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Romanticizing abuse in relationships..
Okay so first of all, this movie is veryyyyy graphic. In terms of sexual content and abuse. I spent half of my time pausing this movie because of the very very nauseating scenes. I may sound extra, but as all the other reviews say this movie includes rape.What I don’t like about this film is the fact that it leads the victim back to his abuser and accepts him back to whatever you call a toxic relationship. I feel like stories like these just make out the victim to be clueless and “ask for it”. Like the amount of trauma this character had been through. Like the first chapter of the story was already upsetting, but the next one is a whole different story.
The only thing I could pick from this was, “there’s not much left until you experience the reality of life.” In the sense of this whole movie and manga included, that this movie is essentially about life and death.
One character wants to die but cannot bring himself to die. While the other character just wants to die. There’s nothing more to it. The overall story was compelling and it was very intimidating. I guess it would somehow make you think in the end.
But this also all roots down to consent and what to bring in a relationship. What the second main lead had, to him it was something special, and because he never had that closure of his other partner passing, he chose to “save” the first main lead. And sort of keep him away from him doing anything to himself. And I think because he chose to set him “free” in the end was because he knew he’d come back.
“Dangerous drugs of sex” has nothing to do with sec other then the dynamics of a toxic relationship with an abuser and a victim that has been affected by Stockholm syndrome. Because no one in a sane mind would willingly go back to such a person.
But regardless I think everything else was good. The acting was good, the music, etc.
I just would’ve liked a much less predictable and graphic story.
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Not for anyone who has suffered trauma in their life
When I first watched this movie I was drawn to it by one of the commenters the music was pretty good. I was confused about the young man and what he was being kidnapped tortured and into the bondage thing. But the movie shows about the ghost of the kidnapper and the young man who was being tortured past. Throughout the whole movie they learn to confront their demons. The kidnapper is trying to show the young man how to live his life through pain and pleasure. The more pain and pleasure he feels the more alive he feels. And the more pain he feels that's when his survivor instinct kicks in. The young man suffers a severe loss and everything in his life spirals out of control. Even though the kidnappers job is to save people's lives he was having a hard time living his after suffering a similar loss. Finally when the young man goes free and knows the truth. He finally wants to live in a set free. And in the process he helps the kidnapper get free of his demons as well. He was held prisoner for how long how many days was conditioned. I mean in the end he ends up helping the kidnapper. I was thinking he was suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Could be but you can tell by his expression and the way he communicates with his kidnapper who said him free that the young man is actually free. I know the torture and bondage and rape scenes were pretty intense. But that's because the actors did a really good job and the music helped to. But I was really enjoyed the ending. Because they really helped each other. And I have rewatched this like three times already cuz I really enjoyed it. And it actually looks like they're having sex it is. It is a very good psychological thriller the acting is very good because the torture scenes look so real. After the second time over watching yet I kept thinking I couldn't imagine doing that in front of the cameras how many takes hesitant to do that. Because it looks like it's actually like soft p***. This is not for the fate of heart I give it a 9 out of 10.Was this review helpful to you?
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Side eye...
So the only real issue I have with this movie really is the implications of it. The older I get, the more irritated I become with media having irresponsible messaging and this could totally be me having missed something or not understanding.There is NO consequence for Yoda's actions. None. He kidnapped, tortured, violated and repeatedly raped katsuguri and NOTHING happened to him. In fact, the story is told in such a way that you're supposed to PITY him and feel bad!!
Let's be clear, there is NO excuse for what Yoda did and I don't care what state katsuguri was in. My problem is that the story implies that this behavior is fine if you have enough trauma and you choose "the right" target which is insane.
Overall the movie itself was fine but the undertone is absolutely terrible.
