented, you can see them take it easy and just roll through. I hate that and even my superficial tendency to fawn at pretty faces, masculine abs and collar bones isn’t enough to stop me from giving the drama a big fat 4 if I felt like the actor relied more on looks than putting in work. Here however, both LJG and Seo Ji perfectly embodied their characters and did their job despite being two very gorgeous people and that just made watching them extra sweet.

Some people say that a show is only as good as its antagonists and worry not my folks because the villains here are also an absolute delight. I have loved Choi Min Soo since his supporting role in Warrior Baek Dong Soo where he stole all the spotlights from his younger and more popular co-stars. Some people think that he tries hard or exaggerates with his roles but I disagree. I feel like he always brings these unique characters to life whose actions you both love and hate. He was an excellent villain in Lawless Lawyer and his Ahn Oh Joo- a greedy, ruthless and power hungry goon made me enjoy every second he was on-screen.

Next up on the antagonist list is Nam Soon Jo who with her over-the-top screaming and deliberately evil expressions never failed to amuse me and then finally, last but definitely not the least- we’ve got Cha Moon Sook played by Lee Hye Young. The evil mastermind and the woman on top of the food chain. She was as cold as they come. As sophisticated as she was cruel and I loved every scene she was in.

Lawless Lawyer was a very enjoyable ride from start to finish. There were many endearing supporting characters and some side roles and cameos by older actors who I adore. The music wasn’t too extraordinary but it was well-placed throughout the episodes. There wasn’t too much of a love story either; as a lot of potentially good chemistry between our leads was left unexplored but I’m not complaining because there were some good kisses and cute moments and I don’t ask for much in a drama which has romance as a sub-plot only. Other than that, I’d say LL had basically a bit of everything- love, laughter, kickass action scenes, suspense and emotion and so baby, I was a happy camper.

Yes, there were things that could be better. Some scenes could have developed more properly, some events more fleshed out. The ending more nicely executed but you know what? This show got me out of a three month slump. Before this I kept dropping shows half-way through or near the end ‘cause I just lost interest but with Lawless Lawyer I was compelled to watch episode after episode and I just didn’t want it to end.

So be brave, give it a shot and delve a little in the land of the lawless. ;)

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63 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 10
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This will probably be an unpopular opinion so brace yourself.

I can probably guess that most of the viewers of this drama will be major fans of Lee Joon Gi since his popularity seemed to skyrocket after Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo. However for me, I was still trying to find a drama I liked that had Lee Joon Gi as a lead. Don't get me wrong, Lee Joon Gi is a talented actor, but I dropped Scarlet Heart half way through as it just wasn't entertaining enough for me and other dramas such as Arang and the Magistrate were lackluster at best.

Lawless Lawyer was alright. That's the only word I can think of that sums up the drama for me.
The acting was obviously the strongest aspect of the drama. Lee Joon Gi (Bong Sang Pil) had some very intense scenes which is the character arc that suites him best in my opinion, going off the rails and being full to the brim with the need for revenge seems to suite him. Although, I found that the cute, cool dude act that he put on for some of the scenes just didn't sit right with me, to be honest, they made me cringe.
Seo Ye Ji (Ha Jae Yi) is one of the strongest female leads I have ever seen in a drama. I loved her character. She was not afraid to stand up and speak up for what she believed to be right and she batted away all those sexist remarks like a pro baseball player. Unfortunately, I found that her fighting spirit died down a little towards the end, she did still make decisions for herself, but they weren't as well thought out as they had been previously, leading to irritating plot lines.
Lee Hye Young (Cha Moon Sook) played a fantastic villain. She always had the upper hand, unbeknownst to the characters and sometime even the audience. Strong female characters are what I live for and she was the cherry on the cake for me. My only complaint with her was the ending she received but I'll talk about that once I get to the plot.
Choi Min Soo (Ahn Oh Joo). I'm sorry but I hated every second he was on screen. I am aware that if an actor playing a villain makes you hate them, then that probably means they are a good actor. In this drama, I really do not believe that was the case. The way he portrayed his character, with the exaggerated voice and the forced mannerism where he licks the inside of his cheek just distracted me. His acting did not feel natural for me and if it doesn't feel natural, you are reminded that you are watching a drama and that's not what I want.
The other side characters were decent. The one that stood out to me the most was Baek Joo Hee (Noh Hyun Joo). The desperation and fear that she portrayed was outstanding, very well acted.

