The Eclipse Episode 11

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Ratings: 8.6/10 from 89 users
Reviews: 11 users
Season: 1

When the Suppalo students clash after a confrontation between the faculty and protestors, Thuaphu steps out of the crowd to out Akk in more ways than one. With Akk's secrets out in the open, Ayan goes to Ajahn Chadok with accusations of his own. (Source: MyDramaList)
  • Aired: October 21, 2022

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Feb 5, 2024

wtf just happened

Couldn't wrap my head around how everything seemed to just suddenly derailed - like bro the characters literally got a 180 personality switch-up or sth

Seriously how did Thua suddenly turn out to be the bad guy too??? I get that he's a little repressed but like wow he really did explode out of his shell didn't he, even outing his friend, and his bf's bestfriend to say the least.

Also what is with that unexpected and really unncessary plot twist with Head Teacher dude being a couple with Suicidal uncle? That was just weird, and explains nothing about his motive of being a huge jerk to the students.

Poor Ayan honestly, being surrounded by suicidal dudes. Akk seriously didn't deserve getting outted by Thua like that so suddenly, huge betrayal from a friend. Thua had a point, Akk is literally a criminal and yes Ayan is covering for him. But Thua was also obviously jealous of the fact that Akk had someone covering and caring for him. Seriously so disappointed that the only logical 'neutral' character turned into a crazy psycho

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Dec 25, 2023

Thua woke up and chose to end the system

So. Um. This was a little bit all over the place? -----First off, the problem I've been having this whole time: the school system is SO FRAGILE, like how are three students in tank tops any threat to the school's funds and reputation?? Hello? ----- And now with the main conflict of the ep: Thua exposing the shit out of everyone like the king he is. I mean, I agree with him. Even if he didn't do it willingly, Akk has been a pillar of the school's authoritarian regime, and has terrorized the students with the fake curse (he didn't fatally injure anyone out of sheer dumb luck). He upholds the status quo, except when it comes to his boyfriend, Ayan. From an outsider's perspective (Thua's), he comes off as extremely biased and hypocritical. Akk knows what he did is wrong but has yet to come out with the truth and apologize to the people he hurt and lied to. They kind of ruined Thua's character though, the Thua we've known so far wouldn't out his friends, even if they are acting the wrong way. They needed drama and butchered the only sane character in the entire show. Like, what do you mean he also took part in the curse?? Wtf? Why did they feel the need to make him into the bad guy? His criticisms would've been valid if he wasn't doing the same shit Akk was doing!! I'm mad.

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Jun 14, 2023


That shit gave me an identity crisis and I don’t even know why. My suspicions were all so off. And I don’t even know how. Was not expecting Thua. Hopefully they have a super mega happy ending because I cant handle anymore bad things. Okay bye!
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May 25, 2023

Secrets revealed

I have a mixed feelings about this episode. This episode was filled with a lot of twist and turn with past revelation. Thau did the unthinkable. Akk and Ayan's chemistry was top-notch as always.
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Nov 3, 2022

Plot holes.

I don't mind the plot holes too much but i kind of don't understand why they didn't show us how they got along after everything. I wish they wasted 10 minutes in this episode and show us their whole convo and how they made it work after all that happened. Also there's a big plot hole in Thua's and Kan's story which is a little frustrating. But if ignore that they redeem themselves in the finale.
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Oct 22, 2022

Get ready for a twist in the story

Without spoiling the episode.. I will just said that the twist in the story was unexpected and I'm not sure if that was really a good twist to put in the story. The episode to me seemed a little sloppily written and to me its not as believable as the other episodes have been. It will be interesting to see the ending next week.
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Oct 22, 2022


I'm not going to lie, during the weeks I've seen many theories about Thua's involvement in the Curse thing - but i hoped they weren't true because i knew they'd have ruined ThuaKhan - they definitely did him so dirty. Honestly you can't: act bad, accuse your friends, expose someone else's relationship and just get along with it!! Khan was literally like: "oh you did so many bad things, I'm so angry with you... come here lets tell everybody we're together love", wtf!!!! It's annoying waiting an entire week for an episode and get... this. I mean, I still like this series (despite every plot hole I really got attached to AkkAyen) but why did they have to create such exaggerated dynamics :(Now I can't stand ThuaKhan because it turned into a non-sense relationship (0 credibility). Anyway I hope next week's episode won't disappoint me (it's the last one guys im crying) even though I never really enjoy finales, they make me sad!So, to sum this ep up: I will just pretend i've never seen Thua's parts.

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Oct 22, 2022

What Happened this Episode?

