A romantic drama that focuses on the love stories of high school best friends Min Joo, Kang Chan, Bang Hee, and Hyun Beom. Everything begins when Min Joo, who develops an unrequited love for Kang Chan for a long time ends up having her deceased brother Dae Yeon’s soul take control of her body. To fulfill his younger sister’s one-sided love, Dae Yeon does his best to win over Kang Chan’s heart. (Source: Soompi) Edit Translation
- English
- 한국어
- 日本語
- Русский
- Native Title: 오빠가 대신 연애해줄께
- Also Known As: oppaga daesin yeonaehaejulkke , I'll Do That For You , obbaga daesin yeonaehaejulgge , Oppa Will Date Instead , Oppaga daesin yeonaehaejulge , 오대연
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- Yoon Bo MiOh Min JooMain Role
- Han Se JinChoi Kang ChanMain Role
- Jang ChunOh Dae YeonMain Role
- Park Su MinBang Hee YeonMain Role
- Jung JinNo Hyeon BeomSupport Role
- Jeong Ha Yul Support Role
Four 10-minute fillers
Firstly, I was really anticipating this drama for no particular reason. And all I had expected from its description was some comical scenes between Kang Chan and Dae Yeon and some flashbacks of Min Joo and Kang Chan.What did it turn out to be?
Noise issues
Opening into a drinking scene with Dae Yeon narration overlapping with drunken live streaming of Bang Hee, this series has many noise issues. Sometimes, it's the OST and sometimes, it's the narration.
It did make me laugh and sometimes it made me cringe. Much of the screentime was wasted in the live streaming and product promotions of Bang Hee which could have used for an additional scene of Kang Chan and Dae Yeon or Dae Yeon and Min Joo. Even the amateurish editing can be a pain for the eyes.
It was doable for a 10-minute series.
The ending was rushed. Proper closure could have been given for Dae Yeon's moment.
Final Verdict
Watch it for its duration. Watch it as a filler. Maybe between binging or when you have a few minutes to spare. Neither you would remember it nor you would be disappointed.
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