Ongoing 9/20
0 people found this review helpful
May 27, 2019
9 of 20 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
If you're trying to decide whether to watch this show, it basically depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for quality, you won't find it here. If you're looking for some pretty faces to stare at for a couple hours, I'd say you could do better although familiarity breeds attraction so if you watch for long enough you're likely to start finding them attractive. I'd call this show a trashy rom com type of show, like those really bad romance novels you read on summer vacation just to mindlessly pass time in a fun, unattached way, hence: one night stand type of show.

This show is fun to watch. It is funny, the interactions are funny, you have all the relationship tropes play out the way you'd want to see them play out in any standard rom com show, and honestly I skip past all the interaction that isn't the main couple or the friend. So if you're just looking to pass time, this isn't a bad show to watch.

One thing I will say though - I'm sure it's well known that every Asian drama is extremely problematic in terms of how it frames abusive relationships and sexism as normal and okay and even romantic. You kind of have to suspend your beliefs about healthy relationships in order to fully enjoy any Asian drama from my experience. This drama, however, seems to be particularly problematic. I haven't gotten to the big plot twist people talk about yet, but from the reviews/spoilers I read, this drama is truly particularly concerning. So if you're sensitive to that, this isn't the drama for you. If you are able to compartmentalize and overlook it and are just looking to pass time, go for it!

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Dropped 7/20
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 21, 2023
7 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 2.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

There’s no depth

I love the trope of pretend relationship/marrige but the acting and script was so bad it put me out of it completely. There is no real dimensions to any of the main characters besides this being a really toxic relationship. The best acting was from a side character never to appear again after episode one. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. For some resson it felt like it was dubbed over sometimes too.

The green screen was funny bad ones too.
I must admit that after episode four I didn’t want to stop watching but by episode seven I’d goven up completely. Rather rewatching buisness proposal.

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Dropped 1/20
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 8, 2023
1 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Well-Intended but I couldn't continue with it...

[I respect other reviewers and their individual choices. There are plenty of dramas out there to suit every taste. Direct your support or lack of to the drama itself. If you support this drama, good for you and please continue to. Please write your own good reviews. If you do not support this drama, please also write your own review. We are reviewers. Not personal attackers. We review. We do not attack. Reserve your opinions for your reviews and not for the reviewer who is responding to the drama itself and not to other external aspects. I am responding to this drama that I have watched and I am not personally attacking any actor or actress in real life as I do not know them at all and have no grudges against them. It is all based on this particular drama only/ this particular reel life only.]

I watched the trailer on Netflix and anticipated this drama. However, after watching the whole of episode 1, I must confess that I am unable to continue with it.

What I didn't like:
- The acting was raw/ unpolished. It was quite painful to watch the actors and actresses trying hard to act but not quite succeeding.
- The plot was full of loopholes and very strange. e.g.: How is it possible for her to just get into a car and have the actual owner and driver drive her to her destination? It should simply be: Miss, you have made a mistake. Please leave or I will call the police. Next, how is it possible for a doctor to be so negligent as to leave a patient in the consultation room with all the private documents for her to look at? The doctor and the patient could probably be sued. Moving on, why would the secretary let himself be tied up and manipulated by two girls? Also, the unwell FL looked too healthy to be so very ill.

Perhaps, I have been 'pampered' by excellent acting while watching other dramas such as (insert drama name on your own) and so, I could not sit through this drama.

[I respect other reviewers and their individual choices. There are plenty of dramas out there to suit every taste. Direct your support or lack of to the drama itself. If you support this drama, good for you and please continue to. Please write your own good reviews. If you do not support this drama, please also write your own review. We are reviewers. Not personal attackers. We review. We do not attack. Reserve your opinions for your reviews and not for the reviewer who is responding to the drama itself and not to other external aspects. I am responding to this drama that I have watched and I am not personally attacking any actor or actress in real life as I do not know them at all and have no grudges against them. It is all based on this particular drama only/ this particular reel life only.]

