Good for adults
The show is rated NC 17 for good reason.The theme is "One is made, not born, a woman" A line taken from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir.
She has needs and appetites including sex, that she no longer wants to suppress in order to be a "proper woman."
Everyone keeps telling her "You've changed."
In the end, she gets a divorce and walks away from all her lovers, except the one who leaves her.
But she's okay with it. as she says "Eternal freedom is lonely. But I'm not going back."
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Trying to be Buñuel (and failing)
The pros: some very attractive people to look at.The cons:
What was the film trying to say? It was mostly people mooning around, unconvincingly, interspersed with some mild sex scenes.
Also, tropes: unappetizing old 'genius' providing our heroine's sexual awakening, love (or is it sex) triangle, violent, screechy mother.
It tried hard - too hard - to be profound but much of the dialogue was just nonsensical. It was clearly also going for an art-house vibe, but the lack of emotional engagement made that a slog. Watch if you're bored and have no other way of accessing very soft porn.
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wasted potential
It could have been a great drama, with a challenging topic - sex as a form of liberation for women trapped in an unhappy marriage - and a bunch of handsome & talented actors/actresses , but it ended up a total mess. First, the FL seems void of emotions, she just changes partners but doesnt feel love... Second, characters indulge in extramarital affairs like it's something normal. People of different age and condition act shallow, despite posing as artists.A gloom vibe is what this drama gives off. Characters are not free, they are adrift and not knowing it.
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A woman more lustful than a man
Very poised show, the pace , the topic , destined to a mature audience i d say. As you watch , you might feel frustrated by the FL decisions that could seem weak and chaotic but around the end there s a line said by Shizawa " did those men embrace her or did she embrace them" and i think that explains everything that s been going on.Ps:my rewatch value rating is only low because i dont really rewatch stuff
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Meh. Mixed Feelings.
DOUBLE FANTASY. So, I have really REALLY mixed feelings with this one. Double Fantasy is a really difficult series to rate and review. At only 5 episodes long, this Japanese drama is really more of a mini series. It's quite short and deals with some pretty heavy / difficult subject matter in such a short time span. Not sure if it was enough time. I'm still not sure if it accomplished what it seemed to set out to do or even how I feel about it...The direction of the drama feels unsure whether the creators wanted the audience to empathize/identify or dislike/disapprove of the main lead Natsu Takato (Asami Mizukawa) a reserved and well-esteemed screenwriter, who struggles with secret lusts and desires outside of her seemingly perfect marriage. After living in fantasy simply isn't enough, Natsu suddenly pursues multiple experimental extra-marital relationships and the plot gradually grows weaker as the series progresses. It really seemed as if the writers lost not only interest but a clear sense of direction as well, at many points in this show.
Natsu, while a well acted character, is portrayed as bored, unhappy, indecisive, ungrateful and pretty much selfish in most of her life choices. If the series was meant to be a feministic anthem, surely she'd evolve into greater independence and a stronger sense of identity rather than slip into gradually more toxic and unhealthy situations. Rather this series felt more of a critique of feminism, or drawing parallels between mental illness and the feminine search for identity. Notably, Natsu spirals downwards rather than upwards...
The main subject matter is really about sex, identity, pleasure, morality, fidelity, marriage, affairs, freedom, convention, society, mental illness, feminism, etc. It has a Mature, NC-17 rating, and has quite a few unnecessary sexual scenes throughout and can be somewhat explicit at times. To me though it wasn't intended for the purposes of being arousing or pornographic but to show a realistic story of a woman going through a potentially serious life crisis, dangerous obsessive behavior and mental health issues. Honestly, at times the sex scenes felt mostly unnecessary and a bit jarring from the melancholy, introspective atmosphere of the series, and there were quite a few scenes that were just downright uncomfortable and cringe to watch, detracting from the overall mood. Had to skip through some of those.
Personally, I'm not one for watching shows centered around extra-marital affairs. Frankly, it's just not part of my honor code nor my cuppa tea. To each his own, I guess. That being said, I do appreciate honest portrayals of damaging lifestyles, that offer realistic glimpses into consequences of such behaviors as well as the inner psychological mindset driving such behaviors. So, while I never related to and rarely sympathized with the character of Natsu, I did really enjoy Asami Mizukawa's portrayal of such a deeply flawed and confused character. Sadly, there weren't many other memorable characters for me.
But, where the story suffered and failed to reward the viewer, in terms of relatable characters and meaningful storytelling, the cinematography at times was really well done and there was a deep tone throughout. I do feel that if the director had focused more on the psychological, introspective aspect of Natsu and her struggles and less on pointless somewhat pretentious scenes of eroticism it would have been more compelling, at least for me. The ending was much too abrupt and open-ended for my liking also. Overall, this was mostly a miss, besides a few memorable scenes here and there. Hardly can recommend.
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ciekawa i intrygująca
hmmm…. sama nie wiem co sądzić o tej mini dramie. podchodziłam do niej kilka razy, najpierw ogl 1 odcinek i dość dług nie mogłam się zmusić do kolejnego hahhahUWAGA MOGĄ BYĆ SPOJLERY
chcieli chyba przedstawić w tej produkcji, że kobieta też może być prowadzona przez pożądanie, ale się zastanawiam czy nie przesadzili… jak 1 i 2 romans dla mnie miał sens, to kolejne jakoś nie bardzo… szczególnie te 2 przygody. Aż mi się śmiać chciało jak Iwai (chyba dobrze zapamiętałam jego imie) robił jej wyrzuty, że spotyka się z innym, rozumiem to zazdrość itd, ale sorry on miał żonę i syna 😛 więc jak dla mnie jego zachowanie słabe było, ale mogę zrozumieć dlaczego taki był 😉 Zakończenie to dopiero jest bez sensu hahaha jak się rozdzieliła z gościem a on jej wg nie szukał tylko nagle zniknął, no miałam takie wtf… może to służyło czemuś więcej, żeby coś przekazać, a ja nie zrozumiałam no ale juz trudno 🙂
podsumowując, drama mi się nawet podobała, no była całkiem inna od tego co zazwyczaj jest przedstawiane w k i c produkcjach, bo takie głównie oglądam, Japońskie zawsze był dziwaczne dla mnie, więc często ich nie oglądam 😛 ogólnie fajnie, że przedstawili można powiedzieć takie prawdziwe życie (bez zbędnej przesady) i drogę głównej bohaterki do uwolnienia się spod szponów matki i męża. Najlepsze, że wcale jej nie oceniam przez to iż miała tylu kochanków, po prostu poczuła tą “wolność” ale jak wyżej pisałam te przygody na jedną noc nie miały dla mnie sensu, skoro miała już kochanka.
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