4 people found this review helpful
Oct 5, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
One word to describe Love Rain, amazing.

I already hooked after the first episode, though some of you thought that the first few episodes were boring, but to me it was perfect.

The story is beautiful, when 2 people didn't meant to be together but eventually their children are the ones who will complete their love story.

The acting was amazing. I really love Geun Suk's acting, he was really skilled, and Yoona's acting was so CUTE! She was as pretty as ever.

The music! Ah! I fell in love with all the OSTs. I literraly downloaded it ALL after I finished watching it.

So, you don't have to worry about how the drama sucks, because it doesn't. I highly recommend you to watch Love Rain.

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Jun 19, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
So, I recently finished watching Love Rain and I really liked it :)
I really liked the story, I just didn't like how it dragged on and on in the last 4-5 episodes. That's the only minus I have in the storyline overall.

The cast was great, especially the main actors. YoonA surprised me with her acting. She did a nice Kim Yoon Hee, but I really loved her as Ha Na. Jang Geun Seok was also amazing. The difference between In Ha and Yoon was a great one and he did both of them perfectly. The supporting cast also, almost everyone played double roles with a lot of difference between the two, and every actor did a great job.

The music, ah yeah, the music. The music was really sweet and cute. I have downloaded the OST immediatly and there is only one song I dislike. I also really like the fact that there are two versions of 'Because it's You', one for In Ha and Yoon Hee and one for Yoon and Ha Na.

As I said in previous revieuws, I dislike rewatching drama's, because I already know the story. This one also, has a very memorable story. When I would rewatch it, I wouldn't enjoy it anymore because I already know what's coming.

OVerall, I gave this show an 8/10, because I really, really enjoyed watching it and I only had minimal points that I dislike. I would highly reccomend this to anyone who hesitates to watch this!

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Dec 9, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0
The synopsis sounded very different and unique than many other dramas in dramaland so i decided to watch this after obsessive recommendation by a dear friend

The story is pretty different than others where lots of focus is given to 2 couples throughout the story,the parents and their children.
There isnt much that needs to be analysed or thought over.Though the angsty parts do make us question and ask who loves more.The parents and their 30 year love or the young ones with their new and fresh love

The best part of this drama was the romance.Jang Geun Suk is awesome as Joon.He plays his part well and his kissing skills have definately improved from his You're beautiful days.Though i definately would like to have a private word with his stylist who's made a huge blunder with the hairstyle and the clothes hiding the handsome man that Jang Geun Suk is.But being JGS he still shines..:)
I love his character growth who from a flirt turns into this caring and kind man who's ready to sacrifice his love for his love's happiness.Nothing matters to this guy but Ha Na and that's so cute.Love all the intimacy because its not forced but natural,like they are so much in love that their smiles and eyes say a lot.They have such sweet and heartwarming chemistry.Leaves me feeling warm all over and happy.Yoon Ah as Ha Na is convincing enough.

The parents love was beautiful till episode 4 but then then they grew to be adults it was missing that zing that we call romance.i just didnt care for them anymore but that they were an obstruction to my beloved couple.I loved the character of Sun Ho.He was a kind and caring friend till the end and Kim Shi Woo is major eye candy.will be stalking his future dramas..:D
Mi Ho is one of the most annoying characters ive come across.She's clingy,needy and irritating as hell.She has no self respect so i skipped her parts the most.Yoon Hee and Ha Na's mother-daughter relationship was so touching and full of love that it seemed real.She makes one beautiful and loving mom.I loved that Ha Na loved her mom and considered her happiness above her own even though she knows she'd end up dying inside evry single second that passes.Such love for a mother is so rare almost nil.It also showed the harsh reality of what a divorce does to the children and how twisted and self centered Hye Jung is.I loved the development of father-son relationship of Joon and In Ha.Joon hated his father after the divorce but due to Ha na and Yoon Hee he healed his relationship with him.All the wounds that were there in the starting were starting to heal at the end of the drama.satisfying and shows us the human ability to change in a good way..:)

The soundtrack is like the assortmant of different candies laid in front and you get to pick the ones you like.Its that awesome.From english to french to korean.its so awesome!!!

No words could desribe how OUTSTANDING the cinematography is.Its so beautiful and breathetaking that i'm gonna rewatch those scenes again later some time

Now the bad parts.It was too draggy.I haven't skipped through a drama as much as i did through this one.I just couldn't care for the characters apart from a handful.The writers were so good to write such an unforgettable romance but not anything else.I feel dissapointed for the drama could have been and would have ended up being my all time favourites because i love my romantic dramas but this was just too draggy for my taste.Even the angst becomes too much after a few episodes.The story was perfect to make us care,love and end up in tears for the love that could never be but alas the writers were going for a slow melodrama that went slower than a caterpillar.