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Simona Leila
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 4, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 2.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Quando l'ho consigliato in passato, avevo il prosciutto sugli occhi

In passato l'ho consigliato davvero. Anzi, lo ritenevo addirittura molto bello. Poi mi sono "acculturata" guardando diversi altri drama e il mio metro di giudizio è radicalmente cambiato. Recentemente, l'ho riguardato. Per quanto continuo a condividere nella mia impressione di allora che la storia possa somigliare ad manga letto in passato, l'argomento della leucemia viene davvero trattato di m*rda. La storia di per sè fa acqua da tutte le parti. Non capisco se è un'opera volutamente trash o spazzatura da quattro soldi non voluta. La recitazione è pessima. Poi quello che succede attorno ai protagonisti? Mah.
In realtà ammetto che se la storia avesse parlato di una love story iniziata un po' così (ovviamente senza la leucemia) e avesse trattato in modo molto sweet, della serie mi escono gli arcobaleni dalle orecchie, le problematiche di una coppia sposata tramite contratto, io l'avrei accettato. Anzi, l'avrei amato. Perchè a volte ci vogliono anche questo tipo di storie e non solo strappacuore alla "Mr. Sunshine".
Ma questo drama è veramente brutto.

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1 people found this review helpful
May 5, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

boa e ruim em diferentes momentos

Pela sinopse eu esperava por um drama bobinho, daqueles de aquecer o coração e super clichê e fui completamente surpreendia por partes boas e ruins.
Estava indo tudo bem no início, gosto desses dramas que contrato de casamento, até eu descobrir que ele simplesmente manipulou o hospital pra dizer que ela estava com leucemia só pra ele conseguir casar com ela (!!!!!!). Quem em sã consciência faria uma coisa dessas?????? Era pra mostrar poder ou que é completamente sem noção e manipulador??? Depois disso foi só ladeira abaixo.
Outros pontos negativos foi aquele de usar amnésia do meio do drama, meu Deus pra que???? E depois ele simplesmente fez quase que uma tortura psicológica doida com a Xia Lin sendo que estava todo mundo afirmando que eles eram casados e depois ele recupera a memória e não diz nada!!!!!! Só vi essa garota sofrer sendo que ela nem merecia nada disso, só foi educada com o protagonista. E 2 sequestros na reta final???? Qual a necessidade????
Nem vou entrar no assunto que ainda teve hipnose (why?) e que drogaram os protagonistas.
Nem sei como consegui terminar esse drama, o que mais passei foi raiva. Fiquei tão triste pq o início estava tão bom que depois desse monte de loucura fui só passando pra ver se terminava logo. Passou longe de ser um Amor Bem Intencionado.

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 15, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 3.0


Una storiella di amoretti insulsi buona appena ad incantare la fantasia di tredicenni . Frivola. Unico pregio è il bel aspetto degli attori . I dialoghi sono scialbi e di una noia mortale. una trama debole. La storia non apporta nulla di consistente. Si tratta di una favoletta in cui la ricchezza, le belle case , il successo economico, la ricerca di sfondare le mondo dello spettacolo la danno da padrone. La protagonista è vestita male otto volte su dieci , r anche le altre attrici si presentano scialbe o eccentriche , non piacevoli da guardare, a parte An . Gli uomini sono invece di prestanza elegante. Tutto sommato non vale la pena spendere tempo in questi pettegolezzi amorosi.

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Dropped 12/20
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 19, 2020
12 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 2.0
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Al inicio es algo que parece ser una simple historia cliché pero que al final es entretenida y romántica en cierto sentido, pero llega un punto en el que se vuelve algo muy enfermizo y tóxico, el protagonista toma un giro en el que se convierte en un enfermo obsesionado con Xia Lin, le miente de una manera gigante, la encierra en su casa para evitar que lo dejé, entre muchas cosas más; lo peor es que tratan de justificar a Ling Yi Zhou por ser guapo y millonario, y que todo lo hace por amor, pero NO ESTÁ BIEN, te venden una idea super errónea de lo que es el amor, además que es muy cliché por lo que le quita alguna razón buena para verla.
A final de cuentas la dejé de ver, y esta es mi opinión personal

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 8, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
Empecé a ver este drama porque me pareció interesante a pesar de que quizás la trama pueda ser cliché. Una chica que quiere tener su lugar en el mundo descubre que está enferma y quien la puede ayudar es el millonario solitario que solamente confía en su secretario.
Pensé en un montón de situaciones MENOS EN LO QUE EN REALIDAD PASA.

Lo terminé de ver porque en realidad no me gusta dejar dramas a la mitad pero ojala pudiera "desver" este drama jajaja

NO LA VEAN. Hay demasiadas conductas que no son aceptables y el hecho de que lo intentan justificar de una manera y otra, NO SON ACEPTABLES.

