PeachBlossomGoddess Flower Award1
32 people found this review helpful
Oct 8, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 10
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

Those who seek revenge dig two graves.

This is a heartbreaking and sobering revenge drama about an ancient Me Too movenment by nine commoners seeking justice. The two main protagonists, Rulan and Meng Wan are apprentices at Yanyu Tower, whose exquisite embroidery are prized by the imperial palace. Underneath his polished and elegant facade, Yanyu Tower's proprietor and master embroiderer Wu Lian is the worst kind of predator; one who uses his power and privilege to repeatedly manipulate and abuse the young women working for him. When Rulan has the audacity and tenacity to seek legal redress, most including her bestie Meng Wan hesitate to help her; knowing how stacked the system is against them. Ultimately her plight and her conviction inspires nine people to devote their entire reason for existence to taking Wu Lian down and obtaining justice for Rulan and in some cases themselves. There are no fairytales in this drama; their stories are utterly devastating; alternately moving me to tears and making my teeth clench and my blood boil.

This drama is not for the faint hearted and comes with a ton of trigger warnings. It is ruthless and brutal in terms of its scathing depiction of the unbalanced power dynamics between the powerful and the powerless. It convincingly articulates why regardless of consequences, Rulan, Meng Wan and their friends decide to take a stand against a clever, powerful and ruthless opponent. Their efforts are stymied at almost every turn and many of them pay the dear cost of justice. Wu Lian is almost too smart a villain and too well resourced. It is dismaying to see these nine avengers fall for the same traps over and over. In desperation, some of them take unnecessary risks and make terrible sacrifices with scant payoff in their attempt to gather enough evidence to indict him.

This is a large cast with consequential roles that deliver all around strong performances. Hu Yixuan's portrayal of Rulan's disillusionment, agony, bravery and forlorn quest for justice is harrowing, piteous and ultimately tragic. Wu Qian also impresses as the icily soft spoken, resolute avenging angel and mastermind of the revenge plot. As for Wu Lian, it is rare to encounter such an intelligent and downright despicable villain, masterfully acted by Qiao Zhenyu. All of the support roles come together well to paint a picture of common people from all walks of life with dreams and goals that get disrupted as they come together to get justice. The thief Li Chunfeng and the embroideress Jue Ming charmed and moved me into rooting for them most.

This kind of drama that tackles such a difficult subject matter is unlikely to appeal broad audiences. It is well executed for the most part but tends to be unnecessarily melodramatic in the later arcs. The villain origin backstory left me unmoved and is not convincing. I would expect Wu Lian's father's concubine to have impacted him in a more positive way. While this story ends in a realistic way, I am not satisfied. Wu Lian's enablers who covered for him repeatedly get off way too lightly. Finally the way this wraps up sends too strong a message that those who seek revenge dig two graves. Revenge becomes their sole purpose and end game to the extent that I wonder - did they really win? There is just too much collateral damage and sacrifice even though Humpty Dumpty can not be put together again. Maybe it would have been better to just live well. I needed to see at least one of the victims recover from this and go on to have a good life. The final What If episode 25 made me feel worse not better. I struggle with how to rate this. As much as I applaud the topic, the acting and how emotionally invested I got in the story, it left me with a hollow feeling after the ending arcs. It is still a good, thought provoking watch but I can only rate this a 7.5/10.0.

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28 people found this review helpful
Sep 20, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 8
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Burden of Proof

Drama has been presented in a unique 'two' connected episodes format, alternating between past timeline(odd number episodes) and present timeline (even number episodes)..... As the episodes progress, viewers get a clear picture of the events in past that catapulted events in the present.... Each character is seamlessly woven in the tapestry of story, making it cohesive and interesting.... All characters' motivation is presented through their background stories leading to their present involvement.... In episode 19, even Wu Lian's past is dwelled into...Why he developed an interest in embroidery, although it is an unpopular choice of profession for a male........... However his past did not give even a remotely plausible explanation for his proclivity.

(Seven years ago - past timeline)

Meng Wan(Janice Wu) and Lin RuLan( Hu Yi Xuan) two young girls with dreams of bright future enroll in Yanyu Tower to learn embroidery from the prestigious Wu Lian(Qiao Zhen Yu)

Wu Lian turns out to be a predator, preying on young girls of his academy. He is a sadist and a narcissistic, his modus operandi remains the same for all girls, he first humiliates them by criticising their embroidery, making them feel inadequate and then under the pretext of guiding and teaching them, he touches them inappropriately and ultimately forcibly sleeps with them. These young impressionable girls who are probably underage are meek and gullible so none dare confront him publicly. He continues to take advantage and abuses numerous young girls. Wu Lian is a powerful individual who happens to have solid backing of rich and influential Mrs. Ning. Wu Lian's embroidered pieces are sought after and even the royal family commissions him. Hence nobody dares to offend him.