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Gooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood cooooooooooooolGooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood coooooooooooool
Gooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood cooooooooooooolGooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood coooooooooooool
Gooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood coooooooooooool
Gooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood coooooooooooool
Gooooooooood goooood gooooooooood aswmmmmmmmmmm meaning ful gooood coooooooooooool
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à ne pas mettre devant tous les yeux mais a tellement à raconter
Attention, cet avis contiendras sûrement de légers SPOILS, même si j'essaye d'en dévoiler le moins possible.On a ici la rencontre entre deux âmes perdues, déchirées en morceaux en les personnes (ou plutôt les personnages) de Katsuragi Makoto et Katsuragi Makoto. L'un comme l'autre ont subi une perte qui a chamboulé leur vie à les rendre désespérés au point de vouloir en finir, presque fous de survivre là où d'autres n'ont pas continué à vivre.
On découvre des bribes de leurs vies passées entre chaque épisode sexuel. Jojo Hideo utilise des contrastes à couper au couteau pour montrer les transitions entre le passé au couleurs vives et chaudes et le présent froid et insalubre.
Les scènes sont crues et aucune musique ne va essayer de vous faire croire que nous sommes dans une romance. Il n'ya pas de fondu, ni de censure pour créer l'atmosphère odieuse que voulait le réalisateur/scénariste du film.
Les acteurs sont époustouflants dans leurs rôles, Kitadai Takashi plante un Yoda Ryoji froid et moqueur alors qu'il viole sa victime, il nous démontre ici l'étendue de sa capacité de jeu. Tout comme Watanabe Sho qui utilise la même énergie dans son rôle de victime, son jeu est tout aussi puissant.
Le film n'est jamais ennuyeux et le rythme est consommé, il ne nous montre aucune scène inutile, chacune est nécessaire pour nous montrer l'évolution de l'intimité que partagent les deux hommes. Au bout d'un moment, quand Katsuragi Makoto commence à rendre les armes, les flashbacks prennent pour point central le passé de Katsuragi Makoto et on commence à comprendre l'objectif qu'il n'avait expliqué qu'à demi-mot : il veut sauver une vie.
À la fin, toutes les questions ont trouvé une réponse et on peut se rendre compte que le scénario de Hideo est vraiment abouti en tout point, il nous démontre que, comme l'avait annoncé le titre, le sexe peut être une drogue, une drogue qui rend accro à la vie.
Pour faire le bilan, je dirai qu'il ne faut pas s'arrêter aux images qui peuvent paraître choquantes de prime abord, elles ne sont pas là "juste" pour choquer, bien au contraire. Et il ne faut pas voir non plus ce film comme une romance de viol hard avec un syndrome de Stockholm, ce serait bien trop réducteur. Le propos pose question et porteur d’intérêt, ça vaut le coup de s'y intéresser à mon sens.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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Essa é uma das obras mais intensas que eu já vi na minha vida e é extremamente perspicaz, definitivamente uma obra de arte.Esse é aquele tipo de história que você mergulha profundamente e sente cada cena, você fica ansioso para ver o que vem a seguir e te surpreende a todo minuto.
As pessoas de mente fechada não são capazes de entender a magnitude desse filme e o que ele representa, ele tem uma mensagem muito forte e importante por trás.
É uma carta de amor e ódio a vida.
O sexo é usado como uma arma para trazer vida a quem já está morto por dentro.
São dois homens perturbados lidando juntos com seus demônios.
É simplesmente perfeito.
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Força na peruca!
LIVRE DE SPOILERS!De todas as minhas avaliações, essa sem dúvidas foi a mais difícil. Fiquei um bom tempo refletindo qual nota a obra merecia. Mas quando eu finalmente o avaliei como um thriller, ficou claro que o filme cumpriu, sim, com o seu objetivo. No começo, foi uma tortura ter que aguentar aquelas cenas de abuso sem nenhum indicativo de para onde o filme se direcionava, pois a agressão só era jogada na gente e nada estava claro. Parecia que eu estava me submetendo a um teste de resistência extremamente sádico e desconfortável. Em outras palavras, muita violência e nenhuma luz no fim do túnel.