Now the plot was interesting in the beginning because in the first half of the drama all the information is given to us so we know all the details of the case and who is more likely to win. After the audience knows everything, the drama goes downhill. The second half of the drama is just picking one detail of the case and manipulating it, forging evidence or making up a witness.
The ending felt very rushed as everything was tied together in a pretty messy bow in just one episode. The writers had built up the villain to be extremely powerful but the bullets that shot them down felt like they were made of rubber. I felt the evidence was given in a very vague way that wasn't satisfying enough for the audience who were, by now, seething with rage at the immense influence that the villain held.
To be honest I almost forgot about the romance. It wasn't really necessary. Any "cute" moments they had were set up in a way to promote any of the sponsors that the drama had. Most important of all, I didn't feel the chemistry. I think it would have been better if Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi were brother and sister that were separated at the origin of revenge. The drama would have benefited from completely replacing the romance arc with a sibling one, that way they wouldn't have to dedicate time, that they don't have, to building chemistry between the leads.

None of the music stood out to me at all.

No, I wouldn't watch it again. It was an alright drama, that's pretty much it. After 16 episodes I'm unfortunately still waiting for a Lee Joon Gi drama that I am wholeheartedly obsessed with. I'm so excited for that drama to come, whenever that may be.

Well done if you've read all of this, I just finished it so I needed to get all of it off my chest.

Thanks for reading!

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12 people found this review helpful
Jul 12, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
PLOT: Action-driven & engaging
For a revenge story involving political corruption, Lawless Lawyer is surprisingly optimistic. Although perhaps calling it revenge is misleading. After all, Bong Sang Pil --our charismatic main lead-- makes clear from the start that he's not seeking revenge, but justice. This point is emphasized throughout the series, separating an instinctive reaction (revenge and anger) from an emotional action (ensuring the end of corruption for the greater good).

In that respect, the story is quite simple. The main protagonists are aware of who the antagonists are from the get-go. Therefore, they have a clear goal and the only thing left to discover is how to solve the problem at hand. Fortunately, the plot wasn't drawn out unnecessarily or bogged down with an overload of melodrama. There was just the right amount of action, comedy, intrigue, drama, and romance to keep the series pretty light. This means that this is a series you can easily binge-watch.

Bong Sang Pil (male lead): his character was one of the biggest surprises, refreshingly so. He proved to be a well rounded and balanced character. On the one hand, he can take care of himself in a fight without breaking a sweat, he's confident and charming. On the other, he's straightforward, honest, emotional and fearful of risking people to achieve his goal. Bong Sang Pil is not perfect. He makes plenty of mistakes and, most importantly, he is held accountable for all of them.

Ha Jae Yi (female lead): her character was also refreshingly consistent. She was introduced with a bang, which set the foundation of her character. But unlike the fates of the female leads in other dramas, she never loses that badass quality. Like Bong Sang Pil, she's a balanced character. Equal amounts capable and emotional; Ha Jae was not only very mature and rational throughout most of the series, but she was also very gentle and nurturing towards Bong Sang Pil (who loved every second of it!). She's also someone who's confident in her knowledge and ability, but who's also humble enough to accept she doesn't have all the answers. When Bong Sang Pil puts her knowledge to the test, she's open-minded enough to tackle every uncomfortable issue head-on, unwilling to compromise the truth for the sake of convenience.

