6 people found this review helpful
Jan 7, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 3.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Trying too Hard and Boring

This drama started out with bad acting and plot that's trying too hard to be mysterious and has only grown more ridiculous. The nonsense sci-fi plot could be tolerated if they weren't trying to hard to make it a deep mystery. Instead of being mysterious and clever, the story comes out as a convoluted mess. Instead of being an enjoyable sci-fi BL with a bit of mystery, this show has panned out to be a horribly executed sci-fi mystery with a bit of romance between the two male leads.

If you really like the main leads, wait to watch this series until you can binge it all at once. Otherwise the show is just frustrating with it's fake-outs, 'reveals', and cliffhangers in each episode. If you're the type who hates the slow lean in for a kiss that predictably gets interrupted just before their lips make contact, them avoid this show.

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2 people found this review helpful
Aug 10, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
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It's Hard To Root For The Main Couple

The characters meet when one of them falls asleep and soon figure out they are stuck in a time loop, they met before but only one of them remembers it, while one is in the past, the other is in the present and one of them is about to die.

The first episode was underwhelming, if I was based on it, I wouldn’t stick around, but things do get better after the second one, unfortunately the show loses itself again at the end but at this point it does not make sense not to finish it. On a positive note, I have to say I loved the opening, from the music to the way it was edited, solid work there and in my humble opinion one of the best BL openings ever made. Another thing that I think deserves to be mentioned is the photography, it was so good, the scenes looked very clean and were pleasant to the eyes.

I am not a particular fan of this couple, nothing against Fluke or Ohm as actors, I just didn’t like their other works, but in this they did grow on me a little, they do show a good level of intimacy but it still feels like there is something missing, I just can’t tell exactly what.

I liked the characters Games and Vee individually, but didn’t care much for their romance or how they handled the toxic ex arc even with the shoehorned marriage equality message, it did not deliver. I liked the glimpses of Mint and Dew’s friendship,of course, from Mum’s world, which was sadly little. I thought the actors played well off each other, but I would rather prefer if they had kept it platonic from both sides, making Dew’s Mint a paranoiac jealous girlfriend would have worked better if they had developed more that dynamic, which they didn’t. The cheating didn’t reflect well on Dew’s character, while cheating can work in a story, in this case it just made Dew look very selfish and weak.

Aun’s character was a waste of time and space, but Joey deserves the award of the most patient and supportive friend a self-absorbed guy could have.

I confess I was a bit lost with the two different timelines because it is basically two different stories being told at the same time and if that wasn’t confusing enough the characters meetings were not chronological, I appreciated they trying to explain the logic of their universe even if it just made everything sound more confusing, I understood more near the end.

Unfortunately, the end is very anti-climatic, Dew from the alternative universe met his fate as nothing more than a footnote, it was like they couldn’t bother with it anymore, they needed to sprint to conclude the story, to keep up with the parallel universe theme they ended up with two different endings, one supposed to be like a fairytale where everything works out with no obstacles feeling very out of place and the other more depressing where characters make questionable life choices and everybody cries but seemed to actually connect with the story being told, both sadly a let down for what it could have been.

Watch it at your own risk, I can’t say it wasn’t fun.

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BL Compilations
3 people found this review helpful
Dec 2, 2022
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 5.5

tried to do too much

Overall: I liked the unique premise but when people have to make charts to understand the plot, then that's a bad sign. 11/12 episodes (there is an alternate final episode). Aired on WeTV.

Content Warnings: punches/fight scenes, manhandling, blood, non con picture taking, gaslighting, there is a major one in the first episode but I'm keeping this spoiler free

What I Liked
- unique premise
- the intro sequence
- lighting, kind of supernatural vibe and it differentiates the universes
- the brother/sister dynamic
- some cute moments
- same sex marriage advocacy
- the side couple (though wish for a bit more enthusiasm earlier and also that stuff in ep 10 was way too early/rushed)