After sudden and mysterious death of Ding Ru, a young girl from Yanyu Tower. Wu Lian's truth is exposed in front of Ru Lan. She herself had been a victim but believed that Wu Lian loved her, now she realises that not just her but he has bespoiled countless other young women. Ru Lan decides to fight against him and lodges a formal complain in Yamen office. Meng Wan her close confidant and fellow victim advices Ru Lan not to file such a case.

Ru Lan who strongly believes that justice prevails, goes ahead with her formal allegations, to her disappointment she realises Wu Lian manages to distort her truth in the court and she lacks sufficient evidence to incriminate him.........As a recourse to sleeping with her, Wu Lian offers to take her as his concubine......After all doors are closed to RuLan, she decides to make a final move and agrees to marry Wu Lian as a part of her plan to fabricate evidence against Wu Lian.

On her wedding day she forcibly holds Wu Lian's hand and stabs herself with a golden pin leaving the bloody pin in Wu Lian's hand as proof of her murder, she also leaves a note to be delivered to Shen Mu after her wedding saying that she is in danger enabling two constables including Shen Mu to arrive at the exact moment she falls down from the tower to her death...... However her ultimate gamble also doesn't pay off, Wu Lian goes scott free inspite of such incriminating evidence and witnesses.

(Seven years later - present timeline)

Meng Wan who is very close to RuLan plots and plans for seven years to take vengeance and expose Wu Lian's deeds. She meticulously plans everything and patiently waits for Wu Lain to fall into her trap like a spider ? weaving a web ? to catch insects.

Including herself, Meng Wan gathers seven other people who were somehow affected by Ru Lan's case. She forms a team that is instrumental in bringing Wu Lian's downfall....

Meng Wan prepares handwoven lanterns and hangs them in a circle, metaphorically these lanterns hung in a circle are compared to a trap closing around Wu Lian... Each Lantern has a unique line written for all NINE people involved in this crusade, Ru Lan the torch bearer followed by Meng Wan and other seven allies....Meng Wan says that each lantern is wrapped in soft paper but tough and unyielding inside like 'the women'.

Name of all nine righteous 'justice seekers' and lines written on their lanterns mentioned below:

1.Lin Ru Lan's lantern....."An adult girl is fearless. "

2.Meng Wan's lantern....."wait in the boudoir for seven years, nothing is forgotten. " ........."Seven years in seclusion. Aspiration never forgotten. "

3.Li Jia Hang's lantern....."Give a treasure hairpin to the hero. Ignite a candle light. "

4. Liu Sanniang's lantern....."A leaf in the vast ocean, floating and sinking between heaven and earth. "

5. Shen Mu's lantern....."The young man goes with the wind and returns in time. "

6.Feng Da' lantern......"The wilderness also has emotions. "

7.Haung Jiao Jiao's lantern... "Pray to silk worm mother at the door, worship the God of wealth inside. "

8. Li Chun Feng's lantern... "The path to being an official is unpredictable as debts are hard to pay. "

9.Tian Xiao ling's lantern... "Troubled by wordly affairs, seeking tranquility in the mountains. "

Meng Wan's plan involves targeting Wu Lian's wealth. Symbolically breaking 'two legs' on which he is standing as he is accumulating wealth from two sources......First, by smuggling his work abroad, evading taxes with the help of Lou Yu Jian, a corrupt official in charge of Foreign office......Second, Mrs. Ning's backing who presents his work in royal court garnering him fame and building his reputation.... Meng Wan plans to expose him in front of the public to restore RuLan's good name.... She has brought to her district an upright and unbiased, Lou Ming Zhang to investigate the case of RuLan........Road to seek justice is difficult and full of pitfalls, Meng Wan faces many set backs along the way but she perseveres.....

After several failed attempts to corner Wu Lain, the group finally find some physical evidence...... In the beginning episodes Wu Lian told RuLan that ALL plum blossom flowers are different and unique(implying all girls are different)...... No wonder he had embroidered plum blossoms on a branch of a tree and written name of each of his victims under the flower embroidery...... It is rightly said that each crime leaves some evidence and a serial rapist would keep some kind of a trophy......This embroidered plum blossom tapestry was stolen by Li Cheng Feng without knowing its true significance, it proved to be a goldmine of evidence for the group.....Meng Wan and the team then had to find one person from all those victims who would testify against Wu Lian to reopen the case.

Liu Sanniang was captured by Wu Lian when she went to gather intel regarding his embroidery convention.. Wu Lian wanted an official position so that if he was implicated again, his case would be tried at a higher court of Dali where cases were piled up, delaying in his trial....Meng Wan and the group wanted to foil his ambition as well as save Liu Sanniang, decide to attend his embroidery convention at Yanyu Tower... However the group were tricked by Wu Lian and ended up stealing the wrong key to a lock that tied Liu Sanniang to a pole in a room... They were unsuccessful in rescuing her, Liu Sanniang decided to sacrifice her life and urged the group to continue with their campaign... The group burned down Yanyu Tower and Liu Sanniang perished in fire.

