97 people found this review helpful
Apr 10, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 36
Overall 2.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Possibly the worst... anything that I've seen.

You know how when you pass a huge accident on the road you can't help but look? Well, at least in that case something interesting has happened. This more like passing a cactus and staring at it until it does something.

I gave it a '1' for story, because there's no "0". That sounds harsh, but there's actually no plot. There are times you may think there's one, but it's a trick. This series is so random that I almost always had to go back and check that I didn't skip an episode because the current one never really had a connection to any of the past episodes. There are so many random things thrown into this that it's bewildering. There's even an entire new character with apparently nefarious intent (judging by the ominous music cues whenever he appears) thrown into the very last episode that is totally unconnected with anything else and you have no idea (and never find out) what he wants or intends. That happens a lot. This really feels like there was a pile of 30 BL scripts on a desk and someone accidentally knocked them into a shredder and this is what they came up with by randomly taping scraps together. That sounds exaggerated, but it's not.

Let me give you an example: It's hinted that one of the characters has done something wrong. Barely hinted. Then at the end of an episode, everyone's phones start dinging - they all glance at their phones, then turn to stare at the character. And that's it. We never find out what the text said, or what the character in question did, nor does this have any meaningful effect on the story.

Another example: Milk and Pun suddenly have a kid. He's 5 years old as there has been a time jump. There are scenes of Pun being a cute dad. Then the mother shows up and says - "Thanks guys, I'm talking him back." I guess she realized he's old enough to vacuum her house now or something. To be fair, Pun is depressed, but as is standard for a BL, a damp towel wipedown cures him of that.

I slogged through this because the main character, Milk, is so cute that puppies are goblin sharks in comparison (don't google that before bedtime). And Dr. Pun looks extremely good when he steps out of the shower. And I hoped they would get together in some beautiful and romantic way. In the end it seemed like neither of them had anything better to do.

This series is so dreary that when their relationship is formalized everyone is sitting on one side of a table in what I would have thought was a conscious imitation of The Last Supper, but it can't be because there's a story behind the Last Supper and that would mean that whoever wrote this is aware of the idea of a story.

There are BLs where there is no kissing. That's OK in many cases, because they're set in high school and the characters have never dated or kissed anyone before. This series ends with the characters in their 30s, and Milk still acts like the creature from Alien is unhinging its jaw next to him whenever he's in danger of being kissed by Pun. There is a 5-year time jump, during which time they've been togther - and living together, sleeping in the same bed, and they still have never kissed, let alone had sex. Even when Pun proposes marriage, all he gets is a grunt and a peck on the cheek. The lack of intimacy in this is so severe that I don't know what else to call it but homophobia. They don't even directly refer to relationships - it's easy to miss because everyone speaks of them in oblique terms. They could be talking about working together, accidentally bumping into each other in an elevator, running over someone with their car, or being in an LTR - it's hard to tell.

This is full of people pontificating about life and happiness with the profundity of a greeting card you pick up at the supermarket because you forgot your nephew's birthday. There are very, very long monologues about this at random times when it has no relevance to anything else that's going on.

This diretor/screenwriter also did Love Sick 2 and Friend Forever, and after those two valiant attempts has finally succeeded in making the most boring and miserable series possible.

The technical qualities of this are OK, but not ever exceptional. There are a few funny mistakes, like a big red 'X' taped to a bench to indicate where an actor should sit. (To be fair, he sat on it, so it worked.)

Acting: 5. I don't think anyone's actually acting, so it's not any more terrible than people standing around talking, but nobody every really does anything involving more skill than people standing around talking. Son Ravisut makes an impression as Milk, and Petch Jakkaphet makes an impression with his exposed glistening torso, but both of those are shallow qualities. There are occassional glimpses of ability in Son, but I can't be sure given the material. And other than cuteness, there's not really much to recommend him. If you refuse to engage in m/m intimacy, then don't accept a role in a BL.

Music: 1. There are three snippets of stock music the editor downloaded. One is that standard bassoon melody for light moments, then there is something bland for normal stuff, and an ominous track for when something dark is happening. Dark is too strong - more like a tiny diminution of light like when a moth is flying a meter or so from a lamp. That's about as much as the tone of the series ever changes.

