Both main leads were struggled with inner fear, one was introverted and unhappy high schooler, the other one fear of crowd. However, both has immense musical talent. Enjoy the music very much. Take friendship or supporting person to bring out the best of them
Life struggle but the love of music fire never extinguish. Obstacle, struggle, life cruelty, but music bring happiness and bonding. Community support. Music bring smile to the face.
The need of a perseverance, mature and stubborn individual to help young talented musician to shine. Youth musician were struggling with obstacle, lack of direction, poverty, low spirit.
Different type of drum. One is tradition drum the other one is modern drum. Both about a young man struggle with life, almost giving up, no direction. He finally find a way to overcome the fear and then shine.
Both main lead has inner struggle. One has phobia or PTSD, the other one has illness. Both are real life talented musician, singer, composer, love by many