The second installment of the humanity comedy "Engawa Lovers," which depicts the everyday life of men who love the veranda, set on the veranda of an old Japanese house. A fledgling movie director, Daisuke Hagiwara (Sho Hinata), a hotel man with a sense of innocence, Akito Ishibashi (Keita Seto), and Tadashi Asakura (Kenya Nakao), who do not yet know how to read the air, have left Tokyo to live in a house. Start living by renting. Hagiwara had a secret that the other two couldn't tell. Hagiwara was busy writing a script for a horror movie, and chose to live in a house for the interview. On the other hand, the landlord Okano (Yoichi Okano) was also worried. Neighbor Michio Fujiwara (Yoichi Nukumizu) urged a foreign wealthy man to sell a house for 300 million yen. Okano and Fujiwara, who are planning to sell their house at a high price, harass Hagiwara and others by stopping the water in the house and robbing the moving luggage, and the three Hagiwara and others are forced to live a survival life as soon as they move. .. Furthermore, a ghost appears in the house, but it was an unexpected event for Hagiwara looking for a horror subject ... Hagiwara and his colleagues began to get to know each other little by little as the new life full of stumbling blocks and the turmoil broke out in a house. (Source: Official 'Engawa Lovers' Website) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 縁側ラヴァーズ2
- Also Known As: Edge Lovers 2
- Genres: Life
Cast & Credits
- Miyama RyokiTai YukioMain Role
- Matsuda GakuSasaki RyoMain Role
- Keita SetoAkito IshibashiMain Role
- SakiOkano MiikoUnknown
- Nakao Kenya Unknown