Dropped 11/16
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 11, 2021
11 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 8.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A little disappointing - nothing new about this kdrama

This drama is disappointing. Before watching this drama, I read first the comments about it and they were mostly positive. However, upon watching the first 11 episodes, I honestly think those comments were overly exaggerated. This drama seems to have been made in the late 2000s, there is nothing new about the plot and more than half of the characters are annoying and predictable. Da-Li's character is so naive and out of touch with reality, I can't believe women are still portrayed like this in 2021. I suggest to only watch it if you're a fan of the lead actors, but if not, there are many more better kdramas to watch :)

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A VigneshKumar
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

Awesome Story & Ultimae OST

Its random fusible story
The DPO done their best
The Background score and OST Ultimae
The Director, Script writer, Screenplay Editor, Are
Worked together Oriented in same thought
If they miss judged any scenes in
First 6 episodes total drama become disaster
And thanks to Actor And Actors
Especially [Park Gyu Young and Kim Min Jae] their acting was ultimate
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Jul 29, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0


I love Dali's character. She's an interesting mix between solemn and quirky, which the actress did really well. Also, her styling was perfect. Other things I really enjoyed were the museum setting, the humor, and the romance. The leads had really good chemistry. This would have been a 10 for me if the mystery/crime aspect had been left out. It wasn't really needed as a source of conflict. Saving the museum from going bankrupt and overcoming different background/values was already good source material. I would have liked to see more of a focus on character growth.
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Apr 8, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Might not be for you if you suffer from second-hand embarrassment

This is a difficult one to rate. I enjoyed it but it took me a long time to finish it because I was always dreading the second-hand embarrassment Moo Hak was giving me. It was honestly a bit much at times. Just like Da Li's naivety was also too much at times.

The first episode was laugh-out-oud funny, then it dragged a bit but it turned around in the second half and became more bingeable. The second half was actually really good because the murder mystery became a bigger part. I also really liked the artsy editing but wasn't the biggest fan of the OST.

All in all it's cute with some hilarious moments, but also quite a bit of cringe and in the long term probably not particularly memorable.

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0 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

fluffy duckling love with a hint of crime?

I'd say this show was half cute and half crime mystery. It did feel very divided. What I liked was that the main couple's chemistry was as cute as duckling stuffed animals. I liked the consistency of it, there wasn't some big dramatic issue with them and they were what made the show light-hearted. I loved seeing them actually laugh together like please more of that! On the other hand and this is why shows where families are a little too involved...bug me. I did get to a point where I just had to fast-forward through scenes with the family whether it was Dali's outrageous overacting cousin or on the other family the too much stepmom. I simply couldn't handle it. If you are like me in that sense with family drama, I would say you are not missing much if you fast pass through the family scenes and enjoy the cute love blossom instead.

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Turtle Stomper
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 6, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Clean the darn phones please.

This is a pretty good drama for just casual entertainment that doesn't require a lot of concentration or reasoning. The actors were good enough, the sets were pretty, the costumes of the leads were some of the best I've seen in a kdrama. There wasn't a lot of annoying love triangle or "we can't be together because of xyz" plot hooks, so that was refreshing. The male lead was funny and engaging without being overbearing and controlling.

Aside from being a fairly shallow storyline, it was a worthwhile watch...not epic, not great, but not terrible and good enough to pass the time enjoyably. There were some dark themes and a lot of the typical kdrama life wisdom lines. The relationship between the two main leads was fun to watch and it was nice to see them support each other through hardships. The chemistry was pretty good, though it clashed a lot with the female lead's overall stiff and wounded personality, so it was hard sometimes to see the chemsitry. When they got it right though, it was pretty fun to watch them interact.

There isn't a lot else to say. My only real issue with this drama were the landline phones. The phone handset in the gallery offices were always covered in weird slimy looking grime that really detracted from the clean set visuals for me. A lot of the windows were needlessly grimy too. Apart from that, the rooftop window had some weird visual effect on its crossbars that seemed to have been pulled straight from 1980s powerpoint.