Antagonists and enemies were very fleshed out. I don't want to go into detail so you can meet and discover them yourself (else I end up spoiling something). I'll just add that they were all shades of grey (to a different degree), corrupted by a system that allowed it so. I know some people found some of the acting awkward, but I didn't mind it at all. Sure, some characters were a bit cartoony in their portrayal but that just made it fun! There were also quite a number of support characters, but their involvement didn't detract or took away the focus from the main characters.

PORTRAYAL OF ROMANCE: Healthy, nurturing and balanced
This is an important point for me when watching dramas with romance in them. In this case, the relationship progressed fast but naturally. The chemistry between the leads was off the chart, which helped weave their romance into the story without it feeling forced or disruptive. Here are some of the highlights:

1) Bong Sang Pil was very sweet towards Ha Jae from the start and there's a good reason for it.
2) The chemistry between the leads was depicted through subtle, yet natural gestures. You could tell how much he valued her with every look and smile he gave her. You could tell how much she valued him whenever she caressed his arm and squeezed his shoulder.
3) The relationship between the leads was nurturing. They were partners in an equal give and take relationship. When Bong Sang Pil was vulnerable, Ha Jae supported him, when she was weak, he was there to keep her whole. It was incredibly balanced and satisfying because they both had something to gain from being together.

OVERALL: Solid 10
The art direction was great: from the framing to the colors to the music... everything worked. The action scenes were also very good, coordinated and well choreographed. All the characters brought something to the table and I found myself unable to hate anyone. Even the antagonists were interesting to watch because they each followed a clear set of morals and rules. Though the ending was a bit anticlimactic, it still provided all that it set out to accomplish. Though there were some loose ends, I suspect it was done intentionally in the hopes of getting a second season (which I personally wouldn't mind).

Overall I still give it a solid 10 and would definitely watch it again.

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Liz Smith
7 people found this review helpful
Jul 7, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This drama is fantastic. Loving the non-stop action, fact-paced storyline, comedy and chemistry. Lee Joon Gi is brilliant in this role , so perfect and Seo Ye-Ji keeps up with him flawlessly, they make a great duo. The fight sequences are superb . It even has comedy inserted into this suspense action drama . I am so happy after lots of dingy dramas this year I found this gem. Do not miss must watch . Suspense and twists are endless. The story moves fast like a bullet train no dragging whatsoever .
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12 people found this review helpful
Jul 10, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
There's nothing really special about this drama. Everything you've seen from any other legal drama is also here. I think the pacing of this drama was just too fast, everything got revealed before the tenth episode that the rest of the remaining episodes fell flat (although there are tons of plotholes from the pilot EP already).
The saving grace for this drama is the excellent acting. Lee Joon gi and Seo ye ji are both great actors and what great chemistry they have but TBH Lee hye young was the star in this for me, she carried out the villainess character all throughout very well.
I would recommend it to any newbies who wants to take a break from rom-coms

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6 people found this review helpful
Jul 8, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
Good action, law and investigation based dramas are possible my top favorite to watch and this definitely is one of my favorites after a 16-hour journey in almost one sitting.

An interesting take on the age-old fight between corruption and people who are suffering from it, this time has taken on a more personal level as it seems at first, but getting deeper and deeper with each passing episode. The plot has the main storyline it follows all-through the show, more and more additions make the story to grow and develop to several climax moments throughout it.
Well placed action scenes, the lawlessness factor that is exactly as prominent as needed, but not overwhelming, and a sprinkle of romance that is not forced and seems rather natural all created a great environment for the watcher to live along this journey of revenge and justice.
Admittedly, some cliches or obvious outcomes for situations are present, but not in overwhelming amounts. For those who are watching K-dramas for a while, it is well known that is not a true K-drama if it doesn't have some sort of cliche in it. As said before it did not affect the story much, however, I had to deduct some points here.

