Dropped 17/24
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 29, 2021
17 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Lots of Expectations But Many Disappointments

I picked up Perfect & Casual because I wanted a drama with a sweet, nice, respectable male lead. And I was so happy to find out that he was that and more - patient, caring, thoughtful and more. He treats the female lead with respect from the start, always mindful of her own desires and ambitions. He seeks to support and uplift her and is genuinely happy in seeing her succeed.

The female lead on the other hand was a major disappointment. She was bright, spunky and charming in the beginning, but as her relationship with the ML deepened, her personality vanished. She seemed to only be a prop to showcase the ML's charm.

Every episode had at least scene where the FL would encounter an issue, dramatic music would begin to play in the background, and the ML would swoop in and save her using his wits. In one ep, a person cuts in front of the FL in the lunch line and I swear, the drama made it seem like the whole cafeteria's panties dropped when the ML stopped the person in their tracks and gave him a stern scolding.

Those moments were over-the-top but funny, but the consistent damsel-in-distress moments became tiresome when you realize that the FL's successes were only a result of the ML intervening. It became difficult to parse out the FL's personality, her interests and desires, beyond the ML.

The drama's early episodes fit the vibe of Because This Is My First Life, a kdrama of two pleasant, mature people who enter into a contract marriage and find themselves a perfect match, so I was thrilled when I began watching Perfect & Casual. But as each plot point wrapped up, I kept hoping the FL would find her personality again, but by the time I got to episode 17, I realized there was little chance the FL's personality would revive itself. I swear, at times, the age gap between the two characters felt like decades, rather than just a few years.

I would recommend this drama if you want an easy watch. The ML is one of the kindest male leads I've come across in my 13+ year drama-watching journey. But if you want a little more meat to your FL's, I'd pass.

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Dropped 15/24
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 17, 2023
15 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Went downhill little to early just after 9th episode out of 24

Mess start at after 9 episodes and story went downhill from the point
Our ML even after 9 episodes remain robot which drives away FL from his house like a Idiot a brainless robot pretending to be some genius professor
they marriage lasted just 2 episodes what loser of a professor.

when we reach 13th episode professor started claiming FL as his property which belong to him
at end of episode 15 he turn into a coward from robot
after that i give up on this
7/10 for episodes until 9 and -3.5 for after that.....
so 3.5/10 is final rating this show deserve.

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Dropped 3/24
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 21, 2023
3 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 2.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Don’t even know what to say

There is nothing I hate more than the bashing of FLs in C & K Dramas. It’s my biggest pet peeve. But this series pushed all the freaking wrong buttons for me. In my fight to support the actresses of C & K TV industry from the constant bashing from viewers and fans, I vehemently refuse to blame this actress, so I lay my blame and vitriol solely at the feet of the writers and directors of this snooze dumb fest. I have said this several times in some of my reviews, the writers and directors of C & K Dramas need to STOP portraying their female characters as weak, timid, useless and brainless. It’s beyond ridiculous and so damn insulting to women. The few episodes I watched the FL can’t do anything without d help of d ML or her friends. She acts like a literal child.
We are know that movies and series are scripted and then acted but for movies and series to be great they need to not feel like acting but even if it does feel like acting let it atleast be good acting, well to say this one failed woefully in that aspect is such an understatement. It felt like acting and not even in a good way.
I tried to endure this and continue watching but the more I watched the more I felt like I was not only losing brain cells but also forcing myself to watch it. So I dropped this.
1/10 is being generous as there is no option for 0/10.

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Ongoing 7/24
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 19, 2020
7 of 24 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 1.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

Story Review

FL has poor acting skills-maybe because of the role. She is not convincing to play the part.

ML is annoying at the same time.

Maybe the story will have a different plot but so far negative impression for me and my friends

















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Enjoy little things
2 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Rafraîchissant et touchant

Voilà un petit drama qui se laisse bien regarder, et qui est touchant et rafraîchissant! Plutôt court pour un drama chinois (24 épisodes) j’avais juste envie de trouver un drama simple mais sympathique.

