So, I think the scenes and shots of this movie were carefully produced. It didn't seem like a film, it seemed real, and I think it's a hard concept to pull off; I passed the entire time trying to carefully avaliate the scenes and the setting, and actually. I think this is very well edited.There's some parts in which the movie lacked somethings: The acting of some of the characters were kinda obvious and not so realistic. But they are the support roles, so I think it's less bad. The plot twist was kinda obvious, lol. But the ending surprised me a lot.
As the movie passed, I really thought how the plot was amazing; Even having an idea of the plot twist, it was so good and addicting to watch; I liked even the few jumpscares. Loved the atmosphere and the idea. I think it was well put.
I'm kinda still bamboozled with the ending though - I think that when a movie moves you, it shows how good it is.
Definitely recommend.
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Unmasking the truth
A run down nursing centre that used to be a psychiatric hospital. Medical staff and patients being held hostage at gunpoint by a robber in a creepy clown mask. A young doctor still traumatised by the death of his fiancée and unborn child happens to be on shift duty. It’s all happening on one fateful night. But is there more than meets the eye?This mystery thriller is an adaptation of the 2014 novel with the same name by prolific author and former medical doctor, Mikito Chinen. He has written many medical-themed books and Masked Ward is part of his Ward mystery series. He co-wrote the screenplay along with the director, Kimura Hisashi (TRICK series), Koyama Shota (Dragon Zakura) and Itaru Era. Yutaka Yamada (Imawa no Kuni no Alice, Kingdom) serves as composer while the 36th single from Japanese 6-member rock band UVERworld (Avalanche), AS ONE, is used as the theme song.
What I Generally Liked
The plot is rather layered and filled with unexpected plot twists that unfolds amidst a slowburn tempo fraught with a certain degree of suspense. The conclusion ties all the loose ends neatly and provides a satisfying closure to the entire story and each of its main characters.
The characters are decently written, particularly the main leads, Hayami Shugo and Kawasaki Hitomi. The film takes its time to explore their complex backstories which establishes their respective multifaceted characterizations. This process enables an emotional connection with viewers to buy-in their motivations in the story, as it certainly did with me. That said, I would have appreciated the supporting characters being more fleshed out, which unfortunately does not happen.
Personally I thought Kentaro Sakaguchi (Okaeri Mone) put in a fine performance in his portrayal of Hayami Shugo. He manages to convincingly embody the gradual evolution of the character throughout the film. Nagano Mei (Hakozume: Tatakau! Koban Joshi) showcases an intriguing depiction of Kawasaki Hitomi where she succeeds in conveying the duality of the character’s persona.
What Fell Short
From a technical perspective, the production doesn’t really impress. I would have liked to have seen more finesse in the cinematography to elevate the suspense and intrigue of pivotal scenes. Likewise the BGM which had so much room for improvement. On the other hand, the set design of the hospital setting does appear adequately presented.
The film lacks the eerie or sinister vibes to its atmospherics that would have heightened the sense of trepidation and tension that the narrative is trying to convey to viewers. A truly untapped potential there that points to a missed opportunity.
The logic behind some of the characters’ actions is questionable as well as the possibility of plot holes in the storyline. Without delving or spoiling the mystery too much, let’s just say that the hostage taker in this film is a lot nicer than most in real life.
Final Thoughts
I think the storytelling turned out to be a lot less powerful and provocative than it was intended to be, attributed mainly to the shortcomings or lack of quality execution in certain aspects of the production. As a one time watch, it was an interesting viewing experience but ultimately it could’ve been so much better.
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I do not have much to say other than there were PLENTY of twists and turns which was nice and I enjoyed it up until the end because then I was left confused. I hate when movies end like that, it's like you already put that much effort in why not push it through to the end. The ending really ruined it for me tbh, still confused on that. do not hate this movie but will not watch again. The actors were good, production was decent, music was GREAT. Even know I am still unclear on how I feel about this movie tbh, It was good.. well decent until the ending so Idk if i should hate it or love it minus the end. I will say I was hoping that the two would end up together LMAOOO, was def shipping them HARD.Was this review helpful to you?
Les pires secrets sont toujours enfouis...
Que puis-je dire sur ce film ?! Je l'ai regardé sans vérifier l'histoire, je ne savais donc pas trop à quoi m'attendre.Très vite, l'ambiance de ce film semble étrange... Nous comprenons que quelque chose cloche mais nous n'arrivons pas à mettre le doigt sur ce qui nous dérange... Puis cette prise d'otages... Un clown aux motifs cachés... Des personnages plus coupables les uns que les autres... Des secrets des plus horribles...
Cette histoire nous mène dans une vengeance si bien construite... Cependant, le temps entre le motif de la vengeance & celle-ci me semble tellement court que je me demande comment elle a pu être fomenté sans que personne ne s'en rende compte... (Vous me direz, c'est un film de 1h40, difficile de faire de grandes distances de temps mais je la trouve tellement "instantanée" que l'histoire en perd de sa profondeur...)
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