"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
Based on the manga "Speed Master" by Kishi Torajirou.
Akahoshi is a drifter with great car knowledge who travels from town to town aimlessly until he starts working at Sakurai Motors. The motor competition in town is tough though, and a battle between the top motor shop in town and Sakurai Motors soon ensues...
Akahoshi is a drifter with great car knowledge who travels from town to town aimlessly until he starts working at Sakurai Motors. The motor competition in town is tough though, and a battle between the top motor shop in town and Sakurai Motors soon ensues...
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...
"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission...