It's like watching a series without a plot, without characters development ???
I will not say i didn't like this series, basically i wasted some time watching it....the acting was actually good and the only thing that kept me watching was the straight forwardness in the dialogue, it was pretty entertaining...nothing more!
the actors have great chemistry more than the series characters? i mean ?? how so?
i don't know who to blame, the screen writer or the story writer or the cursed translation....
what was the plot again?
i wish to see more contents for these actors
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i watched this series way back, just finished tonhon chonlatee so i came here to write a review and what did i see,THIS WAS MADE ON THE HOUSEMATES OF TONCHON?
If it wasnt for that, i would've rated it decently since although cliche plot, i like actors especially the dads but this fact was outrageous.
Since 2gether, mantype were my ot ship and they did a great job in tonchon series, at the least they could do was caste the people who looked similar🤌
This is such a disappointment
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Did anything actually happen?
Saying that is in anyway related to Tonhon Chonlatee is criminal. Let’s leave aside the fact that the cast is completely different (makes sense, they were done by different companies), but the story doesn’t even fit with it. I am not familiar with the novels the two series were based off, but seeing the novels were done by the same author, I would have expected at least some consistency when it came to the plot.Let’s start with the good first. I love the relationship between Sippakorn (Ai’s father) and his partner Nan. Nan didn’t get that much screen time, but I feel like whenever he was present, he stole the show. I loved his character. And the fact that the actors who play them, Porsch and Arm, are real life partners is amazing! They didn’t need much more than a simple look to see their love and I was there for it!
Another great part of the series was Nhai’s friend group. They are all aware that their friend is not very bright and extremely whiny, but they accept him for who is. And they are not afraid to tell him that when the chance presents itself (e.g. the reason for the ducky keychain).
Now, the not so great part – Nhai. As I mentioned before, he is kind of dumb and whiny, to the point of it being extremely annoying. I don’t even know how I sat through all 12 episodes of it, but I did. Only for there to be absolutely no character growth for him. I found the conversations others had with him boring and with no meaning. The subtitles were horrible as well, so I am sure certain things got lost in the translation, but I doubt the dialogue was actually much better. The only redeeming act of his that I can think of is how he delt with Ai’s mom. That’s it.
Ai can be a brat, but he is a brat that knows how to take care of himself. And his boyfriend. I found him much easier to tolerate. I think there was much more thought put into creating his character. His backstory showed his character growth as well, which was great to see.
Oh, one more thing that I liked was that no matter how annoying Nhai is, at least he knows how to communicate – we don’t see that very often, so it was really refreshing to see. Do you know how many conflicts can be avoided by just talking about it?
As for the plot, was there even one? I feel like there was no real plot, yet there were so many plot holes in the end, that I don’t even know where we got them from. I also feel like the story was unnecessary long and dragged out – and that is coming from a person who usually complains that the series are too short. I feel like if they only focused on Ai and Nhai getting together, made it a cute and short series with like 6 episodes, it would be much better.
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Random Note:
I should have listened to my initial gut reaction to not watch this series, but gave it a shot when it became available on Viki. I was also giving a MFlow production another chance before I completely give-up on them. Yet again, I was proven wrong.
The English subtitle on Viki were pretty bad (I didn’t take points off for this). It seemed they stopped caring and gave up after episode 2. The subtitles had a lot of spelling and grammatical errors. There were times they were so incoherent that I had no idea what the actors were saying. There were other times that there were no subtitles at all.
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Rape is not love
It seems that Thai BL only ever have two kinds of gay people, Camp or rapist. Why do they just keep on regurgitating the same old rubbish over and over again, can't they find any new stories? The worst thing about it is I could probably tolerate it if they didn't have to make them such disgusting filth all the time.You do not love someone if you rape them!
Rape should not be glorified!
Childlike moron at university, what is he studying? He seems to have the brain capacity of a preteen
Can we just have someone hate their rapist one time, maybe be angry and tell them to never come near them again. Maybe get them arrested or my favorite, stab them and leave them bleeding in the street.
I watched this on Youtube and I seemed to be the only person in the comments complaining so maybe people like glorified rape, that would explain why they keep making this kind of garbage
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Just don't judge thai bls from this series
Just the worst acting and a crappy story led to this. I mean what's with the obsession with a keychain and they just kiss in the second episode without any buildup just so out of the scene.Just putting 2 guys in a series and tell them to just fall in love doesn't work, WE NEED A STORY. NO amount of NC scenes could have helped. Seriously I am disappointed with myself to even think of starting this series. I lost my brain cells watching this.
