In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by golems, Asuha and Kanae arrive at Utopia, the last city of hope for humanity, after the death of their companions and separation from Hibiki. Asuha, the daughter of the founder of Utopia, is invited to the upper levels of the tower by her ex-fiancé Touma and is moved by the sight of an ideal town that has restored its former civilization. Meanwhile, Kanae and Kashu are taken underground to the Underworld, where they witness people living like slaves in horrible conditions. The truth of Utopia is that it is an absolute upper and lower world where people are selected based on their value. Meanwhile, a surprise attack by the rebel group "Resistance" puts the Tower and Underworld on the brink of war. Furthermore, in the midst of the fierce battle, a former ally stands in the way as an enemy!? The greatest all-out battle in the series' history, involving all of humanity, is about to begin! (Source: Japanese = || Translation = MyDramaList ) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 君と世界が終わる日に Season 5
- Also Known As: Love You as the World Ends Season 5 , With You on the Day the World Ends Season 5 , 君と世界が終わる日に5
- Genres: Action, Mystery, Horror, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Tamashiro TinaAsuhaMain Role
- Iitoyo MarieKanaeMain Role
- Mizobata JunpeiKashuSupport Role
- Maeda GokiKaitoSupport Role
- Sano HinakoYuraSupport Role
- Kakizawa HayatoTomaSupport Role
Roller coaster ride
Yes it was a roller coaster ride. It was boring, frustrating, interesting, good, frustrating and wtf in just 5 episodes. Can I just say how annoyed I have always been with kurumi’s character and how Hibiki kept chasing after her, killing everyone who followed him in the process indirectly. (Yes people died for their love story, good characters, just so kurumi could be reunited or rescued). Didn’t realise Asuha was another frustrating character they added so we don’t miss kurumi.There were moments that made this so good. And instead of keeping it good and interesting they ended the season in the most frustrating way with such dumb writing and literally useless deaths which could have been avoided had charters been given a chance to actually think.
Kimi seka really kills off people in the most useless way. Maybe trying to follow the Game of Thrones example of characters die, but not in such dumb annoying ways when there was no gain from it. Or I think in zombie verse of Kimi seka people die pretty easily for dumbest reasoning lead characters could think of.
Good to see some familiar faces from earlier season but even their appearance didn’t save the show.
So yea overall it just became a killing frenzy once again, but this time it was this close to being a really good season.
Yea I need to go eat some thing good to get rid of this frustration I am feeling after watching the ending.
P.s. if I were to make a poll who would be more annoying, kurumi or Asuha.
Firstly The Drama started off really strong in Season 1 i liked the characters and there individual struggles but i feel like it towards the end of season 1 it started getting lost in direction , The season 2 became ALOT MORE like the The Walking Dead i honest to god had trouble separating both of these zombie dramas Because they started killing off the good characters faster than TWD. Seasons 3 & 4 were okay nothing to Squeak about
but Season 5 My goodness that was so bad It focused on characters no one gave too hots about after the ending of season 3 where Hibiki needs to find his daughter season 4 added nothing but filler and Same with season 5 people were invested in this show for Hibiki his daughter and wife who alot of people hated throughout the show until her death episode Now everyone is waiting for the Movie Finale to be uploaded