The story revolves around Shang Jie, the overly critical head of a crime investigation team; Xia Ying, a forensic examiner who is completely engrossed with her profession; Li Xue Kai, a detective and a good tracker; Song Mi, an innocent and ditsy analyst and Ying Ming, a second-generation rich who works as a criminal psychologist. The five form an unlikely team as they are the rejects of the department, yet through teamwork and dedication, they succeed in solving the most unusual murder cases. ~~ This drama was adapted from the real case of Wang Xue Mei, the Chinese chief female forensic doctor. Based on thirty years of real-life experiences accumulated by Wang Xue Mei, who is the first female forensic expert in China. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 骨语
- Also Known As: Talking Bones Season 1 , Gu Yu
- Director: Hu Yao Zhi
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Medical
Cast & Credits
- Zhang Ling Xin Main Role
- Gao Yi RenShang JieMain Role
- Cai Yi Da Main Role
- Wu Man SiSong MiMain Role
- Zhang Jia DingYing MingMain Role
- Jenny ZhangYao QiMain Role