For anyone who is watching his first thai series as this just please don't lose hope. Their are others who are much better.
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University BL with bad acting
Unlike many others, I don't mind university set BLs and I've liked or loved most of the ones I've watched so far. However, this was I minded. It wasn't good. It wasn't even actually decent.A few people recommended this to me and every sing one of them failed to mention how bad the acting was. This has got to be some of the worst acting this year. It also didn't help that the subtitles were awful and at times nonsensical but even with perfect subtitles, the acting is still bad. I can't recall any of the actors giving at least decent performance.
There were side characters & side couples with their own stories & they're so forgettable that the script forgot them as well. So there isn't much to say about them except that they exist.
I dropped it mainly because halfway through I found out that one of the main characters was a minor during filming. The thought that that 16 to 17 year old was doing all those kissing scenes and love scenes with an adult in a room full of adults made my skin crawl. The BL industry needs to stop pairing minors with adults. It's creepy and should not be a thing.
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non c’è bisogno di guardare per forza TonhonChonlatee per vederla / carina, nulla di impegnativo
La prima volta che ne ho sentito parlare ho sentito fosse una serie collegata a TonhonChonlatee, serie che ho visto e mi è sembrata decente, però all’inizio non capivo perfettamente la cosa del cambio attori ecc.Adesso direi che la situazione cambio attori è stata una buona scelta, oltre al fatto che se non avessero cambiato attori non avrebbero potuto fare sta serie in quanto Mike e Toptap non lavorano più assieme (cosa che mi rende triste, li ho sempre amati), in ogni caso mi è piaciuto vedere nuovi attori e sopratutto come abbiano cambiato il personaggio di Tonhon, non omofobo e più sopportabile.
In generale posso dire che non c’è bisogno di guardare per forza TonhonChonlatee per vedere questa perché non c’è alcun collegamento particolare oltre ai personaggi Ai, Nhai, Ton e Chon, personaggi che a dire la verità li vedo pure differenti dall’altra serie, quindi andate tranquilli.
Questa serie è veramente carina.
La trama è semplice e carina, peccato che non l’abbiano sviluppata e allargata meglio, mi avrebbe fatto piacere vedere come andava a finire con la madre di Ai e bho anche più azione, è stato tutto molto tranquillo e nullo. Diciamo che è quel tipo di serie che puoi guardare senza farti problemi, infatti non si lasciano neanche.
Loro sono una bella coppia, sono carinissimi.
Il loro inizio per me è stato altamente incasinato e non capisco neanche come siano finiti insieme ma vabbè l’importante è che si amino.
È veramente incapibile come Ai faccia a sopportare Nhai nonostante sia così lamentoso ma allo stesso tempo è carino, capisco Ai ahahah
La cosa che mi ha fatto morire di più di Nhai è quando la madre di Ai gli ha detto che si sarebbe dovuto lasciare con lui ma Nhai ha rifiutato, lì ero preoccupata facesse come gli era stato detto dato che succede sempre nelle serie, invece mi ha colpito come fosse così sicuro, ho amato questa cosa.
Poi sinceramente una cosa che mi ha infastidito è l’ossessione di Ai per il sesso, ogni tre quarti voleva farlo, mi scassava sta cosa, mi pareva un pò maniaco aiuto.
Parlando di altro, mi dispiace come abbiano fatto finire la storia di quei due, quello che mandava continuamente regali segreti all’altro, poi si sono incontrati ma doveva partire per l’estero e quindi è finita lì; è stato triste, mi è dispiaciuto un botto perchè erano bellini.
In generale posso dire che veramente questa serie non è nulla di impegnativo ed è carina.
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-Te quiero, mi patito amarillo, -Yo también te quiero, dueño del pato
Es una serie muy bonita pero si lo que estas buscando es drama creo que no es para ti, digamos que al menos para mi es una serie muy lineal, muy del tipo de ver el día a día de los personajes, un romance universitario con este cliché de amor a primera vista bien logrado, que si bien tuvo una que otra cosa que podríamos catalogar como drama siento que el mayor problema de esta serie es que no lo termina abordando por completo y se queda a medias y no nomas pasa con el drama sino también con otras cosillas pero eso no quita que aun asi sea disfrutable.Ai y Nhai, es una pareja muy bonita, algo que me gusto mucho es que Ai nunca tuvo duda de lo que sentía por Nhai y siempre trababa de explicarle cualquier cosa cuando a Nhai le surgían dudas, maybe al principio si es un poco intensito pero bueno, algo chistoso es ver como Nhai pasa de no estar seguro de lo que siente, a sentir celos y luego ya darse su oportunidad con Ai, siento que si tuvieron pleitos fueron muy de pareja y también me gusto que no separaran a los protagonistas de que por un problema y que se dejaran de hablar en los últimos caps, como suelen hacer varias series, siento que esta pareja es mas como del aprendizaje de como llevar una relación y para mi lo tienen muy logrado.