Et ce fut le cas, aucun regret!

Certes, tous les clichés y sont, on sait déjà ce qui va se passer, mais malgré tout j’ai été embarquée, et j’ai aimé !

Tout les couples sont touchants et ont leurs propres histoires qui sont bien développées.

L’alchimie du couple principal est bien présente, et on adore les voir évoluer, chacun en restant bien dans leur rôle. J’ai adoré le respect qu’ils avaient l’un pour l’autre, et l’épanouissement de leur histoire.

C’est simple mais efficace, mignon mais pas dégoulinant, et rafraîchissant à souhait.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Un drama sans prétention mais sympathique

Que voilà un petit drama sans prétention mais qui a le mérite d'être plutôt rafraichissant. Tous les clichés sont bel et bien présent. Le scénario en lui même n'est en rien original : une jolie héroïne, parfois maladroite, parfois naïve, possédant une nature chaleureuse. Et de l'autre côté, un professeur d'université, un matheux surdoué (ce n'est pas moi qui ira me mortifier de voir encore et encore le même stéréotype....) qui ne sait raisonner qu'à travers ses chiffres et ses statistiques. Un contrat de mariage en bonne et due forme afin de rendre heureux le grand-père, bref, du réchauffé, je ne vais pas le dénier à qui que ce soit.
Pourtant, ce drama m'aura tout de même fait sourire presque tout le long. Ce que j'ai fortement aimé est la relation réellement sincère entre nos deux protagonistes. Il n'y a quasiment aucun malentendu, et les seuls quiproquos qui sont venus jeter un pavé dans la marre n'ont pas duré et très vite, nos deux tourtereaux ont pu avancer. Et c'est le point fort de ce drama. Si Nian et Yun Shu avancent naturellement. La progression de leur amour est adorable et simple. Il n'y a pas de crise de larme, de crise de jalousie ou de colère qui viennent entacher leur relation. Si Nian respecte Yun Shu dès le début et ne la forcera jamais en rien. Il lui laissera tout le temps le choix de sa vie, de ses envies, de ses refus. Sans jamais faire peser une quelconque angoisse sur ses épaules. Et c'est réciproque. Et cela fait du bien quand un couple commence leur amour dans un respect profond de l'un envers l'autre.
Alors, oui cela manque un peu de passion bien que les bisous deviennent un peu plus passionnés vers la fin.
Oui, le drama n'est pas intense mais d'une sérénité reposante(et on en a tous besoin un jour ou l'autre).
Oui, tout parait facile pour ce couple, mais lorsqu'on est fatigué des dramas à complots, des dramas prise de tête, c'est reposant, nous n'allons pas nous mentir.

L'autre défaut que j'ai pu relever, sont les romances secondaires qui comme d'habitude ne sont pas vraiment nécessaires, ne sont pas intéressantes et qui m'ont "obligé" à zapper ces parties là.
Je dois tout de même préciser que j'ai beaucoup aimé l'avocat Meng qui m'aura bien fait sourire bêtement. Et surtout le grand-père qui est adorable.
Les fins d'épisode étaient rondement menés et avaient la particularité de nous obliger à vouloir voir la suite.

L'OST est sympathique et apporte un petit plus à la dynamique de certaines scènes. J'ai beaucoup aimé (en tant qu'artiste héhé) les dessins de Yun Shu. Et une artiste en couple avec un matheux, c'est un peu l'histoire de ma vie, je ne pouvais qu'aimer.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

