Such a cute show.
I have been in a bit of a drama slump and this was perfect for me. The first couple episodes had some swearing that annoyed me (especially since part of the time no one was actually swearing, but it was in the subs), but when you got past that it was really good. The story is fun, the characters are adorable, the acting is good. Plus there is a cute dog and cat and the episodes are short. I mean, can you ask for more? If you want something lighthearted and won't take long to watch, I recommend this. It's really a cute cute show and I'm so glad I watched it.Was this review helpful to you?
An okay watch
Storyline was cute, though the dog and the cat, other than the reason for bringing the couple together, were wasted. A lot had to happen in a brief amount of time, because of the number and length of episodes, so sadly, so much was too abbreviated. I was very interested in his progression from "zero to hero", but it happened too quickly and easily for him. Add to that, he had the worst haircut, every time I saw him, I thought of Spock from Star Trek. I did enjoy watching him, because there was something so endearing about him.To me, she seemed a lot older than him, but that might just be because of the way she was written. I didn't love her character, and there were entirely too many drunk scenes, especially for such a short show.
I think my favorite parts of the show were the friendships between the men, and the friendships between the women. I could feel their bonds, and they were very supportive, unlike most Korean dramas which always have the mean girl or the psycho guy.
I found the music irritating in the fact that there was one song that was played over and over again.
The ending was pretty abrupt.
I really enjoyed watching the parts with the dating doctor. I thought he was just going to be a crook out to steal their money, but he was a nice guy and very helpful, overall.
It was an easy, middle-of-the-road watch for me.
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Piacevole e ci sono pure un cane e un gatto!
Un drama carino con una storia leggera e divertente ma niente di speciale.Sono puntate cortissime giuste per una pausa tra un drama e l'altro per passarsi il tempo e molto adatte per la sala di attesa quando non hai tempo o voglia di qualcosa impegnativo.La storia,niente di originale,lei tradita dal fidanzato che poi non si fida più dei maschi e lui bello ma un po' sfigato che è innamorato cotto di lei.Amici un po' strambi che non mancano mai e qua c'è pure un "dottore" che in stranezza batte tutti.
C'è il cane e la gatta che "commentano" l'episodio alla fine che sono troppo buffi.
Nel complesso un piacevole passatempo ma di sicuro non un drama che rimane impresso.
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