Hay bastantito personaje secundario tenemos a los amigos de Ai y Nhai:
Tonhon, Nine y Intha que los tres me cayeron bastante bien, son cómicos y se nota que todos se conocen bien entre ellos, no por nada le cuestionan a Ai sobre que intenciones tiene con Nhai pq estaban preocupados por Nhai.
Ahora algo que me causo digamos poquito conflicto es que en algun momento nos "presentan" a sus posibles parejas de Ton esta Chon su amigo de la infancia, de Nine esta FM que le dijo que le gustaba y le pidió que le enseñara y de Intha esta Songkhwan que en teoría ellos ya se gustaban entre si pero no se dio nada pq Song se fue a el extranjero a estudiar un doctorado, bueno de estas tres posibles "parejas" ninguna termina siendo y no entiendo pq, siento que cualquiera de las tres hubiera estado bien como pareja secundaria pq no tenemos en si, las tres terminaron a medias sin explorarse ni nada.
Están los papás de Ai:
Sippakorn y Jaonan que la vd quedo muy claro que son un amor de persona, que quieren/aman demasiado a Ai, maybe me hubiera gustado ver un poco mas de ellos o de su relación con Ai.
Esta el papá de Nhai:
Tambien me cayo muy bien, se vio que es muy comprensible y que siempre puedes contar con el tmb me falto verlo un poco mas.
Y esta la mamá y hermanastra de Ai:
Rajin y Jom que mi mayor conflicto es que nunca supe realmente pq la mamá quería reconectar con Ai, supongo que Jom quería pq la mama le dijo y tmb pq le salvo la vida?, pero lit después de lo que pasa con Nhai en el vestíbulo no vuelven a salir y lit ahi quedo todo y no me hace nada de sentido pq al principio si era todo muy insistente por parte de la mamá y la hermana y me dices que después de eso ya no volvieron a aparecer o contactar a Ai umm idk siento que mejor nos hubieran dado el trasfondo de lo que paso hace 5 años y ahí lo hubieran dejado pq al final esto termino dándome igual.
Al final como digo termino siendo una serie muy bonita, muy tranquilita que maybe le falto explorar varias cosas pero que en otras cumple muy bien y termina siendo muy disfrutable:)
La frase del titulo es del cap 12.
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aku gak tau kenap reviewnya rendah padahal series ini bagus aja dan asik buat ditonton. Ping lucu banget meranin Nhai, emang sesuai karakter aslinya lucuuuu!! Ai jg tipe cowo idaman yg serba bisa, ganteng, dan tajir wkwkkw. Emang bener plot ceritanya biasa aja tp sangat menghibur ngelihat lucunya Ai dan Nhai. Setelah nonton series ini aku jadi suka meenping <3Was this review helpful to you?
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Si vous chercher juste à passer le temps confortablement
Cette série n'avait pas d'intrigue, ( même ce qui aurait pu être un semblant d'intrigue : l'histoire avec la mère n'en n'est pas une car elle disparait comme par magie) rien qui en ferait la série de l'année 2022, j'ai commencé à la regarder sans attente. Mais je dois dire que malgré un jeu d'acteur qui je leur souhaite s'améliorera avec le temps, cette série se laisse regarder avec tendresse. L'amour décrit est mignonne, le genre d'amour dont les jeunes filles innocentes de 15-16 ans rêves. je la place dans le genre cherry blossoms after winter ( tendre, romantique) mais sans intrigue. Le couple est au cœur du drama. Quelques paysages sympa lors du voyage), de très beaux acteurs. si vous voulez faire une pause après un drama très dur, ou bien juste visionné quelque chose de doux, je vous le conseille. Mais si vous recherchez quelques chose de plus profond passer votre chemin. Mais comme je dis souvent mieux vaut se faire son propre opinion plutôt que de décider de visionner à partir de ce que pense les autres. Bonne journéeWas this review helpful to you?
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