This is Special episode 2019 of "Saijo no Meii" follows the story of a young genius surgeon named Saijo Mikoto who was born with a bad heart, however, since he was under the care of the leading Japanese heart surgeon, Shindo Mamoru, he survived his illness. In return, Saijou himself became a surgeon, and in the process, eventually became the greatest pediatric surgeon in the world. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: ドラマスペシャル 最上の命医2019
- Also Known As: The Best Skilled Surgeon 2019
- Director: Aso Manabu
Cast & Credits
- Saitoh TakumiSaijo MikotoMain Role
- Tanaka RenaTakigawa NatsukiSupport Role
- Nagai MasaruSeki KoichiroSupport Role
- Murata TakehiroNakagomi RyuzoSupport Role
- Izumiya ShigeruShindo MamoruSupport Role
- Kishitani GoroSakuma KosakuSupport Role
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