Rewatch value: 2 - there is one scene I've rewatched. Dr. Pun takes a shower and stands around for a minute or so glistening and wearing only a towel around his waist.

Overall: 2.5 - This is truly terrible and a complete waste of time. It's absolutely incomprehensible that this could ever have been made.

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34 people found this review helpful
Apr 11, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 1.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

My eyes need therapy after watching this series

I've rarely graded a series so harshly as I've graded this one... I saw "'Cause You're My Boy" with Frank and Drake, an entire series that was based on a ridiculous plot; I also saw "Top Secret Together", an entire series based on confusing plot mess after confusing plot mess; I saw "Don't Say No", an entire series dedicated to a character who tried to destroy a relationship (in season one of "Tharn-Type") and then becomes a submissive, whiny crybaby and another character who became a possessive and controlling boyfriend after gathering the courage to confess his feelings; I saw "My Boy" with one actor who looked like the other actor's father, who had zero chemistry and very awkward intimate moments. And I saw "I am Your King season 2" with a hysterical female character, zero acting skills of most of the actors, zero credible storyline. However, "Physical Theraphy" raised (or maybe, lowered?) the bar in terms of poor quality. It is a shame that Peak, a well-known BL actor from the "Make It Right" series, is listed as the director of this mess. Here's why.

1) Plot:
There is not much I can tell you about this. Milk works in a creative design agency with his high school/university friends and dated Ake for a while but at the beginning of the show, they are no longer together and Milk is sad about it. He visits a hospital as they are doing a campaign to re-design the hospital's image and Milk pretends to be a patient to observe the doctors. The synopsis talks about the blooming romance of a patient and his physical therapist and we do get that for about 2 or 3 episodes when Milk suffers an injury and needs Dr. Pun to help, only for Dr. Pun to provide the most detailed assistance of a patient I've ever seen on TV, with him basically spending as much time as he can with Milk using the injury as the excuse. Pun develops feelings for Milk but he is not sure due to his recent breakup with Ake and Pun's mysterious attitude when talking about his family or the past. On the other hand, Pun meets Milk's entire family and all of them are in love with him and want Milk and Pun to end up together. We then know, Pun came from China running away as his family is broke and indebted to the family of a girl named Tzuyu who thinks she and Pun will get married... except Pun doesn't love her... but she insists and even tries to first talk to Milk around episode 4, then to Dr. Yang around episodes 5-8, and then finally accepts she won't win around episode 10... just like that. Milk then finds out that Ake has been depressed for a while and begins to help him recover and they solve their breakup and Ake admits that Pun is the best for Milk and almost gives them his blessing, again, just like that.
Other than that, Dr. Yang is gay but in the closet and he was secretly seeing Milk's friend who we never meet as he dies when his car falls of the edge of a cliff in episode 1. The incident and this friend are never mentioned after some flowers are sent for the funeral, Milk can't attend, and then tries to make Dr. Yang confess he is the mystery boyfriend during his first visit to the hospital but can't get an answer and the issue is never brought up again. Then, Dr. Yang visits Milk at his place in the middle episodes with the excuse of needing help designing a cover for his book... he even seems to be flirting with Milk but again, nothing happens. Yamyen, one of Milk's coworkers, begins flirting with Dr. Yang when both meet at the hospital for the marketing campaign, Dr. Yang rejects him for a while, but then end up having sex in a scene that doesn't match with how Dr. Yang kept rejecting Yamyen for so long only to have passionate sex afterwards. Dr. Yang gets exposed online after that, tries to quit and then writes more books as well. Super well crafted ideas for this storyline, don't you think?
Then we jumped 5 years in the future, Pun and Milk are taking care of the son of Milk's older sister who had an affair with a married man and got pregnant. Pun's parents arrive and spend a few days together and start to mend their relationship. The kid calls them "dad" but in episode 12, Milk's sister returns and tells them she is taking the kid back, just like that... Pun proposes to Milk in the final moments of the episode and that's about it.
The office characters, Milk's coworkers, the few doctors that do appear outside of Dr. Pun and Dr. Yang, the gossiping nurses from the first few episodes, Milk's family, Pun's family, and the Korean guy who is Pun's friend and hires Milk for some work provide ZERO... NOTHING... NADA... to this story... not even to fill-in some airtime... the minor exception are Milk's younger brothers who are funny sometimes... but even the dog who got lost like 3 times in the series is cuter and funnier than most of the characters of this series.
There was no sustained plot or storyline, no connection between much of the series, each couple (Pun-Milk, Yang-Milk's friend, Tim-Rosé) do not go into much detail over the course of 12 boring, dull and excruciatingly long episodes... this series should have been over in 6-8 episodes max. The hospital seem to have 3-4 doctors based on the moment they all have to dance for the marketing campaign but only Dr. Pun and Dr. Yang matter for this series. Nobody works in actual medical cases aside from Milk's injury and Milk's dad heart attack and nobody seems to be doing anything at this hospital besides walking around, gossip, and staring into oblivion. Milk's friends also don't do much work as Milk seems to be the only one working day and night on some projects... at some point they even have a team-building workshop that includes everyone and they sleep as part of an exercise Milk proposed... this has no reason as Milk and his friends were hired by the hospital to do an image re-design so the purpose of having this workshop with both hospital and marketing campaign employees is not clear. We also have weird dynamics between some of the characters as Tim and Rosé are friends but want to be more but Tim can't gather the courage or can't commit, and the time jump makes no sense at all.