One word - brilliant. A team of talented actors of different ages that perfectly merged together with their characters, making us believe all of their decisions and emotions. Two stand-outs for me were Lee HyeYoung (judge Cha MoonSook) and Lee JoonGi (lawyer Bong SangPil). Both actors portrayed each emotion to tiniest nuance and made their characters believable from the second they appeared on the screen. Extra cookie points to Lee JoonGi for all the hard work with action scenes. Hats off!

I am more interested in the instrumental soundtrack rather than the vocal one, so I will focus on that. As expected it has both pieces meant to create suspense and to relax, to create a romantic scene and to show the intensity of the moment. I, personally, find that crime/action/investigation dramas are the most diverse when it comes exactly to instrumental OST and this is not an exception. A great list to listen when making mundane everyday tasks a bit more bad-ass.

Even though I had to deduct some points for the story, the actor work and the overall, complete feeling the drama gave can be rated a solid 10. It most definitely would not be everyone's cup of tea and some "true drama snobs" might not rate it high, but I would suggest giving it a go! You won't regret it, if falling fro Bong SangPil is not considerate a regret!

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6 people found this review helpful
Nov 16, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 6.5

A Must for Lee Joon Gi Fans

I recently discovered actor Lee Joon Gi in the drama series Flower of Evil and I was so impressed with his performance that I set out to find other of his titles available on Viki. Lawless Lawyer is not nearly as well written as FOE, and not a genre (crime/detective drama) that I usually watch. I don't tend to enjoy gritty crime dramas, but both LJG and Seo Je Yi are two actors whom I have seen in other dramas and enjoyed their work. Both MLs are gorgeous and engaging to watch.

Both actors delivered fine performances as the tough gangster-turned-lawyer out for revenge and the young starry-eyed attorney who discovers realty is a bitter pill to swallow when the people she trusts are not who they seem. The past brings these two together and both become involved in a dangerous game to bring bad characters to justice. There are many comedic elements that serve to lighten the mood when the plot gets too heavy. Our MLs seem to enjoy each other and they have good chemistry.

There are some strong performances from our MLs as well as the supporting cast, yet the writing is not so tight. Many implausibilities, plot holes and underused characters weakened its impact. It's still very entertaining, but when I question some of the characters' choices, I know the plot just isn't as good as it could have been. The end seems to get a little sloppy and loses its heart. As much as I love Lee Joon Gi's wide set eyes and intense gaze that reminds me of a cobra about to strike, I would much rather see him in better written dramas that showcase his immense talent.

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11 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This drama is your typical "law" drama. sprinkled with some action and some awesome looking fights. The drama was never too boring. It had just the right pacing as well.

Story: [8/10] I mean it when I say that this is your typical law drama. The story really did not stand out from any other law dramas that I've watch. The drama is basically about an attorney defending people in cases and essentially convicting the bad guy. There are some small twists in the story that made it hard for me to guess what was going to happen next though. This was probably why I did not find the drama boring even though I've seen other law dramas like this one before.

Acting/Cast: [9/10] I believe that the acting/cast was probably the best part about this drama. Obviously Lee Joon Gi is great (like always) as the main character. His fighting scenes were nothing to scoff at. I was also a big fan Ahn Oh Joo and his henchman. The guy who played the main gangster did his job well (and has the legit gangster look too). I was also a big fan of his main henchman guy but I felt bad for him a little bit. You'll have to watch the drama to see why. I'm also a fan of Lee Hye Young from her role in the "Call Me Mother" drama.

Music: [8/10] As always, this is often my default score for the music in dramas. I usually give a 8.5 or higher if it had a great OST or was a music type drama. A 7.5 or lower if the music was terrible or did not fit. An 8 is about average to me.

Rewatch Value: [7.5/10] I'd probably rewatch again in the future but it would probably be near the bottom of my rewatch list.

Overall the acting/cast was the best part about the drama. The story really isn't anything new. I would just put it at average.