Cuando inicié el drama, mi idea era que su condición se pondría peor durante la primera mitad para después recuperarse milagrosamente o que estuviera bien y se pondría peor durante la segunda mitad.
Estaba completamente equivocada.
Ella en realidad nunca estuvo enferma, y no solo eso, el lo sabía porque el lo organizó. Orquestó todo el show de la enfermedad para que ella se pudiera acercar a el y así poder engañarla y hacer que se enamorara de él.
Yo? Asustada.
Lo peor es que ELLA LO PERDONA.
Yo? Enojada
No puedo creer que haya habido gente que hubiera estado de acuerdo en hacer toda una farsa de la enfermedad y tampoco pude creer que la amiga de ella, quien siempre fue clara y directa, de la nada cambió su actitud a "tu decide".
Cuando ella se va de la casa (después de escapar porque el la encerró) y regresa a su antiguo departamento rentado, EL COMPRA EL DEPARTAMENTO.
La toxicidad al millón.
Lo terminé de ver porque en realidad no me gusta dejar dramas a la mitad pero ojala pudiera "desver" este drama jajaja

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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 24, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 2.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Chernobyl não é tão tóxico quanto esse c-drama.

Tanto a primeira quanto a segunda temporada parecem ter sido a junção do lixo de vários roteiristas. Se fosse classificado como uma história de terror/suspense sobre manipulação eu até que daria uma nota mais alta, mas por algum motivo isso é considerado romance, se eu fosse amiga da protagonista estaria mortificada em saber de toda a história e com certeza faria de tudo para colocar o protagonista na cadeia o mais rápido possível. Não sei como isso foi aprovado e muito menos como os atores decidiram escolher esses papéis, não consigo imaginar ninguém olhando para esse roteiro e aceitando que é uma linda e emocionante história de amor, a protagonista é uma vítima de diversas formas e ela ter ficado com o protagonista no final é apenas síndrome de Estocolmo.

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MG Mayre
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 14, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Well-Intended Love (China) (2019) - nag venture lang ko og chinese dramas once in a while this time tungod sa mga clips lagi sa facebook. I got curious about this drama because I like the 'marriage of convenience' na plot. The drama is really chinese and I find it hard to adapt jud kay awkwardan ko sa transition pero gets raman. Typical lang jud ang character sa both main leads but gikilig bya pud ko up until the 'reveal/plot twist'. The plot twist made the drama unlikable and I also didn't like the ending parts - murag na incorporate ang pinoy style.
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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 9, 2019
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
buat aku drama ini termaksud ringan konfilk tidak terlalu berat . bagi yang tidak menyukai konfilk berat ini rekomeded sekali untuk di nonton. walaupun di awal cerita aku sempat bingun ini drama maksudnya gimana , tapi lama kelamaan aku bisa paham alurnya gimana . cuma menurut aku kurangnya dari segi penampilan baju para pemain sesuaikan sama krakter atau perannya, misalnya peranya orang kaya dan harusnya bajunya itu emang kaya orang kay dan jangan baju itu terus . dan ku berharap season 2 nya peain utama tidak di ganti . ini drama bagus . cuma penamilan krakert yang harus di ubah . sama tolong lah tempat atau lokasi syutingnya sebisa mungkin jangan disitu melulu , buat bosan aku lihatnya . cuma si krakter atau tokoh atau pemain utama wanitanya kurang dijelaskan asl usulnya seperti keluarganya , kareana di sesaon ini belum dijelaskan malah yang di jelaskan pemeran utama laki lakinya . sama ada penambahan kraketer baru di mendekati bagian akhir episode semoga di season 2 dia dimasukan , karena itu mendukung pemain lainnya

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 4, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Untuk yg butuh romance, wajib nonton ini

Entah kenapa banyak komen jelek tentang drama ini. Buat yang butuh romance, yang so sweet, wajib nonton ini!!! ceritanya ringan & memang sudah banyak plot drama dengan cerita seperti ini, hilang ingatan, dibohongin, orang kaya jauh cinta sama cewe biasa, tapi castnya bikin greget so walopun ceritanya pasaran nonton ini bikin senyum-senyum sendiri. Main role cowo & cewe nya cocok bgt, dapet banget chemistrynya. walaupun ada cast lain yg actingnya agak kurang seperti pemain baru aktingnya agak canggung, Tapi pokoknya sukaaaa bangetttt sama drama ini. Ostnya juga enak-enak, bikin ketagihan sampe diulang. Drama ini bikin kesemsem terus tiap hari.

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Well-Intended Love (2019) poster



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