2) Acting
I've seen a lot of reviews for other series where the person reviewing complains about the acting but "forgives" everything because how cute the actors are... here, no matter how cute Son (Milk) and Petch (Pun) are, their acting is not 100% terrible but has a lot of bad moments. They seem to have very little chemistry and Son is terrified of being kissed as he makes awkward facial expressions when Pun gets within an inch of his face which makes the lack of too many intimate moments for this couple even more glaring. Folk (Dr. Yang) and Pim (Tzuyu) are stiff as cardboards during their scenes and Folk couldn't convince me of his feelings when being exposed online. The rest are just there but the whole cast could have benefited from longer workshops to develop a bit more cohesion and chemistry and from a better acting coach to guide them through the few challenging scenes this series had.

So, please, save yourself and avoid this show if you can. I know, as a BL fan, we tend to watch almost everything just because is BL or because, if you are like me, don't want to quit watching a show (call it stubbornness or pride)... but in this case, I highly recommend you read a book, knit a sweater, play videogames, clean your room or do something else instead of watching this show that really had nothing of substance to remember it for.

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9 people found this review helpful
Apr 10, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Save yourself from this hot mess if you haven't watched this series as yet.

I went into this series basically because of the plot- it seemed interesting and promising. However, week after week, I asked myself- why are you still watching this? But I continued and watched this series for twelve weeks straight, just hoping against hope that it got better (news flash- it doesn't).

As I stated, the synopsis sounded interesting and promising. However, I felt like it was not executed properly. And then with the gazillion and one doctor BL's coming out after it as well as with it, it wasn't able to compete with them (they also have thier flaws- but hey- I was able to follow thier storylines better and not be confused from the get-go.

I'm not going to lie- I did not know who the heck all these secondary characters were, unless they were related to the MC's. Up to now- I don't know the names of Milk and Pun's colleagues and what was the point of them. I was only able to follow the storyline of Milk and Pun, but by episode eleven even them got me hella confused.

I also felt that this series liked to confuse people as it really didn't tell us who posted the pics of the next doctor whose name is eluding me online and basically outed him to the whole world. No explanation was given when they did the time jump in episode eleven and a child had magically appeared, calling Pun dad. That is until ou watched episode twelve and realized who the mom was. Qhich brings me to my next question. What kind of sister Milk has that gave both Milk and Pun to raise her son to then come and say - Yup! I'm ready to raise him- after the fact the boy calls Pun dad. Like, WTF?!! Also, what was the point of introducing the new doctor (Jamie, I think) in the last episode. Is this a hint of a second season, cause...I don't want it.

I was originally gonna give the storyline a 5, cause as I have stated, I was following the MC's story. However, that changed in the last two episodes and as such, I am generously giving them a 4.

The show is a hot mess and thier acting cannot save it for the world. But I'm again being generous and will give a 4.5.

When you have to go back to one of the episodes to remember the song, you know the song did not really impact on you. But after hearng it, Im going to give it a 5.