Room For Improvement
- the world building was just too confusing, I think they should have stuck with 1 world building concept instead of multiple, the characters tried to explain it a bit in episode 5 and 7 but that was too late
- lack of clear resolution for Dew's universe
- unrealistic how player Mum just flips on a dime and how Dew and Mum interact when 1 doesn't know the other person and then only talk afterwards
- did not understand why Dew/Mum loved each other so much or feel their chemistry
- didn't like Mint's character but did not like Dew either for not being clear and going along with her suggestion, Mint's character did a bizarre 180 in one of the final episodes
- police should have been called a few times and weren't
- Mum with the 'gay for you' trope
- would a younger person not know about bi/pan as options???
- did not like the choose your own ending

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2 people found this review helpful
Feb 12, 2024
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Multi-universe gem

I have to admit that before this I have hated OhmXFluke because I feel like they did not give their all in UWMA. BUT!!! MISS GURL- This series changed everything!!!! Like FLUKE IS SO CUTE FOR WHATTTT????? I am crying rn. Okay let's talk about the character first. The character is perfect. I dont have any single issues with the character. I like how the story portrays that they are literally soulmate so whichever universe they are in, they will end up together at the end of the day. I LIKE THE QUOTES SO MUCH I MIGHT AS WELL PRINT IT OUT ON MY FOREHEAD. Anyway, though, I am a little bit annoyed of Mint's character in Dew's multi universe like.. miss gurl can u chill out for a sec? You asked Dew to become your boyfriend (more like force tbh ) so are you really shocked when he likes someone else? Anyway, love the casts from main role to the supporting role. Everything just unfold beautifully.

The plot now, I feel like the plot is mysterious and somehow have a hidden secret in it. I do believe in multi universe and this drama is the perfect example of it and if anyone asked me what is multi universe, i would prolly ask them to watch this series to understand them perfectly. Just that the last episode got me a little bit confused, I would have guess that it is a alternate ending where they did not try to get together and Dew broke up with Mint before their wedding and all of them are in pain so I will just ignore that one for my mental health. THANK YEW <3

Anyway, LOVE THIS SERIES! I feel like it is so heartfelt and vanilla like but not too vanilla cause of the sex scenes. OH YEAAAAAA. anyway, LOVE IT!

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 18, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

Intriguing Start, Sloppy Ending

The overall story for this drama was interesting and detailed, but proved at points to be overly complex. Things got mixed up, characters knew things they shouldn't, some things were linked together by the most tenuous of threads, some things were just never explained and by the end, things started getting downright ridiculous. That being said though, I did overall enjoy this drama.

The idea of the parallel universes with time running opposite to each other was a really interesting concept and I liked it. The split between Mum's World and Dew's World was a cool way to see different versions of the various characters and I really liked how they used color to further separate the worlds. That concept though was also a bit of their downfall as that was where there were the most mix ups like I mentioned before of characters knowing things they shouldn't. However, when they decided to take it a step further with a multiverse and introduce another Mum, that's where it started losing me. On the one hand, I can kind of understand why they may have done it, but overall I feel it was unnecessary. Another downfall with this drama was just how long it took for Dew and Mum to meet in Mum's world. I kept waiting for them to meet...and waiting and waiting and waiting. I wanted to see more interaction between them, of them getting to know each other in their same world. I got the impression the mystery of who killed Dew was supposed to be a big twist and shocker, just from the way they set it up. It didn't seem that complicated to me, I guessed it the first episode, but maybe that's just me. I like figuring out puzzles and I tend to be pretty good at figuring out things like that in movies/shows. The two endings was another unique way to go. I can't say that I liked either one of them. One was depressing, the other overwhelmingly happy, not to mention sloppy. With a drama like this, I think I would have preferred something in between, maybe open ended, or the two at the tentative beginnings of a new relationship. That, however, is just me.