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7 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Unpopular opinion: Mediocre

The only reason I started watching this title was because I’m interested to see Seo Yea Ji in another drama after watching IOTNBO. I don’t think I’ve seen Lee Joon Gi’s drama except for Moon Lovers. I think his acting in Moon Lovers was great, but unfortunately his acting here on Lawless Lawyer disappoint me a little.

Lawless Lawyer appreciates unpopular actors and actresses, making them as an important support role. The “gang” in this drama made the drama more interesting and more bearable. But sadly, it didn’t made me laugh. Lee Joon Gi’s acting here seems a little too arrogant. He dives deep into his role, and his acting’s a little overboard. After watching Seo Yea Ji here, I can now say that her acting improved A LOT. Her acting in IOTNBO is far more natural, and it looked effortlessly beautiful there. Her acting here seems a little forced in my opinion. On the other hand, the antagonists, Choi Min Soo and Lee Hye Young did a great job portraying their characters. Their accent was something that’s truly memorable to me as a viewer.

The story. It’s a little too perfect for me. The protagonists are portrayed too excellently. Every decision made by the protagonists is always right, and almost every of the assistants betray their boss. That storyline gets replayed and replayed all the time along this drama. As a result, it gets a little cringy. It gets a little boring near the end since the “main conflict” is revealed right from the very beginning. The problem is that the story moves too fast, the second half didn’t get their portion of conflict: more unnecessary fight scenes, and the couple’s relationship conflict. But I’m truly glad they wrapped it off nicely at the end (Ep. 16).

What I like about Lawless Lawyer is that it leaves you wondering of what will happen next at the end of every episode. They succeeded in doing that, eventhough the beginning-near ending may be a little boring. I think it would be so much better if this drama had no romance, or maybe if this drama had plenty conflicts to be solved each episodes, not just one big conflict for the whole 16 episodes.

Overall, a 6.5/10! ⭐️

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16 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
I love Lee Joon Gi but Lawless Lawyer was disappointing. The things that Cha Moon Sook did to try and save her butt, she could have done at the very beginning and this show would have been finished by episode 2. So many moves were just pointless and not even smart, considering how cunning she was supposed to be. It's just poor writing. The actors tried their best with the script they were given however there was no realistic chemistry between Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae I. I also hated the way Bong Sang Pil walked in this show, because Lee Joon Gi was trying so hard to look cool, that I always saw Lee Joon Gi as Lee Joon Gi, not Bong Sang Pil, like he was not one with his character. The fight scenes were cool though.

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16 people found this review helpful
May 29, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 7
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
Review WITHOUT SPOILERS (it was difficult). Detailed, so it will take time to read ;)
I already realized from the first few episodes (i watched all) that this is an IDEAL balanced show - here and comedy, and drama, and, mega cool and unpredictable action-story. Details are given below.

Okay. I'll start the review.
1) The plot: someone will say that this is a typical story and nothing new and interesting, and I'll say this - maybe the whole story is not new, but this is absolutely not important. As in any Korean drama, it is much more important not as a whole STORY, but EVENTS that are happening.

From the very beginning events happen unpredictably and it will keep you in the seat (or where you watch the show? =)) To the end of the episode, immediately begin, if briefly - chase and "fights". And if in more detail - it's better not to spoil some details :). All this is accompanied by an intense thriller that will keep you in suspense until the battery on the laptop discharged ... :) Besides this there is not just romance but RELATIONSHIPS between two characters, which gradually develop and move into a more serious direction ...

Comedy ... there are many so funny moments (even in the first episode) that I laughed even after rewatching this.
The same goes for all following episodes. All the events connected with each other, but you do not know what exactly will happen next. And exactly what events are happening, is also not unimportant - and here the script writer did a great job! The paths of the characters intersect and who knows how else they can be connected ... (I try not to spoil ... aaaa :) ).

And now a little about the plot itself - the main character is driven not only by revenge. Using the law, as well as his fists, he is trying to reach justice (to imprison violators of the law) (for example, bribe takers). Despite the fact that at first it seems that he sometimes violates the law himself, he does it for a reason, and for the purpose and I hope you will understand this.