Rewatch Valu-1/10
No. Nothing can convince me in watching this series again. I'm already confused and I don't want to give up my valuable time again and rewatch this series.

Overall I give this series a 3.5. I am pleading with people out there- if you haven't watch this series, save yourself and run away as fast as you can from this series. I do not want you to suffer the same way I did. I'm really saving you guys.

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Ongoing 11/12
18 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2022
11 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 2
Overall 5.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.5


I just finished watching episode 11 and the whole series has gone in the toilet! What the hell just happened???? What the hell is going on???? Is this what happens when the director gets Alzheimer's???? What a downer!!! I was really invested, but slowly each episode kept leaving out a little bit, of critical storyline here and there, as the whole thing disintegrated right before our eyes! ! (ie. what the hell is the deal with the psycho fiance??? She sure became part of the gang out of the blue awfully quickly for no good reason? She was the head antagonist and enemy number one in my view??? What the hell???

I am so deeply disappointed with the diminishing quality of any sort of storyline that a normal person could vaguely follow and the editor, producer and director should go to prison. The so-called director, Rachyd Kusolkulsiri (idiot #1) and producer,
Peak Peemapol Panichtamrong, (idiot #2) should be taken out and shot!!. At least that would have some semblance of a coherent plot! I spent (wasted), weeks following the episodic progression of a story with multiple personality disorder!!!! They turned what started out as a promising BL drama into an epic "turd in the punchbowl"!!

My biggest heartache about the whole thing is that I really loved Milk and Pun as actors, lovers, and characters.... but what a disservice this mess is to these young men's careers. Is it too much to ask to expect a series, a storyline, a supposed love story (without any lovemaking..) to be coherent in any possible way??/ What the hell????? And poor Dr Yang... even he doesn't know what the hell he did wrong? Did he get an ex-BOYFRIEND pregnant and then held up a liquor store to pay for the abortion??? At least that would make sense....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO VERY DISAPPOINTING

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6 people found this review helpful
Apr 17, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


I remember when I saw the trailer for this and was genuinely excited, so excited that I decided to wait until it finished airing so I could sit and binge-watch, something that takes me less than a week to do (depending on how many episodes and run time). But I feel like I've been trapped in an uncomfortable position through this watch. There were times I liked it, there were some hidden gems that kept me going, but then it felt like I was watching paint dry, and I can't explain to you how soullessly boring that is.

Let's Dive In.

The story of Physical Therapy was a concept we had rarely seen before, which is why I was so excited about it. Our main lead ends up hurting himself and because of that, a doctor decides to go home with him and take care of him. Some other things happen that are way left-field, and quite frankly I was confused the entire time. Mind you, I watch thoroughly through the first 9 episodes but skipped over the scenes that tired me out 10-12. By episode 9, shouldn't I have a clue what's going on? Is it only me that felt like I couldn't keep up? So much was happening so fast that the series didn't give me a chance to digest what they were feeding me? I don't know what it was about this series, but I really felt like I couldn't keep up, and that's never happened before. With a decent production team and a mediocre cast, Physical Therapy gave us nothing whilst still giving us a bit of something that motivated me to finish.

Let's start off with what I didn't like to lead us out of what I did like: Again, this was like watching cows eat grass. There were times I caught myself reading the subtitles but not actually catching anything it was saying. And that usually leads me to hysteria and having to continuously go back to re-read, but here, I just didn't care. There were so many side-plots introduced, and I couldn't tell you a single thing about them. Even the main plot was difficult to comprehend. Thre's a part where Pun apparently has known Milk before they met for the first time, and I'm still lost on that part. I don't get Milk's position at his workplace, I don't understand how a certified doctor felt the need to go home with a patient and do not an ounce of physical therapy. How was anything allowed to happen in this series? Seriously, my interpretation of this must've been completely different. There were too many concepts on top of already complicated concepts, and it throws you out of the story completed. Characters weren't full characters, they felt more like last-minute add-ins, moreover, there were way too many of them. I remember two names, Milk and Pun, that's it. You couldn't ask me anything about the rest of them cause I don't even know. I passed over the hetero relationship after I saw in the previews he weirdly grabs her, and I wasn't about to sit through that. The other doctor's story was my little hidden gem until it wasn't. All of the office people were one too many. This suffers badly from poor writing, tiresome plots, and unenjoyable characters.