I found the characters to be a little more polarizing in this drama than some of the others I watched recently. Besides the fact that the characters really lacked any kind of depth which was disappointing to begin with, there also a lack of any real character growth, I felt.
-Mint had me going back and forth on whether I liked her or not. I decided that I liked her as a sister and a friend, in those roles she was a badass and I think she would be awesome to have around. But as a woman, I found her incredibly frustrating. Her treatment of Dew basically bordered on harassment with constantly asking him out. I also thought it was absurd that other's got annoyed at Dew for rejecting her and upsetting her when she was literally the one who kept putting herself in that situation.
-Dew was another one that I had some serious thoughts on. While I did overall like him, I did start getting tired of his cowardly nature when it came to Mint. I'm not sure why breaking up with her was so much scarier than being caught cheating, but apparently that's what he thought. It was just kind of weird to me that he wasn't afraid to face down his uncle, but telling a woman he doesn't actually love her and wants to go back to being friends is impossible to do.
-Mum, there at the beginning, I was not a fan of his womanizing ways and I was gladly that was a relatively short lived part of the drama. However, it was disappointing to see that whole "only gay for you" trope still being used at this point. Come on, guys, you can do better.
I didn't have much of an opinion on the remaining side characters. They were entertaining for the most part, but nothing spectacular. The secondary couple was kind of cute, but also didn't add a whole lot. On the plus side, they also didn't take away huge amounts of screen time either.

The acting wasn't bad, nothing spectacular. Ohm and Fluke don't have the kind of chemistry that will start a fire, theirs is more subtle, but I do feel its there and they do work well together. Also, can I just take a second to comment on Fluke's smile? I swear that boy could charm wood.

The OST was okay, again, nothing spectacular. However, I did love the opening credits. I thought they were a visual masterpiece, just gorgeous visuals, I loved it.

I'm rating this drama higher than it really deserves. It was simply too ambitious and it has a lot of flaws, but despite those flaws, it still managed to capture my interest and overall maintain that interest through to the end. I also absolutely have to give credit for an interesting idea, even if it wasn't executed to its fullest or best potential. I don't think this is a drama worth watching more than once really. Once you've seen it, the mystery is gone and I feel like the errors will just really stick out more than anything else, but its a fun one to watch just the once.

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 13, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Confusing and frustrating.

Short summary first: Mum (played by Ohm) goes to sleep one night in his apartment and wakes up in a parallel world where he “meets” Dew (played by Fluke). For Dew, they’ve meet several times but for Mum it’s the first. Each night Mum goes back to that world for an hour and 5 minutes. And each night time reverses for Dew, until ultimately Dew doesn’t know Mum at all. If you are expecting some kind of reasoning behind this or magical spell, none is forthcoming. Why and how don’t ever get explained, but that’s the basic plot.

So in the parallel worlds Mum and Dew live in the same apartment, just one world has Mum in a green room and the parallel has Dew in a purple room. So Mum from the green world keeps showing up to meet and eventually fall in love with Dew from the purple room. All the while trying to stop the person who killed Dew on their first meeting. (Time reverses.)

The acting is good. The plot had a lot of potential, but that is pretty much where the good things end. The writers seemed to have made up the story with no idea how to end it and no thought on explaining things. You can wing it with some things, but a plot this convoluted is definitely not in the winging it category. Nothing was resolved in the end, even the end had more than one ending (in the same world, or possible another parallel world that also doesn’t get explained). They also don’t follow their own rules — for example, Dew is not supposed to know things that happened earlier because he is supposed to be going back in time, but in several instances, he “remembers” things that for him haven’t happened yet. The ending didn’t discuss what happened to the Dew of the purple world at all, that is just left open. There were so many things that didn’t make sense and the ending was almost worse. I can’t say I hated it, there was really so much potential here, but I didn’t really like it either. If confusing storyline and incomplete endings are okay for you … this might be your cup of tea.

As for the secondary couple, they had nothing to do with the parallel world and it seemed like they should have just had a story of their own instead of adding small bits and pieces to this story which made it feel kind of out of place. They were cute together and had a reasonable little side story that could have been drawn out and given more time. Instead it was kind of thrown in to this whole other story while not giving it the attention it deserved and adding nothing to the overall plot.

