Dropped 2/6
3 people found this review helpful
Mar 25, 2022
2 of 6 episodes seen
Dropped 3
Overall 1.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.5


How come there's a lot of positive reviews? One is an obsessed stalker, one is an abusive person. Their relationship would never be equal. Bleh.

But seriously, why does people like this? This is pure toxic!! WTF.

I don't like how they bully him. I don't like how he worships the ground he walks on. How he tolerated being degraded like that. The second hand embarrassment is real on this one.

Maybe jt got better. Whatever. It hurts to watch this.


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Jul 17, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 4.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 2.0

A show that shot itself in the foot

This series could have been perfect. But the actors refused to kiss. Adding insult to injury, the director tried to trick the viewers into thinking that the character did kiss by "cheating the camera." Every time the characters went in for a kiss, they would turn from the camera, or the camera would pan away from them, or the actors would be backlit so no details could be seen, or the actors would block the kiss with their hand. I don't understand why a series would hire actors for gay roles who then refuse to play those roles authentically. Not only is that bad storytelling, it's homophobic. If the actors and directors are so disgusted by same sex intimacy, then they shouldn't be telling a BL story. This has nothing to do with government censorship or getting an all-audience rating for broadcast television. The producers believe that the audience for BL's are too stupid to notice these tricks or they think that we have such low standards that we'll happily consume anything BL no matter how poorly done.

The rest of the story was wonderful. Too bad the whole thing was tainted.

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Feb 7, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Two Dysfunctional Guys Hook Up

Hira is a stereotypical shy, nerdy high school senior who falls in love at first sight of Kiyoi, an egotistical bastard who is too full of himself for words. Hira stalks Kiyoi all through their senior year while Kiyoi continues to resent Hira outwardly, but under the surface Kiyoi is coming to terms with his own attraction to Hira. On the last day of school Kioyi gets the courage to kiss Hira, but like the rest of their dysfunctional relationship, it doesn't go well and they boys are now separated as Hira goes to college and Kiyoi starts his acting career. In the college camera club, Hira meets Koyama, who quickly falls in love with dysfunctional Hira, who is still longing for Kiyoi. Eventually, Hira does hook up with Kiyoi but we are left wondering how long such a relationship would last. "My Beautiful Man" follows the typical Y drama formula with the shy lead pursuing an abusive love interest, although here, Kiyoi never seems to fully embrace their bromance. Hira's stuttering becomes a bit tiresome after the first episode. At first the story seems to pose the question, "can opposites attract?" but in the end we realize both our heroes suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. I wanted to like these characters but ended up wishing Koyama was the hero. While his appearance is all too brief, he has the best scenes. If I were plotting out the six episodes, I would have concluded the high school years at episode 3 and given more time to the far more interesting bromance between Hira and Koyama. The performances are all on point and the production values are sparkling. The standout performance is Takano Akira's Koyama Kazuki, so I'm looking forward to seeing him in future dramas.

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Dec 24, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

Strange, but Intriguing.

That's exactly how I would describe Utsukushii Kare. Based on a somewhat familiar trope, what made this drama pique my interest were the leading characters.
Timid and introverted Hira falls for the cold and untouchable "King" Kiyoi. It then follows their twisted connection and the moral dilemmas that each of them face.
It's 100% non-fluffy by the way.
The show never moved away from the "romance" aspect, which I unfortunately found boring. Narrated from Hira's point of view, we rarely leave his bubble.

Both Kiyoi and Hira had distinct personalities and personally, I felt that there was more room for growth and portrayal of their different facets. I am not familiar with the source material, so I might me wrong.
Hira in particular, looked a bit more lively and open during the latter half of the show, particularly after his time at college. He is definitely one of the most uninteresting protagonists I've ever seen, but there were not many characters or relations in the story to begin with. It looked almosy empty or crowded at times.
I particularly loved the portrayal of the characters in the final episode, thanks to the cast who did an excellent job. It was too rushed for my taste, unfortunately.
Overall, it's definitely worth a try if you are seeking some dramas which deal with the ugly truth of a few people out there.