I rarely ever genuinely cringe, but there were some times in this that I couldn't even look at the screen. These long pauses led to some insufferable squirm, even some moments that were supposed to be intimate and romantic were too bad to watch. While Milk and Pun did have a really good kiss, their chemistry was trash. There were times when it looked like they didn't even want to be touching one another. And chemistry is everything in a BL, if you don't have that, then you have nothing. There were just some other things that were shot so oddly, there were lines said that I could see the look in the actors' eyes like they were suffering through their role. God, it was so bad.

Petch is not a good actor. I'm sorry, I usually say something on nicer terms, but he was just really bad. He had this hideous stare-thing that made him look like a creep more than a guy in love. He said his lines so monotonously, his face had one expression, he delivered no type of motivation in his acting. They took a tall handsome guy off the street and asked if he could be in this. That's how I feel. Of course, there's room for improvement, and lord knows he needs it before he's cast in any other role. This could've been more because of the role he was given or maybe the director had no drive to tell him to do anything else but be tall and handsome. Gosh, if I ever see him again, he better come through with a strong performance, cause this was just absolute garbage.

Okay, anyways, what I liked: I loved Milk, Son specifically. Out of everyone, Son was the best actor. The best I've seen? No, he still needed some room to grow, but he played into the personality of his character, and he did a really good job compared to the rest of them.

The production was really nice. I genuinely enjoyed the music, and I don't remember any ad placements, so that's another bonus.

The height difference was the only thing that motivated me to finish. I'm no stronger than the next person. I see uneven heights and I fall into a void. And Milk was so small and tiny, and Pun just towered him.


Story: 4.5 - I was confused more than half the time I was watching. Again, I didn't truthfully watch the last 3 episodes, which is my own fault but still, I shouldn't be confused on episode 9. I did like the other doctor's story, which I'm giving two stars for, and the height difference gets the other 2.5.

Acting: 6: Petch was just bad. Son was hands down their strongest actor. The rest of the cast was mediocre. I actually really enjoyed it anytime the twins were on screen. I'll give 3 towards Milk, 2 towards the twins, and 1 because I feel bad.

Music: 8: decent. I quite liked it. It was the show's strong suit.

Rewatch Value: 1 - Hell would have to freeze over.

I hate being so harsh on this series because I really did want to like this, but I just couldn't. I had to skip all the behind-the-scenes cause I knew if I watched them, I would immediately feel empathy for the cast and the crew, and my emotions would clog how I genuinely felt towards this series. It needs so much real work. I think this really could've been such a good series, but with a lack of good acting, overly complicated plots, and a dead main relationship, this was mediocre at best.

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5 people found this review helpful
May 18, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 2.0
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Are you freaking kidding me?

WTF. This show is so messed up! It was deeply mediocre until the last twenty minutes, then it did something so incredibly bizarre and tacky that I can't fully wrap my head around it.

But before I get into that, the show itself was a waste of time overall. I watched it on double speed the whole way through and it still felt slow.

Minus half a point each for:

* evil female love obstacle
* weird character actions that never go anywhere
* plot points and potential conflicts introduced but never followed through, including one that came in the last 25 minutes of the show
* behavior between characters that doesn't make sense with previously established scenes
* "Sorry to keep you waiting. I have diarrhea." and all the other poop references/jokes
* slow as hell, awful pacing, lots of repetition
* weird dialogue, though it could just be a poor translation
* for no clear reason, they shoved in like fourteen random het relationship dramas in the last three episodes
* the lack of chemistry between any of the couples that actually got together
* intense music indicating something sketchy or scary is going to happen! then literally nothing happens


* Both guys are gay from the start
* Emphasis on friendship, though I would have liked to have seen way more of it
* The whole ex-boyfriend thing. I like that it showed it made an impact in his life, and I appreciate it wrapping up without the guy just being cut out completely. It was far from perfect, but it was interesting. Plus I'm a fan of second love stories.
* Talk of mental health, though they didn't handle it as well as they could have
* Though I'm not big on 2.5 kid endings, it's so rare to see that sort of thing with BL, so I really liked that we go to see the future with their child. However, that doesn't end up mattering because of the ridiculous direction they take it

It was just a weird, boring, awkward show where nothing felt natural, and even the parts I liked were skewed. Plus there was some sort of reveal in episode 11 that made no sense because they didn't bother translating it. This is the official translation. I'm paying to watch this stupid show. The music was dull but inoffensive, and I actually liked the music choice for one cute little part, so I was generous in that rating.