Okay so this is where there will be spoilers! Lots of spoilers, so don’t read if you don’t want to know! Dew of the purple world meets Mum of the green world and they have sex. For Dew, he’s been seeing Mum for a while now, but he’s also dating Mum’s sister Mint. He doesn’t love Mint, but the woman is persistent and jealous. He also doesn’t know Mum is Mint’s brother. However, for Mum it was their first meeting. I just think it’s weird that a man who has always been attracted to women wakes up one day and finds himself seeing a handsome young man in his room and they have sex within the first two minutes. Like maybe 10 words were exchanged. Then after the sex, Dew is shot and killed by a masked gunman. The next few times Mum goes to the purple world, they realize that Dew is going back in time while Mum is still moving forward, so every time the two meet, Mum remembers everything but those things haven’t happened yet in Dew’s timeline. The writers screwed that up though, cause after that was discussed, Dew is talking to his gf Mint and she asks him if he’s cheating and he has a flashback to sex with Mum (so yes, he’s a cheater and he’s also remembering things that supposedly haven’t happened for him yet). Mum of the green world eventually figures out that his alter ego from the purple world kills Dew of the purple world. Purple Mum blames Dew when something bad happens to his sister, which is why he kills Dew. Green Mum goes once again to purple Dew but this Dew has never seen him before (time reversing for Dew still) and after about a 1 minute “who the heck are you and why are you in my room?” Mum and Dew have sex again. Why the writers didn’t have Dew flashback to the sex that happened on the day Dew would remember, I will never understand. After this sex, green Mum warns purple Dew about being killed and Dew makes an effort to protect Mint and save himself from being killed by purple Mum by asking someone else to take care of her. (Yes apparently when your gf is in danger, it’s best to foist her off on someone else.) Purple Mint gets angry at this treatment (shocking, I know) and they have an argument and Mint is about to be hit by a car — which is probably would have been what causes purple Mum to decide to kill Dew — instead, Dew saves her and gets hit himself. The end. Really. Purple parallel world stops at this point for green Mum. He can’t go back. Neither can we. For those of us watching the show, there is no conclusion. That is just left hanging. We have no idea, but I think purple Dew must have died. So green Mum saved his lover from being killed by his parallel self, but didn’t save his lover from death.

Then the Dew of the green world who had never met Mum at all before, somehow falls in love with Mum from reading his diary (after dating Mum’s sister Mint, in the green world, for who knows how long — but long enough to start dating and get engaged — it kind of skips over that part). So the timeline seems to be that Mum meets the Dew of his own world and has already fallen in love but Dew has never met Mum. Then he arranges Dew’s birthday party at his sister’s request (it was probably a few days later) and then at the party Mint asks Dew to be her boyfriend (again) and he finally agrees. They date for some length of time which we don’t see while Mum nurses his broken heart and Dew and Mint get engaged. Mint and Dew break up and in one ending, Mum is able to live happily ever after with his Dew. In the other ending, things are left open and even more confusing in a sad way. Honestly, after all this time reversal and magical jumping between parallel worlds, I expected something a little more — well just more. There was no explanation of why it happened or how it happened. Green Mum never seemed to figure out or care what happened to purple Dew. Green Dew fell in love with Mum from reading his diary all while dating Mum’s sister. The sister is in love with Dew and asks him to get together multiple times over the years but miraculously after they break up she has no problem with Mum dating her ex boyfriend. It’s like her whole personality changed. I don’t get how the writers planned this to end, because everything was just confusing and frustrating. It was a very unsatisfying ending. I would have watched a full twelve episodes more if they promised to explain any of it or make it the least bit relatable. Anyway, not my favorite show and so far my least favorite OhmFluke (and that is saying a lot considering their Close Friends series). Unfortunately, wouldn’t recommend.

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1 people found this review helpful
Mar 12, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
This review may contain spoilers

So much potential gone to waste

someone in a reddit post commented: "My biggest issue with 609 bedtime story other than the confusing timeline is the unresolved story of the First Dew. the Dew that we spent the majority of the show getting to know and who's fate we never got to see. I assume that he died saving Mint but I never like to assume it would be nice to have it confirmed"(@SkyeNoTongueNotaKiss (reddit)) and I 1000000% agree.
Honestly I didn't understand shit in this show. the 11.1 ending makes zero fucking sense because why would someone like mint, who's been in love with dew for so long, suddenly be ok with mum dating dew. (and actively help mum get together with dew, even though she is obviously still in love with him.)
I actually prefer the 11.2 ending even though it's not the "best" outcome , it's much more realistic and just makes way more sense. I'm not even gonna say what I did like because there wasn't really
anything to like. Usually I still really enjoy the dynamic between the main characters but they just didn't have any chemistry for me. (I know Fluke and Ohm can create that chemistry, like we saw in UWMA)
I want to feel something when watching romance stories... now I was just confused the entire time, and I still am....
I still gave it 5 stars, just because I did really like the story and chemistry of GameWee.
And I do think that this concept has so much potential, it just wasn't executed wel.
WeTV do better next time! Fluke and Ohm are both great actors, don't let their potential go to waste!