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Dec 26, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Started off troubling but finished strong

As far as episodes 1 to 4 was concerned, Kiyoi appeared arrogant, narcissistic and unkind, while Hira was needlessly reverent. How could a healthy relationship possibly result from such a dynamic? I thought. But I was completely won over by the end as the final episodes offered revelations from Kiyoi’s perspective.

The beauty of Utsukushii Kare is in how it demonstrates the communication quirks in conservative Asian societies. Reading between the lines is required to grasp subtler expressions of love.

When Kiyoi uses the term “stalker”, he really means “thank you for coming to me”. When he says “disgusting”, albeit in harsher tones, it’s because he just doesn’t know how else to express what he’s feeling.

“How did I fall in love with someone as disgusting as you?” Taken out of context, his sentence might sound terribly unkind. But in the particular context where it was said, Kiyoi doesn’t actually think that Hira is to be abhorred, but instead, he wants to say, “how did I find someone as special as you?”

Read my full review: here: https://asianblreviews.wordpress.com/2021/12/26/utsukushii-kare-my-beautiful-man-2021/

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Dec 27, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

A peculiar love affair

Doubtless, many theses could be written about the Japanese psycho-sexual cultural impulse. In this series, the character Hira’s low self-esteem manifests itself in a fantasy obsession with the aloof, vain and arrogant Kiyoi. The peculiar Japanese take on this relationship imbalance is that Hira welcomes and Kiyoi obliges with masochistic behaviours. The two lead actors do outstanding work portraying these flawed characters. Kioyi evolves through his trail of humiliating failures to achieve some humility and regard for Hira. Hira’s character, on the other hand, barely leaves his comfort zone of demeanment and in the end, the writers ask us to accept that Kioyi’s continual slurs are meant as tokens of affection instead of the corrosive verbal instruments of degradation that they actually are. In my opinion, this relationship does not have the happy future the show’s creators would like us to believe. Production values are good and the earnestness of everyone involved is without question.

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28 days ago
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


I'm really surprised by the high rating of the series! Are you all mas*chists? The first episode was enough to raise my blood pressure!
After he called him disgusting and b*llied him, he keeps his money and films him? What is this nonsense?
Where have we reached??

Don't watch this over
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Jun 16, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

I really wanted to like this, it is now going to have a movie too

I really wanted to like this series, it was recommended to me, and I thought I was going to enjoy it, I love BLs, but no. I just couldn't enjoy this show at all, the actors did a great job acting in their roles but the plot of the show, the writing, and the no real character development bothered me. I wanted much more for this, and some parts confused me in the series, where I honestly felt like dropping it. I continued watching it till the last episode, and my mood didn't change. If I was Hira, I would have picked the friend who honestly really loved me and cherished me. That was the perfect option, but anyway. This show wasn't for me, but I'm sure it has fans that love it. So I recommend just watching the first episode to see if you would continue it or not. The actors did a great job in their roles; this had nothing to do with them. Just the writing of the series.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jan 5, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Les premiers émois amoureux sont souvent compliqués ^^'

Il s’agit d’une histoire que j’attendais, j’avoue ne pas trop savoir pourquoi. Sans doute les teasers qui montraient une certaine « tension »… (Va savoir x’D)

Je me lance donc dans le visionnage de ce drama qui suit deux lycéens : Kiyoi & Hira. Il s’agit de deux personnalités assez complexes… Kiyoi est le genre qui attire toujours les gens à lui, tandis que Hira préfère rester seul. Durant une grande partie de l’histoire, on tente de nous faire croire qu’ils sont des opposés… Cependant, plus nous avançons dans l’histoire, plus on se rend compte qu’ils sont similaires de par leur sentiment d’insécurité mais également pour leur indifférence face au monde qui les entoure…

Au fur & à mesure de l’histoire, nous voyons se dérouler un jeu du chat & de la souris… Avec deux personnages des plus maladroits ! On peut voir qu’il s’agit de leur premier émoi, ils ne se comprennent pas… & n’essaient même pas, partant du principe que leur amour ne pourrait pas se concrétiser… (Est-ce car il s’agit d’un amour homosexuel ? Ou simplement une question de fierté ? Surement un mélange des deux ^^’)

J’avoue avoir apprécié cette histoire, le mélange de tension & d’incompréhension m’ayant tenu en haleine. (Même si l’histoire n’a rien de bien original x’D)

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Enjoy little things
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 14, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Jolie morale

Et bien j'avoue j'ai bien aimé ce BL Japonais, même si ce n'est pas mon préféré.