Some moments (events) can make you cry, and some laugh, and some even laugh and cry at the same time. Like how they made me…

In sum, the plot and events uniquely impressed me and is very very well done, so not even 10, but 11 out of 10!

2) Acting (characters): (there were many moments where FEELINGS is most important (don’t miss it) and all the actors showed that stunningly good and ASLO who playing side-characters too)

1. Bong Sang Pil (Lee Joon Gi) - an event that occurred in his childhood, leaves him alone with his gang boss uncle. Driven by the desire to avenge his loss, he decides to become a lawyer, and along the way studying martial arts to reach justice, not only with the help of law, but also with the help of fists. Because he believes that justice cant be reached by just a law, sometimes it is required to use the power of body.

It seems that he is just a lawyer for the rich people who have troubles, but behind the expensive suit and sport cars there is something more. This type of "bad guy" (as it may seem, although personally I realized right away that he is not a simple guy and not “bad guy” for me), but at the same time who not going against serious law, and you will know his other sides (again I will not spoil, it's really hard not to spoil , while detailing everything).

The way the actor Lee Joon Gi played his character is unique - at first we see a cool and cheerful lawyer who knows how to joke and play around with his gang some time, and some time he using fists but also knows a law ... at the same time, you will see (I hope SEE) other sides of how he portrayed him that will say more about his character.

An interesting fact - Lee Joon Gi performed all the tricks himself (without actor for tricks), I think therefore the scenes of fights with him look incredibly realistic.

From the first minutes you will like him, I assure you :)

2. Ha Jae Yi (Seo Ye Ji) - a strong girl who tries to take care of others (and It is obvious from the beginning), but at the same time does not allow herself to be offended. She can punch someone who trying to avoid law, and probably not because she is angry, but simply, to do at least some punishment for those who go against the law, because she is sure that she is doing everything right. By the way, it is somewhat similar to the Bong Sang Pil.

An event that happened in childhood, radically changes her (do not spoil, do not spoil, do not spoil…), and these changes, are reflected in her. You will see other sides of her ...

Surprisingly, Seo Ye Ji showed the personality of her character very well - just like Lee Joon Gi you can see their feelings on their faces, different emotions, and sadness, and laughter, and disappointment, and joy. But especially they will be revealed in following episodes (after the first).

I think she will attract you like a magnet (a fairly powerful magnet, just like Lee Joon Gi)

3. I can not help mentioning minor roles, every actor here, again (like in most Korean dramas by the way) tried to better show his character, even if he\she appears only once or twice (in fact, I started watching this show because of Choi Min-Soo - of course, I did not expect such amazing impressions in everything else):

3.1. Ahn Oh Joo (Choi Min-Soo) - this actor can play ambiguous characters, that is, like a high position and behavior as a decent citizen of his country, but at the same time, you do not know what this citizen can hide and do not expect what exactly - he can play such characters. However, I did not say that this character is hiding something, you will find out for yourself.

3.2. Cha Moon Sook (Lee Hye Young) - a judge who thinks about the law and tries her hard and does not miss the details.

I cant not to write about the gang of Geum Gang (Im Ki Hong) - how these people, besides their leader Im Ki Hong, play "bandits" - I liked them from the beginning, they are quite funny, with them you will see very funny moments ;)

Also I will not forget about the mother of the main character - Choi Jin Ae (Shin Eun Jung) - I can see how naturally she showed both joy and sadness ... despite the fact that she had very few scenes with her character, she is definitely very good actress (like all the actors \ actresses here).

In sum, for me, such an actor's play was (and is) the very realistic, plausible and completely natural, all this can be seen by their faces, gestures and voices (as in general and in most Korean dramas by the way, which can not be said about American dramas, which is sad).

Definitely 10 out of 10. (do not forget which characters the actors play).