I mourn for a drama that could have reached higher but landed up in the middle but i still ended up loving it.The romance is the one redeeming factor.

To all those who dropped it because it was draggy or those planning to watch.Just be patient.Use the fast forward button and enjoy the romance because its beautiful and worth every minute..:)

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5 people found this review helpful
Mar 14, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
It's a nice innocent drama with a great storyline. I mainly watched it because Yoona was in it but it turned to be better than I expected, The music was really nice and relaxing to watch it with the drama. towards the end the drama gets abit repetitive and i think i really wrecked the greatness of the drama which i originally was really interested in. the ending was really slow and it just put me off, BUT THEN! there was the final episode which i enjoyed, it wasnt too rushed but it got the point across!, Geez i hate open endings!!!! im not a creative person sorry... anyways there arent many good endings in alot of the dramas but this ending was definitely a decent one and i thouroughly enjoyed it :D

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9 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
A pure love story which started in 1970's and a love from 21st century.In this drama ,you feel happy,sad,shy,craving,unstop desires,fate,hate ..etc.
It's unusual to see a love between unexpected people.What a blind love between In Ha-Yoon Hee and Seo Joon-Ha Na.Unbreakable bonds between them always keep them together in a wild-amazing-tragic life.

Yoona and jgs really fit in their roles a lot!(not even that,they look great together:)

For music Jang Geun Suk has a very sweet ballad voice.Nothing to tell about it-JUST GREAT!

I'll rewatch it again,again and again....:)Because i'm an impatient person who can't wait for new ep of love rain.^^

For overall everything is great but just one thing.Poor yoona -don't make her sad and don't leave her with tearful eyes:)"Yoona, you must be happy,it suits you more:)"
I'll always hope that their love for each other keep them together^^

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Jun 6, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
The first thing I'd like to say is I'm having withdrawal symptoms. I won't even try to downplay it. I fell in love with the show. Love doesn't have to make sense, and my love for this show certainly doesn't make sense. A show that would have been better off with 16 episodes but was stretched to 20 episodes and dragged (for the lack of a better word) shouldn't have affected me in this manner but it did.

That's what this show was about, making me feel things. I got to see all kinds of love. You name it, you have it. There was the young shy love, the hot-blooded love, the infamous unrequited love, the love between friends, the love between family, the jealous love, the immature love - everything. The show WAS love.

If it hasn't struck you yet, I think I should make it clear that if you cringe away from anything too emotional or romantic (mind you, I didn't say the word mushy anywhere) you should steer clear from this drama. Because this drama set my emotions on an over-drive. I haven't cried so much in any drama. From the 1st episode itself! It was almost embarrassing for me.

The story isn't the best one out there but it worked for me. It showcased the pure unadulterated love that we rarely get to see. The first part (the 1970s era) was magical. The feelings, the music, the whole thing just took me to another world. There was this inexplicable pull that part of the show had for me, I could watch it a million times and not get enough. Impractical and way to high moral obligations, they just made the love seem more majestic. The other part of the show (the present age) was atypical. It had fun moments, straightforward and thankfully decisive people in love. Even though there was the element of girl-meet-boy-sparks-fly but there was also the fresh touch of maturity and understanding that separates this love from the other young loves we see now. We could have had the show end with 16 episodes and have a better story in our midst but somehow, the slow end, the way various things were taken care of at their own pace was something new. We usually have finales where the loose ends are tied up way too quickly and untidily. Here, you have a clear and smooth end. I think the last couple of episodes could be thought of as a mega-finale.

The actors should receive high commendations. Especially the lead couple - Jang Geun Suk and Yoona. These two simply took the show to another level. Be it the 1970s era or the present age. You cannot, how much ever you try, find similarities in their acting in the two periods. Their performance was so flawless that you fall in love with their characters along with them, you feel what they feel. The supporting cast was pretty great as well. I think they did well considering the roles they were given. The acting didn't seem misplaced at least, the characters were maybe a little off sometimes.

Music.. I think music is a gigantic stage of love. You cannot be in love and not listen to music. The music of this show simply swept me off. There is usually one song (maybe not even that) in a show that I like and listen to even after the show ends. But the music of this show, I loved it as a whole. It breathed life into the scenes and if possible, made it even more heartwarming. The title track touches my heart in a way no song has ever done, and I don't even know the language! That's what feelings are about I guess.

