14 people found this review helpful
May 31, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

PatPran as always (I'm Very Happy)

Doing 2 reviews because I hate not doing for every title that I watched and they are divided in 2 damnn.

Anyways, I LOVE THE PLOT. It's so fun and SO PATPRAN, they are in their lovey-dovey and hate relationship all the time, I love the bickering, it's so them.

Most of the people wanted something more romantic, because of the Bad Buddy ending being they still hiding their relationship, and here we go back a little, not to the point that the series ended. I love it. I don't think that another thing would work more for them, it's their dynamics and it's exactly who made them so special to me.

The acting, as always, they are too deep in their characters, their acting is amazing, people are saying that they lose chemistry because of the SUPPOSED fight between them, and let me be honest: yall are projecting. They are insanely good actors and nothing could make them don't work on scene.

AND OH MY GOD, the way that I screamed when I saw Phupha and Tian, people don't are happy at all because most it's a fan of just one of the series but I don't care... I'm a fan of the two series and both are amazing! A crossover? Literally my dream. I'm very happy.

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Jun 2, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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Bad Chemistry

Going into this final stretch of Our Skyy 2, I find myself with conflicting feelings. I was not expecting to see Bad Buddy and A Tale of Thousand Stars combined. None of the other stories were connected and I'm wondering why they decided to do so here. It's not bad, but I feel like the focus is more with the Thousand Stars story and Bad Buddy is the side piece. Like many other viewers, the Bad Buddy and Tale of a Thousand Stars episodes were the ones I was looking forward to most. They're the two oldest and so the nostalgia is stronger with them since it's been a couple years since we've seen these characters. As much as I anticipated these episodes, I'm finding that they fall a bit flat unfortunately.

When it comes to Bad Buddy, I'm not sure how much of a fan I am in going back in time a bit to just after Pat and Pran pretend to break up. I feel like a lot of the plot in that first episode is a rinse and repeat of what we've already seen. I would have preferred if it was a continuation from the end of the series after they graduated. We'd seen the rift between their parents starting to heal and things had reached a point where they weren't going to need to hide their relationship. Going on from there, continuing to show that healing, the novelty that they could be together openly, all would have made for a great conclusion to their story and would have focused solely on them.

Their relationship, while very similar to how it was in the series, does have its differences here. There was a good balance in Bad Buddy of mischievous/playful and sweet moments between them. I liked that it was a series where both leads were strong minded young men. It gave a whole different dynamic that worked very well. In these episodes though the sweet moments are few and far between and the mischievous/playful moments take precedence. And those few sweet moments are by and large initiated by Pat at which point Pran pushes him away or something interrupts them. It's been a while since I watched it, but I felt like they were on more of an even keel in the series. That's not to say there aren't some sweet moments between them, there are, it just overall doesn't feel quite in harmony with the series. And I was expecting a lot more of those sweet moments once they were away from their friends and parents since they wouldn't have to pretend anymore, but they're still few and far between. As a side note, Pran's reaction to up and leave without Pat because of Pat's comment felt over the top. Since they were pretending to still be enemies, it would make sense that Pat would be bad mouthing him or making himself out to be superior. Considering that Pran typically came across as relatively level-headed previously, his taking that comment to heart and deciding to abandon Pat didn't seem to quite fit with his character.

There were a couple of other things that just didn't quite work. Pat and Pran are supposed to be broken up and back to being enemies at this point. However, they don't act like it at all. They're constantly together in public without showing a bit of animosity and yet we're supposed to believe that their friends are in the dark. Yes, they're questioning it to some degree, but seriously, those two are so obvious a blind man could see they're still together. Besides that, it also appears that they're living together. Living across the hall from each other and sneaking into each other's rooms is one thing, but how on earth does them living together work? Do they just not have any friends who aren't in on their secret over? What about their parents? The other part that didn't work for me was how little time they spend together. With the first episode they spend a good portion of it together, but once the second episode hits and they're in the village, they're pretty effectively separated for much of it. I would have preferred to see more of them working together rather than their divide and conquer strategy.

Ohm and Nanon are both very talented actors and two of my favorites. Their chemistry together in Bad Buddy was phenomenal and their interactions were just very natural. I've heard rumors of some kind of conflict between them, it's not something that I've looked into, but after watching these two episodes, I do have to wonder if there is something going on between them. The spark they had previously just wasn't quite there. I can't put my finger on it, but something felt a bit off.