Wu Lian urged his wife Mrs. Wu(Rong'er) to ask her family's help for him to acquire the official position that he hankered after, in return he promised her a divorce and freedom from her unhappy married life.... Rong'er's family agreed.... Meng Wan approached Rong'er for help, guilt ridden due to being a reluctant but willing accomplice of Wu Lian, she informs Meng Wan that she kept a secret accounts ledger of Wu Lain's expenses for abortion pills, doctors, bribery to officials etc.... Li Chun feng decides to steal that account book, he is cornered and beaten to death. Before succumbing to death he gives Meng wan and Liu Xin a letter for Tian Xiaoling.... Tian Xiaoling, another victim of Wu Lian, had been living a guilt ridden life of self imposed exile finally decides to step up and testify against Wu Lian after her beloved Li Chun feng's death.

Meng Wan, Ru Lan's brother and Tian Xiaoling petition for a retrial of Ru Lan's case... Due to Meng Wan's clever manoeuvre, His Majesty also gives an order for severe punishment to be delivered to Wu Lian... Wu Lian is found guilt of sexual assault, bribery, tax evasion....As a result of everyone's combined efforts, Wu Lian gets his 'just deserts' he is flogged heavily as punishment and would be forever banished.... In jail Wu Lian swallows a needle and commits suicide.

At last justice is served but a hefty price is paid.... Ending is more bitter than sweet but it leaves a satisfactory aftertaste.... Justice may be delayed but not denied......salute to the people who make sacrifices and pave the way for a better future.

Special Episode 25 (alternate reality- what if, These characters could restart their lives )

What if life gave these characters a reset button and they could restart their lives anew......Life is full of choices that define us, our lives are the sum total of all our decisions... One wrong turn can plummet our life to hell and another right turn can elevate it..... This episode is in NO way "Redemption" of any character but a reflection of what ifs?...... I hope all these characters in some alternate universe made a befitting choice and enjoyed a lifetime of happiness.

All the actors performed wonderfully and were appropriately cast... However, a special shout out to Qiao Zhen Yu (who played the character of Wu Lian). He played the part of Wu Lian to such perfection that he became a character that the audience would love to hate. I saw a few BTS and the actor, Qiao Zhen Yu was rehearsing a very serious scene with his fellow actress, he seemed very cooperative and helpful... It is a great feat for an actor to play the character of a villan with such distinction.

This series deals with very sensitive issues like:

1.Abuse by a person in authoritative position. In this series Wu Lian was a teacher abusing underage girls, entrusted by their parents to learn embroidery at his place....

2.Exploitation of women(men) in the workplace.... 'Me too' movement..... Victims of such abuse remain silent as they are scared that either nobody will believe their allegation or mud will be slung on their character.

3.Humiliation and harrasment faced by a woman in the hands of corrupt official while proving she was 'Raped' .........The burden of proof is on the victim's shoulder.

4. Powerful and rich people bending, twisting and breaking laws and getting away with it... Justice system works differently for influential people, through intimidation or bribery they often escape unscathed.

5.Flickle public opinion 'mob mentality'..... People are often quick to judge another person bestowing 'guilty verdict' based on rumours without waiting for actual proof... public opinion spreads like wildfire and is quite changeable from time to time, even a person held in high regard once is dragged through mud by a single 'deemed' slip.

Overall, a thought provoking story presented beautifully.

PS: I wanted to include some more details but did not want to turn this review into a book? so I am writing them as comments to this review... If anyone is as deeply moved by this drama as me and wishes to read more, they can read the comments below.

*comments are about Liu San Niang and Li Chun Feng's deaths..... RIP to both unsung heroes.

*My opinion regarding the author's choice for characters of Li Chun Feng (episode 22) and Liu Sanniang (episode 20)

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6 people found this review helpful
Sep 30, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0


"Faithful" serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by women throughout history, from ancient times to the present day. In eras past, when a woman faced violation, the blame often fell squarely on her shoulders, while the perpetrators went unpunished. Though progress has been made in the modern world, women still bear the burden of proof, while powerful individuals can wield influence and wealth to evade accountability, even in the face of multiple accusations. This injustice persists in our society, regardless of cultural or temporal context.

Following the loss of her best friend, Lin Rulan (Hu Yixuan), Meng Wan (Janice Wu) seeks retribution for the wrongs committed by Wu Lian (Qiao Zhenyu) against Lin Rulan, herself, and numerous other girls at the Embroidery Academy. Meng Wan patiently awaits seven years to attain the status necessary to infiltrate the influential circle of individuals crucial to her plan to bring down Wu Lian.

