Even for those who aren't Sci-Fi fans
I won't even sit here and pretend that I like Science Fiction stuff. It's one of my least favorite things ever. It is really rare that I ever like a Sci-Fi movie and I can count on my hands how many I like. LolThis movie will definitely be added to the love list though.
Space Sweepers seemed rare and unique to me. Though I'm sure active Sci-Fi fans will probably laugh at that and be like "Where?" -- that, I can't answer lol. I'm just saying for me, it's unique and I love it. I wasn't expecting to like it at all and I had seen about the show in passing but no one had actually told me I needed to watch it, (but to those that knew I was watching it was correct in saying I would love it. Lol) but I was still curious and I'm glad my curiosity won out. This show was captivating.
There were very few parts that seemed to make me zone out a bit but they didn't last very long and it was quick to suck me back in so I was glued to the screen the whole time. I loved all of the acting and I think my most favorite part about this movie was the multi-language but. This movie didn't have a single set language which totally blew my mind.
Can we just talk about how crazy it is though that there has been talk about living on Mars and then this comes out? XD
Props to the creators for being quick and hella talented to deliver such an amazing story.
If you have followed me long enough, you know I hate when movies have tons of side characters that names you may need to remember, Space Sweepers took me by surprise in having so many memorable side characters! How can so many people have such small parts but make you remember who they are?! If there was anything to say about this show, plain and simple it would be "PURE TALENT"! I can't not recommend this movie to everyone that will listen to me talk about it. Lol
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ofc, k-drama is always better than american shows.
this was one of the best space movies i ever seen, i saw the crit, i thought it will be bad, and like american movies and etc, but it wasn't like this at all !, it may make you feel that the movie is like cowboy and etc american movies at first, but every 10 mins you can know that what you are watching is different, VFX Is the best thing in the movie, the story was very amazing, the characters , and the acting, i give it 8/5 , but because people are hating this show for nothing i'll hit it with 10, because this movie have to be trending, more people most watch it, stay away.. K-drama haters.Was this review helpful to you?
The biggest problem I had was poor world building and a villain that made no sense. The pacing was also quite all over the place. With a rather simple plot like this (especially since they did not expand on more complex themes that could have been included), it was just too long - the movie dragged.
The ending was lazy. In this type of movie I am not expecting a plot twist of a century, but they should wrap everything up.
The best part of Space Sweepers was for sure Kang Kot Nim. Truly loved the actress and the character she was playing. She had the best chemistry with every cast member.
Overall, don’t bother to watch it, unless you are a massive fan of any of the main cast. It was just a really safe movie, tried to keep everything low key (except for visuals) and because of that it was at times boring and skippable.
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the production was good, I can't complain .I also say that the performance was incredible, it would be a sin if I complained.
I love the actors, I loved the characters.
Of course, not everything is perfect, I can't lie, but what a drama that doesn't have a single flaw.
So in conclusion, I recommend...
I say it's worth watching, maybe it's bad for some, but for me it was good.
This is just my opinion, you better watch it and have your own opinion.
I don't know what to say, because I think everyone has their own opinion.
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Un monde où la planète "Terre" n'aurait plus sa place...
J'ai vu ce film il y a près de 2 semaines mais j'avoue que sur le moment je n'ai pas fait de critique car je ne savais pas trop quoi en dire... Pour commencer cet avis, il faut savoir que mes bases concernant la science-fiction sont faibles... (Je n'ai d'ailleurs jamais vu "Star Wars"... Veuillez ne pas me jeter la pierre malgré le succès planétaire de cette saga, je n'ai jamais eu l'envie de me lancer dedans x'D.) Ceci pour dire que mon avis risque d'être bien différent d'une personne qui aime ce genre !Alors l'histoire en elle-même n'a à mes yeux pas grand-chose d'extraordinaire... (Oui même avec mon peu d'expérience dans la S-F, j'ai déjà vu plusieurs films avec le même type d'histoire.) En gros, le film nous parle d'une planète "Terre" qui n'est plus viable pour l'homme mais surtout l'envie de l'homme de conquérir l'espace... (Rien de bien nouveau en gros x'D)
Lors de mon visionnage, j'ai ressenti un grand "bug de cerveau" durant une des scène du film... Cette scène est celle où tout l'équipage part avec une bombe à bord de son vaisseau et doit s'éloigner d'une certaine distance des "ilots" pour protéger l'enfant et l'ensemble des habitants... Ils auraient dû mourir dans l'explosion mais... ils ont SURVÉCU grâce au fait que l'enfant peut manipuler des nanorobots... Vous m'expliquez comment elle a pu le faire à cette distance... Et si elle savait réellement les protéger à cette distance, pourquoi se donner autant de mal pour partir avec la bombe ?! (Oui, je suis vite perturbée x'D)
Vous l'aurez compris, je n'ai pas réussi à réellement accroché à l'histoire malgré un Song Joong-Ki en tête d'affiche. (Même si comme dans la plus part de ses prestations, j'ai pas mal souri de sa bêtise =D) Cependant, ce film se laisse regarder sans réel soucis et nous permets de passer le temps mais pour ceux qui rêvent d'un grand moment de S-F, il vaut sans doute mieux se tourner vers un autre film ou série...
