A coming-of-age story that follows a group of young trainees in an entertainment company. Aspiring ballerina Ha Lei starts a hilarious and touching journey when she meets the members of a boyband. Ha Lei was born into a traditional family known for their skills in embroidery. She has always dreamed of becoming a ballerina but lacked the talent to succeed which often relegated her to the sidelines as the ugly duckling that can never take flight. Through a stroke of luck, she earns the chance to join an entertainment company as a backup for a girl group where she meets the members of MY, a boyband that is soon to debut. Helian Rongguang is an outstanding street dancer and the flashy leader of the group. Mao You is a social magnet who are friends with everybody. Du Wang is a gentle person who is gifted with a talent for variety and Han Che is the mysterious member of the group. Helian Rongguang begins to notice Ha Lei as she devotes her heart and soul to the sake of her dreams and decides to lend her a helping hand in achieving her goals. (Source: ChineseDrama.info) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 恋与偶像
- Also Known As: love and idol
- Genres: Music, Romance, Youth
Cast & Credits
- Liu Dong Qin Main Role
- Wang Man YuHan CheMain Role
- Zhou Yan Chen Main Role
- Li Yun Rui Main Role
- Wang Zi WeiXu Zi QianSupport Role
Incomplete Disappointment
The only acting I liked was by the main leads and the girl pretending to be a boy in the group. The ML having a chip in his brain which has to be changed every ten years and when that happens his memories will be wiped. There wasn’t much backstory to his past except for very few flashbacks and a brief couple minutes explaining him and his father got in an accident and if the child version of ML didn’t have surgery he won’t have much mobility but with surgery would require a chip for him to function but will wipe his memories. We see tech beyond our times so there’s not much sense for it in story. Then you got an unfinished story since this premiered in 2018. No updates about finishing or scraping the drama. Being left on a 3 year cliffhanger is very irritating. Music is very mediocre in the drama and the story is disorganized. The only thing that would keep me going is to find out the managers involvement with the boy member who was hit by the car in the first episode, see the revenge and see what happens when the FL’s friend who is pretending to be the one the ML likes since his memory is wiped. We’re left with he made a tape attempting explain things. Will this drama ever be completed? I would recommend NOT to watch this until there is a confirmed part 3.