Meng Wan assembles a group of six like-minded individuals, all of whom have crossed paths with Wu Lian and are determined to settle their scores with him. Their collective goal is to ensure that Wu Lian faces justice and to prevent him from causing further harm to young girls. Despite his history of abhorrent behavior, Wu Lian has thus far evaded punishment. Meng Wan is resolute in her mission to hold him accountable, so that he can no longer inflict harm on anyone else.

The story unfolds in a captivating back-and-forth timeline, blending present-day events with pertinent pieces of the past for added depth and context. This approach not only maintains clarity but also infuses an extra layer of intrigue compared to conventional storytelling formats. As the drama approaches its climactic confrontation with the villain, the narrative attempts to provide a rationale for his actions based on his traumatic childhood experiences. While his eventual fate is anticipated, this attempt at justification seems unnecessary to me and, for some viewers, could even be deemed offensive as this is an obvious case of whitewashing.

The Chinese title, "The Nine Virtuous Ones," encompasses the first seven individuals, while the additional two remain less evident, having not initially stood alongside the others. The acting is generally commendable, though certain scenes suffer from lackluster execution. Notably, during a pivotal moment involving a burning of one of the “seven”, the urgency to save her is blatantly missing. Some logical inconsistencies and plot holes are apparent.

The primary story concludes at episode 24, with episode 25 presenting an alternate tale centered on the same characters, exploring a what-if scenario. Everything in this alternate reality hinges on Wu Lian, speculating how events might have unfolded differently had he not experienced a troubled upbringing. The notion that predatory behavior may be attributed to a traumatic childhood is a subject of ongoing debate. Personally, I find such a narrative unconvincing and, at times, chauvinistic.

My Verdict

The story mirrors a present-day "Me Too" scenario, wherein a predator of young women enjoys impunity through collusion with corrupt officials. The powerful evade justice, while the victims are left voiceless, shattered, and even deceased. Sadly, this system still persists in our lives today, where wrongdoers often evade consequences and show no remorse. Due to potentially distressing content, viewer discretion is advised.

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10 people found this review helpful
Sep 30, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Never Stop Beating Your Drum for Justice

"A brave girl sought justice for her friend. With the help of righteous men, she forged a revenge plan."

This drama was well-written, and it resonated so poignantly as to what happens within our society today.

Faithful sets the stage of telling a story about a young woman by the name of Lin Ru Lan who enters the Yanyu Tower to learn the art/skills of embroidery and how her life takes a turn for the worse at the hands of Wu Lian who is the master there.

During the unfolding of this drama, we are told through flashbacks of each of the nine individuals who touched Lin Ru Lan's life prior to her committing suicide to prove her innocence at the hands of Wu Lian who sexually assaulted her. Seven years later, Meng Wan, who was a good friend of Lin Ru Lan's plotted and planned the most intricate revenge plan to clear the name of her friend by assembling those nine people to aid in her quest to seek justice on behalf of her.

We see what happens when you do try to get justice.

Disregarding Meng Wan's objections, Lin Ru Lan decided to risk her own reputation to sue Wu Lian. She went and beat the drum calling the court in session to hear her story. She tells the court how Wu Lian violated her. He basically makes it seem like she was in love with him, and he rejected her, and this was her way at getting back at him. She does have Liu San Niang, who is a courtesan as a witness. But you know she was disregarded because of her profession. All and all she lost the case.

But Lin Ru Lan was not to be deterred. Meng Wan had a cousin, Zhao Yucheng who she found would litigate the case for her. We see excitement from both of these women that they are finally getting somewhere. Not so fast, Wu Lian had found out there was a handkerchief that Ding Ru, who he also had assaulted and committed suicide had been found by her mother. Ding Ru's mother went to Lin Ru Lan and gave it to her for evidence. Thinking this would finally seal the deal with getting Wu Lian, she gives the evidence to Zhao Yucheng. Little did she know that Zhao Yucheng was bribed by Wu Lian to fake the evidence in return to giving him a high position and to let him meet Mrs. Ning who was influential within society. (Note: Wu Lian never helped him. He used Zhao Yucheng for his purpose.)

The downside of this, was Meng Wan was going to support her friend only to find out that her mother (who you will not like) knew of her pregnancy (which was by Wu Lian), gave her an abortion cocktail the same day as the trial to get rid of the baby. Being in so much pain, and bleeding profusely, she did make it finally to the court only to find out it was over. Meng Wan made her way to Lin Ru Lan only to meet Gao Cheng Cheng who she had convinced to testify, which she didn't do because Meng Wan did not show up. Gao Cheng Cheng did not allow Meng Wan to defend herself as to why she could not make the trial due to what her mother did. She stood silently as she was berated over and over again by her. Lin Ru Lan had enough and defended her friend once more even though she lost her case, and it would never be heard again.