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4 people found this review helpful
Nov 23, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
MARAVILHOSO!!! Excelente drama. Ótimos atores, plot sofisticado, agradável, divertido e muito bem construído. Esse drama vai te proporcionar diversas emoções como alegria, diversão raiva, tristeza, felicidade, e uma dose generosa de muito bom humor. Não tem como não se apaixonar. A OST é maravilhosa e sofisticada. E de fato uma experiência muito prazerosa assistir e se emocionar como esse drama. Recomendo a todos! ????????????????????????
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2 people found this review helpful
Feb 10, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

une déception de plus...

Le premier épisode lancé et j'étais sous le charme. Des protagonistes aux antipodes évidentes faisant fi de leur différence est un thème aguicheur.
Jin Moo Hak est le personnage qui m'aura permis de tenir le coup jusqu'au bout : nouveau riche et grippe-sou sans aucune honte, ce personnage est pourtant adorable de part sa franchise assumée, ses raisonnements très terre à terre mais ô combien réaliste et surtout sa maladresse et sensibilité qui détonnent pour un personnage plaçant l'argent au-dessus de presque tout. A la limite de l'inculte, ses propos parfois "grossiers" sont pourtant remplis de sincérité et tout comme Dali, nous sourions souvent à ses erreurs d'expressions ou son manque de subtilité. J'ai particulièrement aimé ce personnage, un battant qui ne renie ni ses origines, ni ce qu'il aime.
Face à lui, Dali était au premier abord, une jeune femme issue d'une certaine classe sociale, cultivée et raffinée. Leur premier rencontre est un délice et voir Dali aussi enjouée face à la maladresse un peu brute de Moo Hak présageait une romance légère et sucrée. Ce qui fut le cas au tout tout tout début. Car très vite, avec tous les malheurs du monde qui s'abattent sur Dali, l'ambiance bon enfant disparait pour nous montrer (encore) le pire chez l'homme. Cela ne serait pas un défaut, si Dali n'avait pas passé les 3/4 de son temps à se dénigrer, à courber l'échine et à pleurnicher....je suis sûrement un peu extrême, mais je regarde en parallèle "Jun Jiu Ling" et le contraste avec la force de caractère et l'intelligence incroyable de Jiu Ling dessert grandement celui de Dali. Elle reste tout de même un personnage sympathique, qui illumine l'écran lorsqu'elle sourit.
La romance entre les protagonistes est assez mignonne et on suit facilement la progression de leur lien. Il faut tout même remarquer que Moo Hak est le moteur dynamique de ce couple. Bien que Dali soit assez mature et peu prude, ce qui apporte une petite touche de sensualité dans leur couple, j'avoue avoir trouver un peu leur couple ennuyant. Un peu.
L'autre reproche? les personnages secondaires. Caricaturés à l'extrême, ils sont mal écrits. Montrer des nouveaux riches mal dégrossis, pourquoi pas. Mais il eût mieux valu peut-être leur donner une certaine profondeur, les rendre attachants ou du moins nous les rendre accessibles...Tout comme le monde mondain dans lequel évolue Da Li est tout aussi cliché avec des personnes très maniérés et prenant un peu de haut ceux qui ne s'y connaissant pas en art. J'ai trouvé cela très frustrant lorsque Moo Hak est pointé avec un certain mépris sur son manque de culture ou de goût dans les arts.
La famille de Moo Hak? Criard et pathétique. Aucune émotion ou lien entre père et fil ou mère et fils valant la peine de s'y attarder.
L'ex-fiancé de Dali? Fade et inintéressant. J'aime les antagonistes qui sont classes et donne du fil à retordre grâce à leur intelligence...ce qui n'est pas le cas ici.
L'équipe de Dali au musée? De la décoration. Ils ne servent à rien et aucun lien d'amitié ou de loyauté qui nous donnerait envie d'applaudir leur combat commun.
Ahn Chak Hee? Je trouve dommage qu'elle n'ait pas une évolution aussi intéressante que Li Tian dans "My Fated Boy"....
Seul, l'ami d'enfance de Dali et la secrétaire de Moo Hak sont plutôt intéressant.