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Somehow lost its way...

I just finished this.When started it few hours ago* i was so excited and almost certain,i was going to love it.The premise and the main idea was interesting and unique.And as iam a real sucker when it comes to messy/parallel worlds and all this stuff,i thought my final score would be above 8.Alas!

*Yes i had plenty of free time but still many episodes,watched them in 2x speed.Guilty!

First of,this one has one of the most beautiful intros(both visuals and Music)among all BLs,if not the best.Too short but too impressive.I never skipped.

Also,Production/Cinematography and Direction everything was really great.(i only had few issues with some editing)
I usually do not like Thai Osts.Same here.I gave Music a 6 just for the intro music theme.

Cast & Acting:
Ohm and Fluke are a couple i always have high hopes but...i don't know what is going wrong at the end.
Their acting was average all the way.I was really disappointed.
I thought after having so much experience playing a couple in previous BLs,their chemistry was gonna be Fire!Unfortunately it wasn't.There weren't even few sparks to start off.

The Story.
I gave an 8 because it had so much potential.This is not your typical BL.Multi/parallel worlds and different time sets.Exciting!Was all these confusing?Hell yes it was.Still a unique idea,which i loved.The execution was the problem here as the development of the plot too.
The word parallel is the main issue here.I copy: " extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging" So why the hell you messed up with the plotline giving us this way the story went?I get you wanted to give us a Happy Ending,yes why not..but.No,the multi universes never ever never should align!You ruined the main premise of your idea!I would prefer to see the development of all couples in their different worlds,with different outcomes!
You cannot love one person in your world just because you have met and loved him in a parallel universe.
Mum & Dew in one world.
Dew & Mint in another etc etc.That would be complex,interesting and would keep my enthusiasm in higher levels!

The intimacy scenes between the main couple were surprisingly fewer than expected and the editing at those scenes was always rough!Bad in quantity and quality as well.And for me that was one of the reasons i really didn't feel there is love or passion.Therefore,lack of chemistry.And this ruined the story too.

Again no real depth in characters.I understand there were too many things to show(and actually failed...)but at least try to give us a little insight of every character.It is always apreciated by the audience!
I loved Mint's char in Mum's world and i hated her char in Dew's world.That was the only exception about some depth in chars.

Side Note:
About Mum's character.
Ok iam going to be a bitch here.
His looks.The hair..The style... the bike...the attitude...
His mixing drinks skills..Being a player switching girls like shirts,,,Should i continue??
Women passing him their phone numbers..Buying him drinks...Helloooo!Does it ring any bells??
So Porsche!I mean comon it couldn't be more obvious.And to be honest i was really annoyed and i didn't like all these details at all. Apo as Porsche,was and always be the real thing so please don't.just don't!Is tacky!

Ok now iam back to my old good and kind self!Lol.

To conclude:
The main idea was excellent.
Is not the typical BL.
Wach it for something different.Especially if you are a fan of the main couple.
Is not disturbing and unpleasant in your eyes.Good quality in visuals.You may like the songs too,i don't know.
Definitely not the worst out there.
And lets be honest.We,all the BL lovers,want to watch as many as we can even if they are not the best.Is called addiction!

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 20, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Not perfect but it’s trying something new

The low rating on this is criminal. This show was literally what I wanted vice versa to be. If you aren’t totally confused when watching something about parallel universes, then what’s even the point lol.

Admittedly, there are some plot holes and inconsistencies. For example, Dew’s universe is in a reverse timeline from Mum’s right? And occasionally Mum would be gone for a few days. When Mum returns, Dew would say he missed him…. But technically he shouldn’t remember to miss him because according to his own timeline he literally would have seen him yesterday. It would make more sense for Dew to miss him BEFORE Mum was gone. It’s a minor slip but it happens twice.
I also thought the plot twists were pretty predictable. I guessed every single one lol.