To show support of Lin Ru Lan, Meng Wan tells her they will leave the city the next day and just travel together. As Meng Wan is getting ready to leave, her mother once again intercedes and stops this from happening. She has a coughing spell and tells Meng Wan that she needs her medicine. Meng Wan goes to get it while her mother goes to the city gates to meet Lin Ru Lan. She asks her where they will go and how will they survive on ruined reputations. She gets on her knees and begs Lin Ru Lan to let Meng Wan go. She wants her to get married and have a stable life. Lin Ru Lan decides to say that she never showed up and leaves. Meng Wan stays at the city gates all day and late into the evening.

Everyone is coming at Lin Ru Lan--her brother, her mother, her father, everyone until she tells them that she will marry Wu Lian. Her mother not trusting her locks her in her room. Meng Wan comes to see Lin Ru Lan. She asks her why they have locked her up. What happened? Did they find out she was leaving? Lin Ru Lan tells her no, that she never had decided to leave as she embroiders her wedding dress. Meng Wan is just flabbergasted as Lin Ru Lan says how can they survive on doing embroidery alone. She said marrying Wu Lian was her best choice. Meng Wan does not believe her but she tells Meng Wan that she can marry and live a peaceful life with him.

At last Lin Ru Lan's brother tries to help her and even Meng Wan breaks her fingers never to do embroidery again to pay the debt to Wu Lian to let Lin Ru Lan go. But in the end, it was for nothing. Lin Ru Lan had her own plan to let people hear her and give her justice. Before her wedding Meng Wan and Lin Ru Lan spent time together. She asks Meng Wan to give a letter to Shen Mu at 7 p.m. the day of her wedding.

As I said, Lin Ru Lan was exhausted by everything and had to figure her own way out. She decided the day of her wedding to take Wu Lian up to the top of Yanyu Tower because she always thought this would be a perfect view once they were married. Meanwhile, Meng Wan delivers the letter to Shen Mu that tells him that she is in danger at Yanyu Tower and to come quickly.

Going up to the top of Yanyu Tower, Lin Ru Lan has already set the stage for what was to happen. She had already relented to the decision she had made and settle it within herself that this was the only way to be heard. Wu Lian grabs her by the throat, and she ask him if he has the guts to kill her. He asks her does she think he doesn't. She then removes her hairpin from her hair and grabs his hand and puts the hairpin deep into her throat. Pulls it out and her blood goes everywhere on him. She places the hairpin in his hand as her body falls from the tower. Shen Mu and the other guard watch as her body falls to the ground. They look up and see Wu Lian staring down at her. This was the end and the drive that pushed Meng Wan to seek justice for Lin Ru Lan.

The assembly of these nine individuals took Meng Wan seven years but there were two deaths along the way before the retrial--Liu San Niang and Li Chun Feng. Here is what happened at the retrial:
- Wu Lian said Lin Ru Lan retracted her petition and admitted to false accusations.
- Lin Ru Lan's brother is the one who admits a letter to reopen the case to vindicate his sister.
- Meng Wan and Tian Xiao Ling testify.
- Liu Xin goes to the jail to get Wu An to testify against Wu Lian.
- Zhao Yucheng who represented Lin Ru Lan is called to admit that Wu Lian got him to fabricate the handkerchief with a different one and to lose the case. The maid to Zhao Yucheng testified to the change as well.
- Huang Jiao Jiao says that she saw Zhao Yucheng leaving Wu Lian's study the day before the trial.
- Wu An comes to testify but turns the tables on Meng Wan and tells them that she was holding the maidservant that he liked and threaten her.

But what will get you the most is the testimony of Tian Xiao Ling and what Wu Lian did to her. It is truly unbelievable:
"Seven years ago, the night I met him. I wanted to leave quickly. But he seemed to have had a drink and was in a good mood, so he started talking about embroidery with me. When I said a falling plum blossom seemed desolated, and a plum blossom on the tree showed more dignity, it provoked his anger. In his fury, he pinned me to the embroidery table. But that wasn't enough for him. At that time, I was out of my senses, filled with despair, like the living dead. He took a needle and embroidered this plum blossom on my shoulder stitch by stitch, trying to leave this plum blossom on me for a lifetime."

Can you imagine the pain she felt?

But when you see Episode 19 "The boy gave up his studies for embroidery" we are told the story of Wu Lian. We see how he is left to his own devices without the love of either his mother or father but by Lady Wu the concubine of his father. She is the only one that shows interest in him. He goes out of his way to be around her, even to learn to embroider.

Lady Wu tells him to hide this from his father that he is doing embroidery because this was not a profession that men did. He didn't care. He found out that Lady Wu like plum blossoms and he perfected them. Even being bullied by his friends he didn't care.

But his father did find out about him doing embroidery. He tells Lady Wu that she can no longer stay there, and he was sending her away. Wu Lian raced home because he wanted to see her before she left but he was to let, he found her--dead. She had hung herself. Was this what lead Wu Lian to go down the path he did? The plum blossoms that he felt so drawn to? Were they based on Lady Wu and what happened to her?

