"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
It was with much difficulty that Ai Qing was able to save enough money and arrive in her dream place, Paris. As a result, she was extremely happy about this. At the same time, Zi Hao is also in Paris receiving an international fashion award, the grand prize. They both got into a big argument at a small artistic shop over a small wooden horse that they both fell in love with. In the end, with the owner's consent, Ai Qing is able to obtain the wooden horse. The accidental meeting at the airport and on the plane, cause the two of them to have an even more unfavorable impression of each other. Both were rejoicing at the fact that after this trip, they would never have to see each other again. However, who would have expected that these two people's destinies are forever intertwined tightly together.
This is the second installment of the A Moment of Romance trilogy, but the plots are unrelated. Celia illegally enters Hong Kong from mainland China and works as a prostitute in order to earn money to save her younger brother from prison. While working for the first time, Celia witnesses the murder of a triad leader and gets framed for the murder. As triad members are chasing her, she is rescued by Frank, a member of a biker gang. Frank came from a wealthy but broken family and always feels depressed. However, he later becomes inspired by Celia's upbeat personality and the two of them fall in love. Celia and Frank encounter obstacles to their love due to their backgrounds.
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
Shirayuki is a female car designer and aspires to create a car like the Nagoya 2000GT which she feels is the best car ever created in Japan. One day, she is assigned to join the automatic driving development team which leaves her in shock and things start to change when she visits the Nagoya Automobile Museum. She meets a 4th generation Brazilian-Japanese Ricardo who wants to steal the 2000GT from the museum. Just then, a mysterious man wearing a white racing suit appears in front of them and turns the entire museum into a fantasy space with his magic that also traps Shirayuki and Ricardo in the museum.
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
The drift team that is on the verge of breaking up scouts Koichi Oba who is not good at socializing due to his introverted personality but has an amazing talent for games.
Koichi is able to demonstrate his talent even in a real car, but those who appear in front him are people who bet their lives on the race.
Now, Koichi's awakened skills, passion, courage and teamwork break through the barrier between the virtual world and the real world and reach the zenith.
Koichi is able to demonstrate his talent even in a real car, but those who appear in front him are people who bet their lives on the race.
Now, Koichi's awakened skills, passion, courage and teamwork break through the barrier between the virtual world and the real world and reach the zenith.