The acting was so-so, and the story was basically non-existent. The rewatch value is -15, but I couldn't put that, so I had to give it a 1 since you can't go any lower.

However, I was still going to give the show a 5 for trying, until they decided to have the sister casually come and take their child from them, while the show acted like it's a mild inconvenience that they'll get over. The sister is a selfish cow, and the writing is SO bad to make it seem like this is okay in the slightest. It wasn't like they were babysitting for her. She gave up her child, then she just says, you know, I should start raising him now that you guys put in the hard work.

You can't just take a kid back like they were borrowing him. He's not a vacuum cleaner.

Since the narrative seems to think this is an okay thing to do, like parental bonds mean nothing and you can just trade kids like baseball cards, I'm giving it a 2, and I wish I'd never watched it.

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5 people found this review helpful
Apr 11, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 2.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

What was this drama about...?????

So.... what exactly was the plot of this drama? Seems like I missed this memo for 12 hours of watching this show. Each episode felt like I was being dragged through mud... it was slow, mundane and not even close to being engaging.

It got a 2/10 out of mercy.
I am being so honest right now... what is the plot of the story? I was so confused because it mostly seemed like actors on screen just talking. I think that the synopsis I read before watching this drama does not match what was portrayed in the show at all. The storyline is boring and very slow... I also found it to be very choppy so it was hard to understand what was happening at certain points of the story. Characters: way to static no development at all in the whole show.

I think the cast was okay but I would like to see them act in other dramas... i don't think it would be fair to judge them here because of this drama.

A straight up 1, if I could give it a 0 it would be a 0. The music didn't add to the show it was just there because it had to be...? The music doesn't bring any feeling to me as the viewer so... its a no.

There is a very good chance I would probably never rewatch this drama again because I found it to be very unengaging so it won't be worth spending time rewatching something I didn't exactly enjoy.

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3 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

There Is Really Nothing to Say About This Series

Even if I wanted to summarize this series, I could not as it is incomprehensible and ridiculous. It drifts some some sort of a BL to ending up being a series of jumbled random thoughts of someone's bad dream. This could never be labeled as a Spoiler as there simply no coherent story here at all. If you are looking for a romantic BL, move on. This ain't it. If you are seeking a story of one-dimensional, wooden, characters, then this is your story. There is no plat, no coherent story, and worse than all of that, no romance. Frankly I do not know what this series is. One this is for sure. You will need physical therapy after watching this because your mind and undoubtedly your body will be twisted in unnatural positions trying to figure out what their message and story is.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 17, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 2.5

Diagnosis: Borderline insanity, can't be cured.

This is bad on so many levels that I stopped counting after a while. Maybe I shouldn't have started at all? Or else not gone into it with the barest of expectations? I'll never know. Physical Therapy is one of those series that requires fast forwarding or skipping even on 2x. 12 episodes is too much and the story would have been more successful if the number was shortened. Clip some of the length and it would have been enjoyable as well. But it keeps wavering between whether it would like to be plot driven or character driven until the very end and makes use of one to go ahead when the other reaches a dead end. This struggle is painful to watch.

There is not much to the plot either. It's haywire and all over the place, peeping in and reminding us of its presence when the makers think they need to pause the romance between Milk and Pun (which is bland and baseless). Cinematography is childish and the characterisation is bad. Several plot points in the story do not make sense at all but towards the end, expecting them to make sense is just... senseless. The series is littered with a herd of characters that have no work to do. Milk's brother and friend disappear mid way together with the dog, Rosé and her guy pop in at random and I never caught the names or faces of half of Milk's friends. It makes me want to ask- how can anyone be so careless while constructing a plot?

