Extreme Violence.
Filmed in black and white "Limbo" is one of most insane darkest thrillers I've seen in a while. It starts out with a new officer and veteran detective looking into a series of serial murders. With this basic premise as a beginning, the film begins to ramp up the suspense minute by minute. Violent, abusive, aggressive and inhumane the investigation and detectives loose control. While watchers speed toward an ending that spits them out hard at the end. Gritty visuals and graphic violence add to the dark subject matter. Watch accordingly. Recommended.Was this review helpful to you?
電影裡邊嘅髒亂世界同埋壓抑社會都喺拍攝細節上深層嘅表達出嚟,尤其是係經過黑白畫面處理更加覺得震撼。 部片唯有不足嘅地方就係喺編劇部分係相當之令人失望,角色設計可以講係不達標,亦都冇為個案件嘅推理作出重要細節, 領到故事推進同埋連接性失去動力,故事結局做得好似好甩漏噉。 不過演員嘅努力演出係值得讚賞,特別係林家棟同埋劉雅瑟嘅搏命演出,最後嘅動作片段都幾有視覺衝擊。Was this review helpful to you?