We really do not get a definitive reason why Wu Lian assaulted all of these women at Yanyu Tower or why he was the way he was. This was something that was lacking for me. I felt the writers should have given us more when they told his backstory.

There was finally vindication after all, and justice did prevail in prosecuting Wu Lian. Mr. Lou by order of the emperor handled the case as he saw fit and was told to bring closure. And with that, Wu Lian's sentence was: According to the law, he was sentenced to the punishment of flogging and exiled to the northwest for three thousand miles, never to be pardoned in his lifetime. Fitting do you think?

The final encounter of Meng Wan and Wu Lian was when he had already been flogged and was in jail. Meng Wan sees Wu Lian as he is lying face down and doing embroidery. He still doing plum blossoms with fingers that really can no longer hold a needle. Meng Wan asks him if he ever regretted in the slightest what he had done, he never said a word.

As he was lying there, he heard Lady Wu call him (he was hallucinating) and tells him not to do plum blossoms anymore and to put the needle down. He starts calling Lady Wu. Wu Lian swallowed the needle. Meng Wan hears the jailers yelling that Wu Lian had swallowed the needle but she just kept walking out of the prison. All the while smiling. So ended the life of Wu Lian.

In Episode 25 which is called "A Mere Dream" we are given the opportunity to see what life would have been like if none of this had happened. Want to see?

Wu Lian's life changed because his family was loving towards him. He had his mother and Lady Wu together as well as his father with him at dinners. He became a pastry chef. He headed to the capital to open up a shop. He meets Wu An along the way whom he helps.

Then we were given to see what if they didn’t have witnesses.

We are shown the different side of Meng Wan's mother. How her mother was a lot stronger and fended off her husband, not as she did before when he was in a drunken state. Their relationship was much better.

Meng Wan goes off with Xu who she married and was his only wife.
Liu Xin was married and had two children by the girl he first like at the booth selling buns.
Liu San Niang this time saves her master and pays his ransom so he could leave the troupe.
Shen Mu was a fugitive. He robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.
Feng Da was an owner of his own embroidery shop and he was an embroider.
Tian Xiao Ling and Li Chun Feng married.

As for Rulan she gets married, and she sees Meng Wan as she is in her wedding chariot and they both feel they somehow seemed familiar to each other.

Lin Ru Lan is in the market as are all of the nine individuals who played such an important role in her previous life. As the ending comes, everything is just like a dream. Hope it wouldn't come true even if we could never meet again.

I loved all of the lantern sayings:
Meng Wan – To accompany her to see the splendid views in the world.
Lin Ru Lan – An adult girl is fearless.
Liu San Niang – Wait in the boudoir for seven years, but nothing is forgotten.
Lin Xiu – Give a treasure hairpin to the hero. Ignite a candlelight.
Feng Da – The wilderness also has emotions.
Tian Xiao Ling – Troubled by worldly affairs, seeking tranquility in the mountains.
Huang Jiao Jiao – Pray to Silkworm Mother at the door. Worship the God of Wealth inside.
Shen Mu – The young man goes with the wind and returns in time.

When I watched this drama, I was filled with such anger. Why? Because it is still the same today in some ways. We beat our drum and call the injustice that we see to ourselves as women every day, but it can fall on deaf ears. We saw in this drama, the physical and mental abuse, the bullying, the assault of these women over and over again, family and friends turning a blind eye, stereotyping of how women should act and behave, reputations put on the forefront, citizens who tried these women every day. Can you imagine how exhausting it is? And yes, you do give up. You want to keep beating that drum, but how long can you beat it to be heard. I hope, we as women never lose the drive and desire to beat our own drum when we see injustice not only for ourselves but for others that may be so scared to do so. We are in this fight together. It took nine of them. How many will it take for you?

If one only thinks for one person, it's not kindness. A single lantern creates limited light, but so what? As long as this lantern remains luminous, it can light more lanterns, leading to a million lights. As bright as the rising sun, it can illuminate the long night.

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Ongoing 25/25
4 people found this review helpful
Sep 28, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

I like how their life end after the story, how about you?

Lin Ru Lan's story was sad and painful throughout the drama, also for Meng Wan and many other girls who became Wu Lian's victims. Wu Lian can still walk around freely in most of the drama too, which really makes me angry. When Wu Lian got his own karma, I was the one who was happy about it, even until the end of his life I was still less willing because he only experienced a little of what all the girls faced, who had to endure guilt and shame throughout their lives.

The plot does take us to see Wu Lian's past and the "reason" why he acted so evilly, but I still couldn't feel sympathy for him. Having a bad past is not an excuse for him to hurt other people.

Apart from the ending of the drama which was satisfying for me, I liked the special episode (eps 25), because we were told what the life story of all the characters in this drama would be, if all these events had not happened. How Wu Lian chose to stay on the right track. Meng Wan and Lin Ru Lan didn't know each other, and the others also had a good life too, only they didn't know each other. I'm satisfied with the special episode!