Just when you think the show can't possibly become more ridiculous, in comes the typical female character who is toxic, overbearing and overused and Aek's reason for the breakup. Aek wasn't dealt the worst hand, considering everything actually. It's us- we are the ones that lost. If they weren't going to handle it properly, why bring it up in the first place? Aek and Milk broke up and Milk is unable to take it- a good enough point in itself. It doesn't need any further validations, let alone a nonsensical one. Furthermore, in what is one of the most unbelievable and frustrating scenes ever, we have Aek's friends telling him they'd treat him properly, with basic courtesy, in response to his "problem". *throws up hands because wth!*

Yet, Physical Therapy has its moments (even though they are so few that you'd need a magnifying glass to see them). The courtship period was good even if a bit on the slow side and Milk's family dynamics were cute. That scene where they're all sleeping next to each other on the floor? Single best scene in the show. Then Milk and Pun with the kid save a nanocentimeter of the crappy ending. Maybe I'm just desperately looking for some good here, but the show seemed watchable in these moments.

If you don't watch this, you'll be saving yourself from a boring script filled with clichés, unoriginal dialogues, bad acting (ALL of them need to improve, no, have an acting makeover more like), illogical story and characterisation, lots of second hand embarassment and equal amounts of cringe. I would definitely not recommend this unless some slow moving melodrama bl is what you're looking for. Even then, there are better ones. Choose them first.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 3.5

Started Out Good!

The first few episodes were really very good. Then the writer was all over the place. I would love to rewrite this show. Too many unnecessary storylines that went nowhere and were distracting. Some scenes were played out with too much drag time. Certain events that just did not make any sense. I felt like either this was written by one author and then turned over to another writer after a few episodes, or the writer was inexperienced and threw in everything they could think of instead of staying focused. Too bad, this could have been really good.
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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 24, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

The Worst Ever

OMG !!!!! This has got to be one of the worst drama of all time.

It literally took me a whole week to watch only 12 episodes, I think probably fell asleep through most of them and couldn't be bothered to go back.

This drama is so random, and Milk is so annoying most of the times.

Even if I wanted to summarize this series, I could not as it is incomprehensible and ridiculous. It drifts some some sort of a BL to ending up being a series of jumbled random thoughts of someone's bad dream. This could never be labeled as a Spoiler as there simply no coherent story here at all. If you are looking for a romantic BL, move on.

So, please, save yourself and avoid this show if you can. I know, as a BL fan, we tend to watch almost everything just because is BL or because, if you are like me, don't want to quit watching a show (call it stubbornness or pride)... but in this case, I highly recommend you read a book, knit a sweater, play videogames, clean your room or do something else instead of watching this show that really had nothing of substance to remember it for.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 29, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Nothing Like The Trailers!!

I watched the trailers and thought we'd get an injured guy who required physical therapy and that he and his physical therapist would fall in love over the therapy sessions and through the healing process together.

Not even close!!

The first 10 episodes were incredibly slow and probably could have been done in 2-3 episodes maximum. Then episodes 11 and 12 were just questions upon questions upon questions that led to a whole lot of, "WTF did I just watch?"

Really, the downhill side starts at the end of episode 10 when no one explains what happened to Dr. Yang and what the photos were of and what was posted about him. I even tried using a translator to read the text given and it was a mess that made no sense. So, I have no idea what that whole bit was about.

Milk & Pun weren't even in a fully established relationship yet, but hey give them a baby and 30 seconds later fast forward 5 years later and they're a happy family of 3 in episode 11.

Toss in Pun's parents and the fact that they haven't seen him or talked to him in something like 4 years and they suddenly visit and want to have a good relationship with everyone... but we never learn why they were on bad terms to begin with.

Who is Jame and why did it feel like he was preying on both Pun and Milk when he met them separately in the last episode?

Suddenly the biological mother of their son decides she can be a good mother and she takes him back, and Milk doesn't seem to fully understand why Pun is heartbroken at losing the son he's raised for 5 years??

After all of this Pun suddenly proposed to Milk, who accepted, and everyone takes that as their wedding and yay, congrats for them!! By the way, the end!

If things had stayed slow, and mildly boring, but kept a steady theme/story through the whole thing then this would be a completely different review. However, they threw in so much WTF and the kitchen sink at the end that there's no way to redeem the last 2.5 episodes.

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Physical Therapy (2022) poster



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