C'est dommage car la réalisation est bonne et l'OST très sympathique.

Au final, une déception de plus....

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Choco latte
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 1, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers


Jadi, aku nonton ini itu tanpa punya ekspektasi apapun sama dramanya dan wow it's such a beautiful and entertaining drama!!
Setelah hometown cha-cha-cha, agak males sebenarnya nonton drakor, udah ada 5 drakor yang ditonton setelah Homcha dan ga satupun berhasil dihabisin. Nonton ini juga ga expect apapun sebenarnya malah mikir keknya bakal drop lagi seperti drama-drama sebelumnya. Eh, setelah mulai nonton malah ga bisa berhenti, berhasil dibikin ngakak, gemes, dan kesel.

Storylinenya bagus, penulisnya aku kasih jempol buat ceritanya. Karena genrenya romcom, of course kita bakal disuguhin sama romance yang diselipin dengan komedi dan drama ini sukses buat menyampaikan kedua hal itu ke penonton. Romancenya gemes banget yang bakal bikin kalian senyum-senyum terus ngeliatin mereka, meskipun karakter JIn Moo Hak ini awalnya galak ya di depan orang-orang. Terus komedinya, aku bener-bener apresiasi banget drama ini karena komedinya itu konsisten banget sampai akhir bukan yang cuma di awal-awal doang. Bener-bener dibikin ketawa sampai akhir karena kekonyolannya Moohak dkk. Kemudian, drama ini juga punya selipan misteri ya dan eksekusinya bagus menurutku, meskipun bukan yang plot twist gimana banget ya. Rapih dramanya, runtut, dan ga menimbulkan banyak kebingungan. Cuma aku merasa di episode terakhir semuanya berjalan begitu cepat ya, tiba-tiba Dali sama Gongju udah jadi bestie aja, Wontak pindah dari rumah atas, dan Chakhee yang tiba-tiba pindah ke galeri Chongsong. Sayang kurang dijelasin prosesnya dan kurang dijelasin juga antara hubungan Wontak-Dali gimana awalnya bisa ketemu dan gimana Wontak bisa dianggap anak sama papanya Dali, terus gimana Gongju bisa kenal sama Wontak juga. Apakah mereka berasal dari tempat yang sama?

Untuk karakter dan akting, aku apresiasi banget seluruh cast dari drama ini karena mereka semua berhasil menghidupkan karakter masing-masing dan kita jadi bisa ngerasain emosinya masing-masing. Kim Min Jae did a really gob job portraying the pure but confident Moohak, aku ga berhenti ketawa setiap dia ngelucu atau melakukan hal-hal bodoh tapi merasa terharu juga karena Moohak sebenarnya orang baik mau menerima Dali apa adanya. Meskipun awalnya suka marah-marah ya bikin kesel tapi Moohak emang orang baik dari awal dan Min Jae menghidupkan karakter Moohak ini dengan sangat baik. Park Gyu Young sebagai Kim Dali juga duh patut diberi jempol, berbeda sama karakter-karakter yang dia mainin sebelumnya, Gyu Young berhasil banget menghidupkan karakter Dali yang ceroboh, pintar tapi polos, dan sangat menyukai seni. Dali juga baik banget orangnya rela berkorban demi orang-orangnya dan bukan yang suka nyalahin orang kalau ada masalah yang dihadapi. Terus, aku mau apresiasi banget buat aktor/aktris yang berperan sebagai keluarganya Moohak, walaupun ngeselin tapi mereka berhasil banget menghidupkan suasana "orang kaya yang mau dibilang kaya padahal aslinya mereka bodoh" karena hal tersebut keliatan banget di mereka dan sukses bikin kesel tapi ketawa juga karena mereka keliatan konyol. Buat Wontak, i love his acting so much. Sudah ngikutin Hwang Hee dari beberapa series and he is a verstile actor can playing various roles and did a great job to all of them. Dan aku senang karena penulisnya ga maksa Wontak untuk jadi 'orang ketiga' dari kisah cintanya Dali-Moohak dan nunjukkin kalau cowok dan cewek itu emang bisa berteman. Satu lagi, buat orang-orangnya Moohak, Yeo Biseo dkk. dan pegawai-pegawai Chongsong, i'm gonna give y'all a lot of hearts cuz you guys nailed it dan nambahin rasa ke drama ini.