Faltou dinamismo e conflitos plausíveis

Do começo até a metade a série até que segue bem e te prende, mas depois que algumas questões vão se resolvendo o drama fica arrastado e algumas tramas cansam. Honestamente, dois casais secundários eu achei demais. Pulei as cenas dos casais secundários sem peso na consciência, pois realmente não me prenderam. O casal principal é que tinha o enredo mais carismático e eram meu foco de interesse.
A protagonista é muito fofa, é bem fácil se encantar por ela. O protagonista é o típico nerd com QI alto, mas inteligência emocional praticamente nula, o qual vemos em muitos dramas. Porém neste drama esse detalhe chega a ser um tanto além do suportável. Fica cansativo ver o quanto ele não se toca em muitas questões e acha que tá fazendo algo correto. A gente entende e compra a boa intensão dele, mas isso se repete e começa a ficar chato. Honestamente dizendo, se eu conhecesse um cara assim na vida real, eu o acharia muito chato a ponto de revirar os olhos cada vez que ele começasse a fazer uma palestrinha explicando alguma coisa. Há algumas cenas em que ele aparece como o herói da palestra pra salvar a mocinha de alguma situação com seu discurso impecável. Toca uma musiquinha e ele surge argumentando. E bom, isso não ficou algo incrível de ver, mas sim um pouco engraçado pra não dizer meio ridículo kkkkkk.
E estaria tudo bem se tirassem um pouco o foco dessas características tão marcantes e focassem em algum conflitos reais, mas isso não acontece. Os conflitos são bem clichês e previsíveis. Não sei se sou eu que estou muito acostumada a ver enredos assim, mas eu previ até coisas que poderiam ser um pouco difíceis, mas pra mim eram óbvias.
Como se não bastasse a falta de tato um pouco hilária da parte do mocinho, a mocinha também não fica tão atrás. Apesar de muito fofa, linda e carismática, ela é muito imatura. Ela tem 21 anos e ele tem 28. Eu acho que já não é mais fofo ver maiores de idade agindo como pré adolescentes. É perfeitamente possível deixar o casal fofo e maduro ao mesmo tempo, então não entendo porque forçam esse contexto.
Enfim, o drama poderia ser bem melhor se tivesse fluído com mais dinamismo e as personagens com um maior desenvolvimento. É fato que houve alguma evolução e desenvolvimento, mas isso acontece de um modo tão sutil e arrastado que parece que não aconteceu. Há tramas que achei desnecessárias e cenas também, meio arrastadas ao ponto de eu acabar pulando pra um próximo quadro onde alguma coisa realmente acontecesse. E fiz isso muitas vezes na segunda metade do drama.
E não, o drama não é tão ruim. Poderia ser mais curto, talvez. Poderia ter apenas um casal secundário, o protagonista poderia ser um pouquinho menos chatão, apesar de realmente amar muito a protagonista, ao menos isso fica evidente. E também há várias cenas que são bem fofas e você se derrete. Portanto se estiver muito na dúvida faça que nem eu: veja o drama pulando as cenas arrastadas sem medo de ser feliz, porque não se perde nada de importante mesmo. E então você pode se divertir com cenas fofas entre o casal e ainda terminar o drama mais rápido.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

It's ok

To be honest, i don't know what i was expecting, but i didn't feel hooked with this one.

I really like the main actors, and i enjoyed their previous dramas - at least the ones i watched -, but i don't think that the history was strong enough to to sustain their chemistry.

It is not the convinients and the clichés, those things don't bother me - actually i love them - i think it was the excessive slow burn that, in the end at the day, didn't burned anything. lol.

at one point things were just... boring? even the side couples were boring. poor FL's male best friend, he's really sweet and her best friend were just so childish all the time and never knew what she wanted.
the sister, omg, what a annoying character... and, yes, the ML's best friend is also annoying lol.

in general, i think there was a lack of content in everything. from the characters' personalities, through the plots to the end.

everything was just so superficial that the one thing i really enjoyed was the health and natural relationship with the mc's, even though i caught myself missing more spontaneity in acting of both of them

still better than "sweet cold" though, lol

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Simona Leila
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Dolce al punto giusto

