The story revolves around a 16-year-old girl named Sari who picked up a love letter written by a certain man named Elias, dedicated to a woman named Salome. Sari wanted to meet the two under the blue moon in a beach in Leyte. She dragged Josh, a non-believer in love, in her journey, and also her best friend Kiko, who is secretly in love with Sari. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Relaks, It's Just Pag-ibig
- Also Known As:
- Screenwriter: Antoinette Jadaone
- Screenwriter & Director: Irene Villamor
- Genres: Comedy, Romance
Where to Watch Relax, It's Just Love
Cast & Credits
- Sofia Andres Main Role
- Iñigo PascualJoshMain Role
- Alessandra de RossiMaceGuest Role
- Piolo PascualEliasGuest Role
- James Reid[Josh's classmate]Guest Role
- Earl Ignacio Unknown
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