Untuk musik, OSTnya bagus-bagus dan background musik semua cocok dengan adegannya, so, gaada yang mengganggu aku dalam hal musik karena semuanya emang pada tempatnya. Overall, i love this show so much dan ini cukup underrated juga sepertinya jadi i recommend it to all of you who's craving for a good rom-com drama. Terima kasih.

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Simona Leila
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Una commedia romantica che si sviluppa con varie aggiunte di mistery, thriller e qualche scena un po' trashotta. Nel complesso l'opera mi è piaciuta molto perchè oltre a questi elementi abbiamo un tema ricorrente a cui sono particolarmente sensibile, ovvero quello tra padri e figli. Credo sia stato il perno su cui alla fine è girato tutto, sia in una maniera che nell'altra. Sia in positivo che in negativo. Mi è piaciuto anche come è stato trattato il tema dell'arte, non solo da sfondo ma da coprotagonista di tutta la storia. Ho trovato l'ambientazione particolare, un po' diversa dai soliti standard di storie office/romance. Mi sono piaciuti molto anche gli attori, sopratutto il protagonista e il padre di lei. Qualcun altro è stato invece così bravo che avrei voluto ammazzarlo u.u
Molto consigliato se cercate qualcosa con un po' di pepe.

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Nonna Grace
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 6, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

commedia leggera, briosa, storia sentimentale di due opposti che si attraggono ... buona visione!

L'ho rivisto e mi è piaciuto di nuovo molto, quindi ho cercato di capire che cosa funziona in questa serie, rispetto ad altre che viste una seconda volta, non mi hanno poi convinto così tanto.
A mio parere, il grande punto di forza di questa commedia sono i tempi comici perfetti, soprattutto grazie alla interpretazione di Kim Min Jae e della sua spalla di Park Gyu Young. Entrambi hanno funzionato benissimo insieme.
Ho apprezzato molto il personaggio della segretaria di Jin Moo Hak, la signorina interpretata da Hwang Bo Ra, veramente ben reso dalla sua recitazione, come pure i cuochi che passano da "malavitosi" a simpatici amici del protagonista. Il cattivo è davvero "Machiavellico", ben recitato, senza gigioneria.
La musica e la fotografia sono meravigliose, anche la sceneggiatura che oscilla tra una presa in giro del concetto di arte contemporanea e una benevola presa per i fondelli per i nuovi ricchi self-made-man è davvero ben scritta e ogni tanto ci sono perle si saggezza che possono essere colte; la difesa di un territorio/sito in nome di un ideale/visione e non per potere e denaro; il tener conto che il primo vero impegno è perché cresca l'umanità di chi sia ha intorno, a prescindere dal male che possono aver fatto, dare una chance per ricominciare a chi incontri è il vero primo valore; l'amore non per forza nasce da essere simili, ma spesso dalla capacità di vedere con umorismo e quindi con bontà, la realtà dell'altro.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 23, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Dali and the prince <3

E esse final que coisa mais linda??? Eu amei DEMAIS.
Eu amo esses dois atores e a química deles foi incrível, um dos melhores romances que já vi. O plot do final desses dois KKKKKK já ia surtar achando que eles tinham terminado mesmo.
Muito romance que eu amo e o que mais gostei foi a ost, linda demais!
O que menos gostei foi o drama ser de arte mas não falar tanto de arte assim, eu esperava mais!
Mas fora isso, valeu a pena pelo romance deles sério, tô apaixonada!
As roupas dos dois eram lindas, gostei bastante do elenco, queria um casal secundário, tipo aprofundar mais um relacionamento com o "meu won tak" imaginei que ele fosse terminar com a chak hui ou com a gang Ju.

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Dali and the Cocky Prince (2021) poster



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