Even though this drama is emotional, there are many scenes that are more or less related to women's lives, both in that era and now. Hopefully no one will ever experience something like Faithful 九义人.

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2 people found this review helpful
Oct 8, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

#MeToo version of the past

The story revolves around 9 people who touched or passed Ru Lan's life during the time she bravely sought justice against all odds. The characters are put together and linked for revenge 7 years later.

It is comparable to the #MeToo movement that got started by one victim rendering courage to other victims years later. Ru Lan's best friend is the one in the middle of the revenge and insists on justice for Ru Lan, herself and all other victims.

The last episode provided an alternative story of how it could have been if the Embroidery incident never happened.

Episode 24 is where finally justice was served. Sadly, it took the highest person sitting in the position of an emperor to get this accomplished.

This got me emotionally drained. It felt like an up amd down roller coaster of triumph and defeat. As I rejoice for the victims getting ahead, I would be brought back down by the villain getting away or being ahead.

Personally, I don't think I am capable of watching this again even tho the ending was a win for the victims. 23 episodes of humiliation, abuse, bullying, trickery, lying and death for one glorifying triumphant ending is too much for me.

Production-I love the simplicity of the wardrobes and costume fitting the sceneries chosen for this series. The BGM is nice and soothing, applicable to the story.
Casts were done quite well and worked excellently. Every artists did so well in portraying their roles. The romance aspect is no heavily focused here so if you like romance, this is not a series you'll enjoy. There is not much humor or comedy, hardly any. So this gives you an idea if this is something you will enjoy.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2024
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

My Top Drama of 2023

I’m still shocked that this show passed censorship—in a good way, I should stress. I’m almost speechless.

I should also stress that this is a heavy show and it’s hard to watch. The script plays fair with the audience, which means that nothing goes smoothly for the sake of convenience. Every single outcome is actively earned and every setback is established fairly too. We know the villains, we know the heroes, and they know each other. It’s part spy movie, part guzhuang, part Law & Order SVU, and part love story. The love was there. It didn’t change anything, but it was there.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

24 chapters for justice

Overall, it was a series that I liked very much. I watched it with pleasure. Of course, there were some parts where I got angry and emotional, and there were places where I said "Is this possible? It shouldn't happen." In places that I liked very much and said yes, now it is. It was good as a story. While writing the script, of course, mistakes were made, simplifications were made, there were places that were left dragging on, and there were places that needed to be resolved by prolonging and only being completed in the end. For example, if it was that easy to decide, why wasn't it made by others? I think Imperial edicts had some influence. Since the imperial edicts were given. Why was Wu Lian.a Embroidery Directorate approved? This is a contradiction, fortunately, the Judge said that the Emperor gave me the authority and sent the criminal to prison and sentenced him to death. So, if there were no imperial edicts, this judgment would not have been reached. While the incident is very clear, if one of his assistants had been caught, investigated, including torture, and made to confess to these crimes, the incident could have been resolved from the very beginning. Supposedly, a contract was made for all servants and employees, I don't know what would happen if the contract was violated. They would probably be killed. If a person dies at a person's workplace, an investigation is conducted. Criminals are punished. Nothing happens to the man. He says he came to steal, we shot him and then he died. How simply put. The judiciary cannot do anything. But ultimately he did.
For example, the wife he married was disreputable. Because her virginity was broken when they got married. You know this, get divorced. No. I need his noble lineage. He discredits the woman the very night she gets married. He does not give a face and does not even look at her during the time they are married. How can such a woman live with this man and not speak out? He doesn't care about events. There is no intervention even from outside. On the contrary, she works on behalf of her criminal husband. Amazed. There cannot be such a character. I couldn't like this character. The man who talks about his wife's disrepute discredits many women working in his workshop. Didn't the man who carried out this reputation assassination report himself somewhere? He also threatens his wife. He threatens his mother-in-law. For example, Miss Ning, who protects him, is a noble woman. He has acquaintances from the Empire. He protects the man knowing what he did. Then she gives up. When Meng Wan says he will take revenge, he again supports Wu Lian. How ridiculous. In fact, he continues this claim until the last episode and asks himself whether it is true or not. However, he relaxes after the Imperial edict. He could only understand this when Meng Wan complained about the person with the petition he attached to the back of the embroidery sent to the Empress and the Imperial edicts were published accordingly. I couldn't understand these. Wrong, incomplete, I found it. These could have been explained in other ways. Because in the conclusion, judgment, justice and good things were mentioned, but they committed injustices in the wrong way until the end. So, in my opinion, the scriptwriter's prediction was wrong. There were too many disagreements. There may be mistakes and mistakes in the plot, but a good lesson was learned from a good story. In the end, justice was served, albeit incompletely.
The actors were nice. They played well. I liked them all. Janice Wu showed a monotonous performance, but she never changed her face, she played with the same face for 24 episodes. He looked older than his age. But he suits this role. Especially Hu Yi Xuan was very successful. She portrayed the character of Ru Lan, who was treated unfairly, beautifully. I like it. It gives beautiful pictures. Li Jia Hang and Qiao Zhen Yu. are also successful performers. Tang Jing Mei was particularly successful. She added a role to her role and played it. I like it a lot. The veteran players were also very good. The cast was solid. The characters were portrayed beautifully. I can recommend it to those who haven't watched it. I had my criticisms, but when you look at it in general, you watched a good series. It's a good watch if you don't worry too much about mistakes and things you don't want to happen.

