The drama follows the story of an ordinary college student who becomes accused of murder after a chance encounter. The series explores the complexities of the criminal justice system, the challenges faced by those accused of crimes, and the impact of such accusations on individuals and their families.
Story line have lot of similarities to black out.
The acting in the drama is widely praised, with Kim Soo-hyun and Cha Seung-won delivering compelling performances.The acting in the drama is often praised for its realism and emotional depth.
Story line have lot of similarities to black out.
The acting in the drama is widely praised, with Kim Soo-hyun and Cha Seung-won delivering compelling performances.The acting in the drama is often praised for its realism and emotional depth.
Both leads were falsely accused and were desperately trying to clear their name. The drama is about unearthing the real killer and talking about social injustice
Very strong emotionally. The wrong person was accused of killing. Great lead actors. Very fast paced too.
Both dramas are about life inside a prison. There is no shortage of harsh and bloody scenes and unjustly accused characters.
Something to check out if you like the prison arc from INSIDER.
Both follow MLs who are put into prison. Whilst the ML from INSIDER is innocent. the ML in ONE ORDINARY DAY has been arrested for something he doesn't remember. Both MLs are trying to find out the truth and both of them get close to the top dogs of the prison and they look out for them throughout both dramas (kind of...)
Both follow MLs who are put into prison. Whilst the ML from INSIDER is innocent. the ML in ONE ORDINARY DAY has been arrested for something he doesn't remember. Both MLs are trying to find out the truth and both of them get close to the top dogs of the prison and they look out for them throughout both dramas (kind of...)
I don't know where "one ordinary day" is going as it's ep.3 today, but it has good common points with the movie "The trial" :
- a young nice guy accused from murder
- a quick (and wrongful) sentencing leading him to jail
- a clumsy lawyer who fights for good and bad reasons, to innocent him
(I love both btw :))
- a young nice guy accused from murder
- a quick (and wrongful) sentencing leading him to jail
- a clumsy lawyer who fights for good and bad reasons, to innocent him
(I love both btw :))
Both dramas are about a crime and the investigation of it and in some point the main characters start to be the prime suspects. Even tough in Beyond Evil there's more investigation and less scenes in prison, they have the same vibe and both of em show how a wrong investigation, curruption and injustice might affect a person for the rest of their life.
They both are different in plot and atmosphere but i spot some similarities like:
-Both dramas tell about someone who is wrongly accused due to all the evidences that lead to him but he denies them.
-Also in both dramas there is an only lawyer who's willing to help the defendant (although the lawyer from each drama has very different perspectives), but still not making it easy on the defendant.
-Both dramas tell about someone who is wrongly accused due to all the evidences that lead to him but he denies them.
-Also in both dramas there is an only lawyer who's willing to help the defendant (although the lawyer from each drama has very different perspectives), but still not making it easy on the defendant.