Então a história se desenrola e o filme vai te prendendo enquanto tentamos desvendar o principal mistério da trama. Você fica curioso para saber o histórico daqueles personagens, o porquê deles terminarem assim. E isso certamente é o que mais te prende no filme. Pois é, não são só os personagens que sofrem uma prisão psicológica.
E por falar nos personagens, preciso falar dos atores. Olha, tiro o meu chapéu pra eles. Quem assistir esse filme, vai entender. Tenho certeza que o trabalho deles não foi fácil e os dois se dedicaram muito para trazer uma história convincente e de qualidade.
Eu não costumo dar ênfase em trilha sonora, mas como vi muita gente criticando esse aspecto, preciso intervir nas críticas. A fraca presença da trilha sonora na verdade fez muito sentido e combinou com a proposta do filme.
Agora, só não dei uma nota mais alta, pois quando o filme acabou ainda fiquei com um sensação de que faltava alguma coisa no roteiro. À princípio, queria dar uma nota 9.0 pois embora eu ame BL's e seja obcecada por thrillers, não voltaria a assistir o filme. Mas reconheço que o conjunto de tudo foi muito bom, então merece o seu 9.5, sim.
Para os sensíveis do coração, evite! Se estão procurando um romance colorido e um mundo cor de rosa, pule para o próximo. Para os aventureiros, só assiste. Vocês provavelmente vão gostar da trama psicológica. É um filme que vale à pena para quem se amarra num thriller.
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Todavia no reacciono!
Si vas a ver esta película debes librarte de los prejuicios y tener una mente completamente abierta, sino te será imposible valorarla.Definitivamente me encantó. Las actuaciones son excelentes, te hacen sentir definitivamente las sensaciones y los sentimientos de cada uno de ellos, el dolor, la desesperación, la frustración, la redención.
La mente humana tiene tantos misterios y es tan difícil de comprender, pero a veces solo sumergiéndote en la total oscuridad, podrás valorar la luz.
La recomiendo y definitivamente la volveria a ver para apreciarla aun mejor, ya que recién termino de verla y todavía sigo con la tensión de la trama.
Cruda, si, pero merece la pena.
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Violación y sexo no consentido
Esta película japonesa +18 basada en el manga del mismo nombre es muy dura, hay escenas explícitas y violentas de sexo no consentido y BSDM a "full", por tanto, si estás acostumbrado a "cute" BL como Kieta Hatsukoi, Cherry Magic o las miniseries BL coreanas vas a quedar bastante descompuesto. Aún así y con el corazón encogido por el pobre protagonista, indignada por el no consentimiento y el abuso, y con necesidad de darle al "stop" en algunos momentos que eran demasiado para mi, la he visto hasta el final y creo que es una película muy bien hecha y muy bien actuada. Los protagonistas hacen creible esta increible historia y esos, a mi entender , inverosímiles personajes!El debate está servido entonces,:debemos valorar bajo la película porque relativiza en cierta manera la violación y hace apología del sexo violento? Cierto que la mayoriá estaremos de acuerdo que no se deben consentir para nada estas actitudes y se debe condenar y penalizar duramente cualquier tipo de abuso y de no consentimiento!!! Pero en este caso y con todas las advertencias posibles debo valorar también unas actuaciones sobresalientes y hasta sobrecogedoras de la pareja protagonista. Están los dos fantásticos. Mención aparte la escenografía , la fotografía, la música que consiguen adentrar al espectador en ese mundo oscuro y asfixiante y nos transmiten todos esos sentimientos de los protagonistas con brutal claridad.
Es curioso como una película tan oscura y desgarradora tiene un mensaje muy claro de amor a la vida: tu vida es valiosa, es hermosa, ámala, apasiónate por tu vida aunque duela, la muerte, el suicidio no es una opción. El mensaje es muy bonito, lástima que la terapia con la que se aplica este "amor a la vida" es completamente denigrante e inaceptable!!
No desvelaré el final, que es visualmente y estéticamente lo más luminoso y claro de este film. Sólo decir que roza el género fantástico porque en la vida real NO DEBERÍA SER POSIBLE!
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