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Crazy about Asian dramas
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 7, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Fight against injustice

Story about injustice happened to girls but only one girl fight for it but she got nothing only humiliation at last she suicide. All the girls work under the organisation where they were learning embroidery the one who was teaching them he was bad guy ,he took the advantage of girls . He raped the girls ,sometime he made a fake relationship with them and had a sex with them but not a single girl had courage to fight against him . Some suicide ,some left the organisation and some faced the humiliations. The girl who I mentioned earlier is the only one who fight against him but the man was so powerful that he won the court case and at last the girl suicide . Then her best friend who also the prey of the man decided to take the revenge . She waited for seven years to take a revenge because she understood that she had to become a powerful person then only she would take the revenge . After she gathered all the person who helped and supported the girl who suicide. At the last she took the revenge and all the girls got justice.

It was consist of 24 episodes. 25th episode is different . It had shown if nothing had occurred then how their life would be.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 3, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Must watch

This drama blew my mind. Can’t recommend it highly enough. It is a departure from your usual fodder of costume drama topics.
It may put people off because of the difficult issues it tackles, which reflects on just how current the pressures on women are. Women who suffered abuse are still having to deal with blame and shame, a large percentage of court cases never make it through courts, and often, in sexual harassment it is the woman who is shunned and shamed. Rape, abuse of power, the shallowness and consequences of public sheep mentality, all are so directly, yet seamlessly dealt with in this drama.
Part of me, when I started watching it considered switching to a more light hearted drama, as I didn’t want to get sad and depressed when I am meant to be relaxing. However, I was hooked from Episode 1. The magic of the way this was produced is that it didn’t induce darkness and depressive mood, but instead it provided a superbly immersive experience, succinctly bringing up the reality within a world of costume drama.
I applaud the directors and producers for the way they created such a refreshing take on filming, intertwining past and present events in each episode, no plot holes or clumsy flow in the story development. Not too slow and not too fast. Just perfect.
Whoever selected the cast, should be given an award - they all fit in their roles perfectly and their acting was immaculate by all, which is astonishing because normally you get some weak links. Here, main and supporting characters have unbelievably good acting skills, delivering emotions and flavour of each character with perfection.
If you are hesitating to watch this because of the subject of the drama, I definitely recommend you give it a try. From story, through filmography to acting it deserves 10/10, probably the best quality drama of 2023. Yes, the big budget series with popular eye candies, love to watch these, but every now and then, we come across dramas that feed the soul. This is one is truly one of a kind.
I do hope that the actors and actresses, the director and screenwriter get the recognition they so deserve.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 7, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

#me2 story in ancient China

Group of “friends” are fighting for juistice for Ru Lan, a girl who stood up for her and other women that have been raped by embroidery Master Wu Lian, and died as a result of that fight. Case pictured in ancient times is leaving a lot to think of the present days and the struggles of the victims to fight for their rights and revenge in court. it swings the stories from past to present, seven years later after the death of Ru Lan. each time we find out more of what happened and what impact it has over present. abusive childhood, women reputation, society expectations are only few of the aspects that this drama is showing. reminds us of how little it changed in present time comparing to the past. however it leaves a great hope that working together and fighting till the end brings the victims justice.

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Wu Yinglin
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 30, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

From Shaming to Seeking Justice: The Resilience of Ru Lan and Meng Wan in Faithful

Faithful is a really emotional drama that is revolves around SA, and getting justice for it in the same of numerous women that have been affected from Wu Lian. I think that this is a really kind of unique drama, because typically these themes are not mentioned, and I think this drama encompasses all the details really well. I felt so sad for Ru Lan, she really did not deserve anything that was thrown at her. as she previously got shamed for seeking justice and was shamed for it. Meng Wan is such as extraordinary friend that is incredibly smart for being able to handle all obstacles and conjure up plans. However. despite the beautiful messages of this drama, I found it for the most part kind of boring. I did watch it because it was short, but I wasn't really entertained. I wouldn't say that it was due to the deep themes, and there was really nothing wrong with the execution or storyline, just maybe not my cup of tea? The character deaths did feel somewhat unnecessary, due to the sheer amount of them passing away due to various events. The OSTS were really good and are definitely being added to the playlist!! I would say my favourite character was Li Chunfeng. Overall, this drama was alright, however, unfortunately I would not recommend it, thus 7/10.

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