Regardless, this is so unique and exciting. I think maybe this would be a tough watch to view live, but it was a great binge. The leads have pretty good chemistry (you would hope so after starring in like three series + specials together), music is solid, and overall the general vibe is pretty cool.

I would recommend, I don’t know what people are doing with these scores lol.

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 22, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

I Might Watch This 609 Times And Still Be Confused

So this show totally flew past my radar. I had no idea it was coming out and thats saying something! I've followed Fluke and Ohm for awhile now and really like their chemistry. Though I don't think UWMA will ever be defeated in how amazing they were in that, this series also showcased their acting abilities in different ways.

I also didn't know Plustor was in this! Yay! And plot twist, DO NOT TELL ME that Plustors character and Nat are exes in this series lmao. Yes indeed they are! Is this casting an alternate reality!? That was so funny to me. So let's get into the characters.
Mum's character was...douchey at the beginning for sure . He grew on me but only because of the influence of Dew. We love me caring about the side couple because of Plustor more than Fluke and Ohm's storyline lol.. though I did like seeing both of their stories and how they intertwine. Though the plot got so convoluted that I couldn't keep it straight and I just went along for the ride not knowing half of what was happening lol.

One of the things that didn't make sense is Mum's sister never mentioning him to Dew. Like she likes him and doesn't bring up her brothers name ever!? That was weird. Also the Dew getting shot plot kinda didn't even really matter in the end. Like you're led to believe its that guy whose in love with Mum's sister, then you think its the sister which was actually a cool twist that was wasted! Then the uncle putting a hit out on his nephew. I was confusedddd dude. Multiverse plotlines are really hard to do, so I applaud them for trying but it didn't completely work out.

Watch this show though! It was good for what it was and I wanna see more from our side couple!

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Yaoi BL
0 people found this review helpful
May 30, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

It's a good series, but needed work.

I did enjoy the over all of the series, I love the actors as they are always amazing, especially the leads. There was a few down part for me like Dew storyline, I found my self fast forwarding with his story, I was not a fan of it and it did not fit at all. The whole bad uncle and forgiving is bull he needs to go to jail. The story got very confusing a lot and hard to follow. This had the potential to be a great story, but lacked direction with two many issues going on all at one time with the sister being obsessed with Dew, then the bad uncle, then the father being horrible to Dew, the to many assassination times, to much going on. But I did enjoy Mum story and where that want, the series would have been better if with out the Dew drama. The second couple was cute story between Game and Vee as well. Overall it's a great series just needs a better second storyline the Dew character.

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 6, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

You might need to draw diagrams for this one....

I have to admit, I love to see Ohm acting and having dialogue. I seem to see him being the strong, silent type too much. And he and Fluke....I hope they like each other, as much as they are paired together. Their chemistry isn't off-the-charts or anything, but it is there. So I don't mind watching them.

This drama though...I had to turn my brain upside down to keep up with the parallel worlds and space-time continuum. There were a few times that I had to stop the drama and draw diagrams in my head to keep up. I finally just gave up and accepted whatever the script said. The only other problem I had was the awful inserted kiss, couldn't they have just taped a mic to their cheeks on the unfilmed side for the real kisses?? I was embarrassed for the whole show when I heard those dubbed kisses.

Other than that, it was ok. I enjoyed hearing the songs, and I kinda love Ohm's sultry, sexy looks. The support cast did a pretty good job (some of them did a REALLY good job), although if I'd heard Aun whine one more time I might have actually dropped the show. Or a bottle on his head. Whichever.

I did not watch both endings. I will have to go back and see the other ending. If you don't know, there is an ep. 11.1 and an ep 11.2 version. I can't even tell you which one I watched, as I didn't understand that at the end of ep 10, they were telling us to pick one. But I think it's cool that they did that. 'Choose your own adventure' is always fun.

If you haven't watched this but want to give it a go, I'd suggest not trying to keep up with which Dew is which, and which Mum is which, and the past vs. future events. Just trust that they are who they say they are, didn't go to the wrong universe, and understood what each had already experienced. Because they left a HUGE plot hole with that last traveler....

My suggestion is just enjoy the show. Don't try to understand it.

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