J'ai surtout aimé la façon dont a été traité et filmé l'histoire, avec ce rendu qui montre les sentiments cachés du "Roi" de la classe, qui est en fait un homme comme les autres.
J'avoue que j'ai adhéré à la façon dont cela a été amené, et traité.

J'ai bien aimé leur histoire, même si le rôle d'Hira reste trop gentille et "esclave" à mon goût mais cela fait partie de son personnage.

C'est quand même un drama à découvrir je trouve.
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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 1, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Une jolie romance.

Cette série m'a beaucoup plu et voici mon ressenti.

J'ai aimé le fait que le drama reprenne un thème bien connu, celui du harcèlement scolaire mais pour le faire dévier avec le beau-gosse de la classe qui s'intéresse, sans le montrer, au paria de la classe. D'ailleurs ce thème est à nouveau réutilisé par la suite, mais je m'arrête là pour ne pas spoiler à ceux qui n'ont pas encore découvert la série.

Nos deux héros se croisent, s'apprécient et se protègent mais ils restent souvent dans le non-dit qui est, bien évidemment, préjudiciable à leur relation (mais, sans ça, où serait le drama ?). J'ai aimé également la façon qu'avait la série de nous montrer, tout d'abord, le point de vue Hira Kazunari, pour ensuite passer à celui de Kiyoi Sou.

On parle de deux personnages : l'un populaire et l'autre paria, mais, ils sont tous autant l'un que l'autre ostracisés : le premier par la carapace qu'il a dû se construire en regard de sa popularité et aussi de son milieu familial et le second à cause de son bégaiement qui l'a mis à part de ses camarades et l'a fait évoluer dans un monde bien solitaire.

La photographie de la série est vraiment belle et soignée et j'ai adoré la maison de Hira Kazunari, je me voyais tout à fait y vivre tellement elle est chaleureuse et accueillante.

La réalisation a réussi à raconter toute l'histoire dans ce format pourtant court en plaçant ellipses et bond dans le temps à point nommé ce qui donne un ensemble cohérent et bien mené.

Je ne dirai pas non à une éventuelle saison 2 même si je pense que cette série peut très bien se suffire à elle-même.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 9, 2023
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

la mejor representación de amor puro que ví en un bl hasta ahora

nunca escribo reviews pero la verdad es que no puedo quedarme con las palabras en la boca :,)

veo mucha gente criticándola y diciendo que es aburrida pero creo que la juzgan al verla desde un punto de vista equivocado. si buscas mucho drama como a los bls que estamos acostumbrados, no es acá. tiene escenas íntimas pero no del tipo que se imaginan — también son pocas, pero las que hay te hacen poner la piel de gallina.

si quieren ver una buena representación de amor puro, verdadero e inocente, en una serie corta pero a su vez para nada apresurada, SÍ es acá. te va a dar un poco de bronca kiyoi y no explican mucho su punto de vista, pero una vez que se da a conocer te rompe el corazón completamente.

le sacas una captura de pantalla a cualquier escena de la serie y podría ser un cuadro. cada toma es hermosa, y mi favorita es cuando andan en bicicleta juntos. también la parte en la que kiyoi está durmiendo sobre un mueble en el colegio y hira lo observa como si fuera la persona más hermosa en el mundo (spoiler: si lo es).

no tengo mucho más para decir, mas que no duden en verla. es adorable, no se dejen llevar por unas pocas críticas negativas, realmente es una serie llevadera que podes terminar en poco tiempo y te deja satisfecha al 100% ⁠♡

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Utsukushii Kare (2021) poster



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