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Muito divertido!
Eu sei que os gringos estão aqui comentando que o filme é "mais ou menos", mas eu discordo! Tudo nesse filme foi bacana, me diverti muito assistindo. Ele também nos dá muita coisa pra pensar, como o futuro será nada mais, nada menos, do que apenas para os ricos. E os pobres que lasquem.Uma coisa que eu não gostei é da atuação dos atores estrangeiros, parece pegaram todos os atores que fazem cameos em doramas, e colocaram eles lá. Não gostei nem da atuação do vilão, mas achei bem justo o estereotipo de homem branco, rico, que se acha o dono do mundo. Bem realístico.
Mas o elenco coreano é perfeito, cada atuação. Song parece que voltou a mente pra pegar bons roteiros??? A produção também achei maravilhosa, os efeitos são ótimos. Mas eu tenho mais costume de ver doramas chineses então talvez minha opinião no assunto efeitos especiais não seja muito confiável hahaha
É um filme que tem final fechadinho, mas que podia sim ter continuação. Deem muito amor pra gente ver mais. Bom pra ver com a família, tem muita ação e é engraçado. Não vou dizer que vai mudar sua vida, mas entediado desse filme, você não sairá.
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Gostei demais
Olha que nem sou fã de ficção científica mas esse filme eu amei, e nem foi só porque tinha o Song Joong Ki no elenco, e sim porque é uma obra prima. Fiquei tensa, com raiva e até chorei, porque assim… esse filme é uma montanha russa.Gostei dos efeitos especiais e de toda a fotografia do filme. Sério, cada detalhe pra mim era incrível, as naves e todas aquelas tecnologias.
Talvez pra quem vive assistindo ficção científica não seja nada tão inovador, porém pra mim foi fantástico.
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Es una película preciosa, asombrosa, con mucha acción, humor y una dosis de angst. La producción realmente me impresionó; los efectos especiales, personajes principales y hasta los extras- literal había tanta diversidad que a veces me olvidaba que estaba mirando una película coreana y no algo hecho Hollywood. Me tomó por sorpresa.Si te gustan las cosas con el estilo de Guardianes de la Galaxia, con mucha acción y suspenso, ésta película es lo que estás buscando. Los personajes y su desarrollo es increíble, el plot tiene algunos giros y momentos que no me imaginaba. Te mantiene siempre entretenido, los visuales siendo gran parte, y en ningún momento se te ocurre siquiera abandonarla o mirar para otro lado. La historia esta bien contada y todo se revela en el momento indicado, nunca se apuran ni termina abruptamente, lo cual aprecio mucho también. El cast? ME ENCANTÓ, la música? Ni hablar, una selección adecuada para el momento adecuado, electos especiales? Un festín en verdad.
En resumen, amé esta película. Es excelente para mirar en familia (como yo lo hice) y adecuada si estás buscando algo para subirte los ánimos y reírte un rato.
No tengo ningún otro detalle o error relevante para señalar.
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Me gusto tanto que ya la quiero ver de nuevo.
Creo que esta pelicula esta muy bien contada, ya que no me afecto, el ritmo. Aclaro esto porque he visto tantas series que últimamente cuando veo una película me parece muy corta y quiero mas. Como no sentí esto con esta peli, me encantó, sobre todo porque en tan poco tiempo, nos mostraron los antecedentes de cada personaje, sus motivaciones; y su evolución dentro de la historia. Los efectos estaban muy bien, hasta entendí las batallas, que generalmente me pierdo con tanto movimiento.La historia es muy linda, y la niña me encantó, sobre todo lo que simboliza.
Son dos horas de diversión, yo realmente la recomiendo, no quiero dar spoilers, me gustaría que la vieran, y me comenten que les pareció, así podríamos compartir apreciaciones.
Gracias por leerme, saludos
La volvía ver, y me sigue encantando, que buena peli. 100% recomendada
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