The film focuses on the story of a young girl named Sayaka who develops a heartwarming friendship with an old man named Hasu. (Source: IMDb) ~~ Adapted from the collection of short stories in a novel "Eki Made no Michi wo Oshiete" (駅までの道をおしえて) by Ijuin Shizu (伊集院静). Edit Translation
- English
- 中文(台灣)
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 駅までの道をおしえて
- Also Known As: Teach Me the Way to the Station , Eki Made no Michi wo Oshiete , えきまでのみちをおしえて
- Screenwriter & Director: Hashimoto Naoki
- Genres: Life
Cast & Credits
- Niitsu ChiseSayakaMain Role
- Sakai Maki Support Role
- Takito Kenichi Support Role
- Hada Michiko Support Role
- Emoto Akira Support Role
- Yo Kimiko Support Role
a story about love, friendship, lost and acceptance.
this is the one movie if you have a child and wants to adopt a pet. no matter what pet, this one is a good reference. teach them how to love, be responsible and also about how to deal with losing the loved is universal, across humans and animals, no age boundaries friendship.
in this movie, it has good scene, soundtrack, also good instruments too. slow paced story line yet very touching.
a good family movie for the weekend with your children or the love one.
two hours peaceful movie, a bit sad, but it teach us many things to overcome.
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