Set in an university campus attached to hospital, "Ikiterumono wa Inainoka" revolves around a girl who escapes from the hospital, a strange man, students who talk about an urban legend, students involved in a love triangle, coffee shop workers, men who witnessed an accident, an otolaryngologist who has a crush on a hospital employee, idol university students, a mother who looks for a child and suddenly the characters disappear. Laughing, the world comes to an end. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 生きてるものはいないのか
- Also Known As: Ikiterumono wa Inainoka ,
- Director: Ishii Gakuryu
- Genres: Comedy, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Sometani ShotaKeisukeMain Role
- Takanashi RinRyokoSupport Role
- Murakami JunYamaSupport Role
- Iwaido SeikoNanaSupport Role
- Morooka HiroakiKatsuoSupport Role
- Ikenaga AmiEikoSupport Role
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