The story revolves around a Filipino/African-American girl named Nita. Her mother is Filipina and her father is African-American Filipino. At an early age, she was separated from her mother and was raised at an orphanage. With her complexion, she is always being teased and humiliated, and despite this, she still stands strong and manages to turn her dreams into reality. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Nita Negrita
- Also Known As: Bold Nita
- Screenwriter: Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan
- Director: Gil Tejada Jr.
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Cast & Credits
- Barbie FortezaAntoinette / Nita Raymundo/ Nita Negrita / NetnetMain Role
- Joshua DionisioPrince RamirezMain Role
- Lotlot de LeonMirasol "Mira" BuenaventuraSupport Role
- Miguel TanfelixJun-junSupport Role
- Bubbles ParaisoAlexandra Del Castillo / AlexSupport Role
- Michelle VitoPeachySupport Role
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