I don't usually ever watch the shows again, maybe sometimes a few scenes here and there, but I'm itching to start the show all over again as I type this, and it has not even been more than an hour since I finished it. The show reminded me what love is. It was melodramatic, it was long, it dragged through the latter part, it made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me smile for no reason, it made me cry with happiness, it made me blush, it made me angry, it made me angst-y, sometimes it made no sense at all. Sounds a lot like love to me :)

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4 people found this review helpful
Apr 9, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
One of my favorite dramas of all time. One word to describe it would be BEAUTIFUL. The story had me crying at many points, not gonna lie. The casting is PERFECT, the guy from You're Beautiful and Baby & Me, the girl from GIRLS GENERATION, what?! Basically this is a story through time, starting in the 1970s with their parents romance and ending in modern day time with their romance... The story is about sacrifice, one love for another.. A parents love for their children vice versa. The young parents and the children are both played by the same actors. This drama, personally I think they should have downplayed the parents romance a little bit more, it made it overly lengthy. But this drama has moments that give me the FEELS, I think it's underrated!! PROS: you can FEEL the love in this drama, when the characters are going through something you're right there beside them, the acting is one of the best I've seen in a drama, only comparable to KMHM, the romance is adorable and hot at the same time THE FOUNTAIN KISS SCENE!! "1 2 3" the way the 2 couple's romances differ and are the same really is like poetry, like I said it is all so BEAUTIFUL. It made me laugh and cry and smile!! The ending isn't bad either. CONS: this is a lengthy drama and things drag on, I would recommend skipping through the first few episodes EPISODE 5 is where it really starts, the sad truth is that the older 1970s couple's romance is a bit uneventful and boring, even with it's very cute moments. Even after that, certain parts should be skipped. It is a dense drama and TOO dense at times. Basically all the cons revolve around the drama (puns) revolving around the older couple, I do see how it was necessary to the plot but yea it should have been downplayed more.. This drama is a bit sad because of them. HOWEVER IT STILL GIVES ME MAJOR FEELS REGARDLESS. If you have some time up your sleeve, or when you do, I definitely recommend watching this WORK OF ART MASTERPIECE, etc.. drama :)

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7 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
some people say the parents story is boring, but i personally loved it. it ws light simple but very touching. the childrens relationship is the typica i hate oh ,no wait, thats love story but it still has alo of refreshing elemates and is filled with humor! pluse the kisses are great definatly more passinate than the typical JGS beside that the acting in genral is really good much better than i expecte from hoona! this drama is a must watch you wont regret it!
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Grumpy Witch
9 people found this review helpful
May 30, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Definitely one of my favorites dramas this year.

I loved this drama from the very beginning. The characters were well written and made me feel sad, happy, angry with them when they were feeling it. The melo part of it didn't seem forced or over the top and fake. For me, it flowed naturally from the actors portraying these characters. The cute, "mushy" moments made me gush every single time. Even the minor ones were great. They brought comic relief when it was absolutely needed.

This drama felt like watching a movie the whole time. The directing and cinematography was excellent. I also loved the OST. I think it went perfectly with drama and it completely enhanced the feelings the actors were portraying. I didn't give it a full 10, only because Ha Na's incessant crying for a few episodes got a little too much for me. But who knows? I might change my mind and give it a full 10 later on since for me this was a great drama, complete with great directing and great touching music.

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3 people found this review helpful
Apr 2, 2018
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0
I did love the beginning of this drama. It was full of love, memories and beautiful music. The parent's love was deep and it was beautiful. The bad part started when the son and the daughter fell in love. They were really selfish because their love was not even good, no beautiful scenes, he mistreated her a lot of times. This could have been an amazing drama without the daughter and the son. What a waste of a great drama to be honest. I give it a 7 because the first episodes were really touching and beautiful but then it was the same each episode and I got tired of the young daughter and son relationship

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Miissch Yd
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 26, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I so LOOOOVE this drama! I gave a try to watch this because of Yoona ^_^

This is very very funny.. It gets thrilling episode by episode. I love JGS and Yoona's chemistry :)

The OST too are very good: Love Rain, Because It's You (Tiffany of SNSD), Again and Again and Shy Confession Song are my favorites! :)

But I have to admit that the first few episodes maybe (1-3?) were kinda serious and slow.. it got me to the point that I stopped watching it. Then I read a lot in my news feed about how great this drama is. And I again gave it a try but this time I skipped to the 6th or 7th episode, the new generation episodes. That is were I started loving this drama..

The supporting characters are also very good! I love Seo In Gook and Shi Hoo.

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11 people found this review helpful
May 8, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I was curious from the start Love Rain filming, because the director / screenwriter insists on wanting Sukkie to be the lead actor. After I watched it, I knew that only Sukkie is a very proper character as Seo Joon. I even really like Yoona as a perfect partner for Sukkie after Park Shin Hye.
Good storyline, good picture, good chemistry, and excellent acting of the characters make this drama should not be missed. Although there are some scenes which I thought was slow, or some of the scenes which I thought was annoying, but overall this drama is amazing.
If you Sukkie fan, then this drama will make you really crazy about him.
If you are not fans, then you will fall in love with him.
I really hope that this story ends happily for Seo Joon and Ha na.

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