I vacillate between being really angry over this episode and being so incredibly sad over this episode. Honestly, the writing had a lot of issues for the Eclipse but FirstKhao were carrying so much weight that I could forgive it. Even NeoLouis carried a little bit of the burden. The acting cast for this show are honestly really really good...... But even they can't fully carry the travesty that was this episode?The Pros:Akk and Aye are beautiful in every way and their scenes are honestly perfection and the thing I've gone back to watch this episode for over and over again. First and Khaotung are beautiful actors and have chances all series to show off their chops; this episode is definitely a First episode though. Akk's emotional break down through out the episode is honestly breathtaking and heartbreaking to watch; First conveys the emotions behind Akk's guilt ridden mind so wonderfully. I feel like he breaths life into a character that is honestly really nuanced. There are lots of little moments in the show that are so warm and enjoyable to watch. Which makes sense considering the director has said that they wanted to focus on moments.The Cons:Plot twists for the sake of plot twists are annoying. You had Namo on the table right there. He would have worked and could have been the end of it. Instead, they dragged Thua into this and murdered his character. Thua not only outs Akk and Aye out of the closet(shitty) but also allows Akk to take the full blame for the curse... despite *also* having been involved with perpetuating the curse. Like... the writing surrounding Thua is honestly so bad and kind of inexcusable. Thua is such an awful person in this episode and he gets *no consequences* for being an awful person. They just randomly go back to being friends like Thua didn't just force friends out of the closet. Like Thua didn't just toss Akk under the bus for the curse. Like Thua didn't talk a huge game about telling the truth and just wanting the truth to be out but then *never actually comes forward himself about all his wrong doing!* He also tells Kan to turn him in but there is 0 chance that will actually happen; everything we've seen of Kan up to this point shows that he's just as whipped, if not worse, for Thua as Aye is for Akk. The entire plot for Thua being the actual one behind the curse is so illogical and ridiculous and there isn't an appropriate level of consequences being exerted to Thua for him honestly being kind of a psychopath! How did we go from part 3 where everyone is mad at Thua to part 4 where we have everyone suddenly fine and okay and they're asking Thua to do the script writing? We are missing so many scenes here. Like an entire episode worth of scenes are just *not here.* Honestly, Neo got gipped; he should have had an opportunity to act out all of that pain and hurt and betrayal that his character should *definitely be feeling* since you know... *his boyfriend spent the majority of the show lying to him about EVERYTHING.* The Curse, who he was, what his motivations were... LITERALLY EVERYTHING WAS A LIE and Kan is still like... fine with this????This episode was grossly the worst, weakest of the scene and left such a terrible taste in my mouth. I'm still excited for the last episode but I'll probably just skip all of Thua and Kan's scenes unless they randomly realize,"Oh yeah, characters being shit human beings generally comes with consequences" and they nail Thua with the punishment he honestly deserves.

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Oct 21, 2022

Good, But Not Great

I have mixed feelings about this episode. Although I am happy with the plot development and the twists, there are a lot of things that do not make sense. The actors with their great chemistry save it, but I can see the plot holes that will be left unfilled.
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Oct 21, 2022


What a great episode. Ithad a lot ofeverything but finally the truthcame out. Itwas wonderful. There was anger,confession,reconciliation.
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Oct 22, 2022

o thua teve seus motivos

muito provavelmente o thua se tornou o personagem com o maior número de haters nesse episódio e até dá pra entender muito bem o motivo da revolta de tanta gente, mas do meu ponto de vista ele foi coerente em vários aspectos aqui.

Lógico que expôr o relacionamento dos akkayan na frente de todo mundo, foi um deslize terrível. Falar sobre isso não cabia a ele de nenhuma forma e em nenhuma hipótese, ainda mais quando ele diz em seguida que respeita o amor dos dois mas usa desse artifício pra coagi-los (e até indiretamente humilhá-los), só que em todo o resto, incluindo as armações ridículas da maldição, o thua foi o único que usou o cérebro.ele, cansado de viver sob aquela atmosfera pesada tanto no colégio quanto em casa, decidiu fazer o que os outros aparentemente ou tinham medo ou tinham preguiça de fazer. A gente consegue perceber que a história toda só teve um ponto final depois das atitudes dele porque até então era uma bagunça generalizada.

Os três protestantes só faziam escândalo sabendo que não daria em lugar nenhum (inclusive acho eles muito contraditórios, como quando eles reclamam dos uniformes quentes e caros enquanto usam roupas claramente QUENTES E CARAS, vamos combinar que essa briga toda era em grande parte frescura pra poder se vestir como se fossem pra uma festa em plena 7 da manhã) o professor ficava naquele chove não molha horroroso vivendo de ameaça e cara feia, os outros alunos do colégio só se mexiam quando o caos tava instalado e os akkayan se fecharam na bolha deles de certa forma.

A única coisa que o thua fez foi usar do fato de que ele não chamava a atenção e mexer os pauzinhos. Sem levantar suspeitas o cara manipulou toda a escola e expôs a verdade mesmo que isso custasse a própria integridade (e infelizmente a dos outros também). Pra mim, thua acertou muito em vários pontos, só vacilou quando acrescentou algo tão pessoal como o namoro dos amigos dele (sabendo o quanto isso era difícil pro akk em meio a tantos alunos e professores preconceituosos).

Pra finalizar, eu daria uns tapas no thua mas tenho de reconhecer a bravura do mito

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