A me piacciono i romcom dolci ma non troppo mielosi e questo ha colpito nel segno! I due attori principali insieme sono veramente belli e hanno saputo maturare (insieme e da soli) i loro ruoli. Da una parte il classico personaggio freddo e insensibile che non sa nulla dell'amore, dall'altra una giovane studentessa ignorante della vita e con la mentalità fin troppo buona e ingenua, tanto che a volte la sua stupidità fa veramente ridere. Eppure mi sono ritrovata molto in lei, soprattutto la me del passato. Cosa apprezzata la quasi totalmente mancanza di sad back story di cui facciamo volentieri a meno (è diciamo presente ma non da fastidio e sopratutto viene risolta in poco tempo e bene!). Una delle second lead mi è piaciuta mentre l'altra meh ma non troppo malvagia.
Mi ha meravigliata davvero tanto che per la prima volta nella mia vita ho saputo amare una coppia professore/studentessa, cosa che solitamente mi da proprio fastidio e non riuscivo per nulla ad accettare ma non so perché loro mi hanno fatto passare tutto!
Ciò che non mi è piaciuto è stato che in alcune sequenze c'erano scene in cui un attimo prima l'audio andava in sintonia con le labbra che si muovevano mentre in altre, alcune anche di pochi secondi in mezzo "a quelle normali" erano totalmente fuori sincrono. Ci tengo a precisare che io guardo i drama sempre e solo in lingua originale subtitolati quindi non è stato un problema di doppiaggio.
In secundis, l'evoluzione lavorativa della protagonista fa di molto storcere il naso perché altamente improbabile e a volte sembra una presa in giro, una cavolata.
Però per il resto mi è piaciuto tanto.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Dulce y ligero

Que belleza de drama, te hace sentir mariposas

Este es el drama que me hizo adicta a los dramas chinos, así que guarda un espacio especial en mi corazón.
Me gusto mucho el desarrollo de los personajes, la protagonista femenina es super linda pero sin ser incomoda. Ella es una persona dulce. Y el protagonista masculino ufff guapísimo, es serio pero dulce. La tensión entre ellos lo tienen a uno al borde del asiento, es de esos dramas que lo hacen a uno querer enamorarse.
Mi único problema fue que no me termino de convencer la pareja secundaria, pero aun así me gusto lo suficiente para ver todas sus escenas sin saltármelas.
La química entre los protagonistas es fantástica, da gusto verlos.
Si están buscando un drama profundo, este no es la mejor opción, pero si lo es si están buscando un drama romántico para ver y disfrutar.

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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 14, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

¡El drama más perfecto y casual!

Simplemente me encantó, no sé cómo explicar el cariño que le agarré y le tengo a éste hermoso cdrama.
Me encantó el protagonista (Miles Wei, un actor chino super lindo que no entendía porque no protagonizaba, por fin se le hizo justicia, amé al profesor matemático perfecto zhan sinian) me encantó la canción del ending, me encantó la trama, me encantó la protagonista fiel a sus sentimientos, me encantó, me encantó, me encantó este drama, de verdad me gustó mucho.
A pesar de que el primer capítulo no me pareció la gran cosa y no causó una gran impresión en mi -(ya que estaba triste por haber acabado de terminar "My ID is Gagnam Beauty", no porque halla sido muy bueno el drama sino porque ya no vería a Cha Eun Woo)- aún así tenía un buen presentimiento de Perfect and Casual y acerté.
Creo que es un drama nada extraordinario pero nose explicar lo mucho que lo disfruté, ya lo he dicho mucho pero en serio me encantó y lo volvería a ver.
Si te gustan los matrimonios por contrato éste drama te va a gustar, Tu eres mi destino y pleno verano lleno de amor son otros dramas que he visto con esta trama, aunque me gustaron mucho creo que prefiero perfect and casual.
Este es un drama perfecto y casual, en el que prácticamente no existe triángulo amoroso, si lo hay, pero es casi irrelevante e inexistente. Por cierto, ¿Cómo el abuelo se enteró del matrimonio por contrato?.
Aunque las historias secundarias causaban muy poco interés en mi (y es precisamente por eso que no le doy 10, incluso lo actores son muy poco conocidos) debo decir que quería que Lu Yu fuera perseguido por Yun Lan.

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Perfect and Casual (2020) poster



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