3) Directing (directed by Kim Jin Min with Yoon Hyun-Ho script):

I must say that the director has done a VERY great job. The way all events are shown, or more precisely every moment - in detail, from different angles, but he does not forget about the characters themselves. In addition, all this is done also with impressive special effects. Action scenes – both director and actor tried to show it more realistically. And, obviously, they succeeded, as it can be seen on the screen.

He managed to magnificently present the ATMOSPHERE of every event and every moment. Even looking without sound, I already feel whats happening at picture, especially in first episode - I have not seen such atmospherically directed show since While you were sleeping and Tunnel (this is very underrated shows by the way).

I guess you didnt notice this. Something I will say about the background - when something happens on the FIRST main image (for example, the conversation between characters), at the same time, there are actions on the BACKGROUND image (for example, in the distance or next to the main characters). And the director (and the actors) are just masterfully done all these scenes in the background - you can see what they do SIMULTANEOUSLY with the main action, how they say something, and all this can be recognized. You will see a lot of these moments.

You can write a lot about it, but to better understand, it is necessary to see for yourself – start :)

In one word it is just brilliantly done.

Of course, 11 out of 10.

And the last (are not you tired of reading? :) )

4) Music - I did not find the name of the composer, as in many other dramas this name is not known, unfortunately.

Anyway, he managed to magnificently present EVERY moment in the every episode with the MUSIC (just like director did with the image, but this time is music)
- touching and beautiful music, in sad and simply good moments (between main leads especially). (especially impressed by the main sad melody in serious moments)
- intense and thrilling music, in action scenes, as well as in various unpredictable moments.
- funny moments – there is somekind of funny music too (I especially liked "OH MYY GOOOOD!" - you'll understand what I mean (it's not a spoiler by the way).

At any moment, music is fitting the action on screen VERY well, including the songs of individual performers too.

Therefore, 10 out of 10.

In the end, you can talk a lot, but I'll say something for sure - for me (and I think for most) this is almost an ideal drama - there is an unpredictable and intense plot, a powerful emotional drama, a very funny comedy to the point that you can laugh and laugh, and also, perfectly selected (made) music for each moment (and that's not all!). And with all that - it's amazingly and impressively directed (fights, dialogues, other actions).
In general, HUGE thanks to the screenwriter, director, composer and every actor\actress for making such a masterpiece and showing it to our world (I hope they will read it somehow).

Simply and briefly - a MASTERPIECE that is beautifully and stunningly balanced! 11 out of 10 ! (I can tell the same thing about two other dramas by the way, of course its Korean).

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Jul 2, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I'll make this review as quick as possible without giving away any plot at all.

Honestly when I was starting the drama, I had high expectations. The plot seemed like a unique take on law-crime based based drama (which is exactly my genre) but as I finished this drama now, nothing stood out. The concept of the story was good; it was something fresh and I personally had loads of ideas how it would've gone on. I didn't notice it while watching and I only noticed after the drama has ended that the execution wasn't really good. Nothing really stood out from the drama, story-wise. It was just like watching another legal drama to me (A decent legal drama like Suits, not a bad one like whisper). Legal dramas are my cup of tea, and while I've had my fair share of watching solid legal dramas, I'd like it more if people would start incorporating other themes (especially fantasy) to them. Just see two LJS masterpieces: While You Were Sleeping and I can hear your voice.

The cast was solid for most part. Everyone had good chemistry with one another. The music however is a downfall. I don't know, the music just didn't seem..... fitting, especially when he's out there throwing shots at the bad guy.

To sum up, The show had its good moments sure, but with a really intriguing plot and a solid cast, I expected to have a better, stronger lasting hangover upon finishing. I felt the same way about Pinocchio; a drama that started with a bang and really had loads of but just fizzled out towards the end. Give this drama a go, especially if you're a legal-drama lover like me since it's a solid drama overall. If you're expecting something innovating though, this drama is not it. This is just another series that will placed under my "definitely not bad, but also not great dramas"

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