A Tale of Thousand Stars was a series that I really enjoyed. I liked the story which I felt was overall well done as well as the characters and acting. I was very excited to see Tian, Phupha and the rest of the characters from their story again and I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed at how few of the characters were brought back. For their story, I was hoping for a continuation from the end of the series focusing on Tian getting reacquainted with the village and villagers and settling back in with them and into his relationship with Phupha. I was not hoping for angsty, teenage drama between two grown men.

The inconsistencies between the series and Our Skyy 2 are grating. Phupha seems to have undergone a personality transplant because he's just coming across as an unreasonable jerk here. He was a serious character in Thousand Stars, but he wasn't totally unbending and there was a tenderness about him whenever he was with Tian that was very endearing. That's just gone. Their conflict feels very contrived. In the series they generally came across as two reasonable adults, now though they feel more like sulky teenagers. I hope we get a better explanation for why Phupha doesn't want to accompany Tian than he doesn't like crowds. Which, that reasoning just seems like BS since we saw him at at least two gatherings in the series. Sticking with Phupha for a moment, his fainting just as he meets Pran also felt off. This is a man who very rarely showed any kind of weakness, so to see him keel over because he hadn't had breakfast seemed out of character. There was also Tian acting like he didn't know how to get to Pha Pun Dao when he went there alone, in the dark previously. And besides that time, he'd gone at least two other times, if not more, so his uncertainty of how to get there didn't make sense. There are a few other minor details that don't quite jive with the series which is more just annoying than causing any actual issues.

Similar to Ohm and Nanon, Earth and Mix don't have quite the same spark between them as they did in the series. Even when they were in conflict, you could feel that magnetic pull between them. Maybe because their bickering here just feels petty more than anything, that pull doesn't seem to be as present. That being said, Earth and Mix are great actors and there is chemistry between them, just not as strong as what they had in the series.

Having these two series combined did create some interesting and entertaining moments. Pat and Phupha waking up and panicking about what they may have done together was a particularly funny scene. Also the fact that Phupha offering Pat his shirt was a direct call back to a scene from Thousand Stars. I am enjoying the friendship springing up between Pran and Tian as well as the competitive camaraderie between Pat and Phupha.

While I love both Bad Buddy and A Tale of Thousand Stars, I don't know as I love them combined. At this point, I feel like we're being robbed of Pat and Pran's story in favor of one centered on Phupha and Tian. And I think with both stories, they're just missing the brilliance of the originals. I hope they find their way before the end, but right now I'm just disappointed at how this is turning out. I'll update after next week when the final episodes air.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Pat-Pran's story

The plot started to post their fake break-up in front of everyone. I loved this episode. Nanon and Ohm are the perfect choices for Pat and Pran. Pat and Pran's chemistry was on point, and their interaction was cute. Ink, Pa, Korn and Wai are the only ones who know about the Pat-Pran relationship. I didn't expect a crossover between Bad Buddies and A Tale of thousand stars. The tension between Tian and Pran was obvious that Tian's jealous. I am very excited about the crossover. The OST was fantastic, and Ohm did a great job.
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Ongoing 1/1
4 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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Pat and Pran as Tian and Phupha's uncertified relationship counsellors

I'm writing this review when not all episodes have been aired yet. But after the two episodes that are out, I already have thoughts that I want to share.

I should start this off by saying that I have a big love for Bad Buddy, while I'm pretty indifferent about A Tale of Thousand Stars. It's objectively a good show with solid acting and chemistry, I just never really took that much of a liking to the characters, unlike with the boys from Bad Buddy. As a result of this, I was looking forward to the Bad Buddy episodes of Our Skyy 2 much more than the A Tale of Thousand Stars episodes. And I was pretty confused when it was revealed that they'd be combining the two.

I'm not generally opposed to mixing the two shows together for these special episodes. They came up with a plot combining the two which makes sense. I actually thought, it blended together really well, and I enjoyed seeing all these actors together. I also quite enjoyed the dynamics between Pat and Phupha as well as Pran and Tian. I think that Ohm and Nanon would've fit right in as actors in the original A Tale of Thousand Stars series. They would've made a compelling side couple if you ask me.

That being said, I would've still preferred if they kept the two shows separate. Or the mix would've needed to be more even. At the moment, this very much feels like the Phupha and Tian show, while Pat and Pran are just there to help them solve their relationship issues. Or at least they're trying. As a fan of Bad Buddy, that is pretty disappointing. I know that we got one whole episode that was focused only on Pat and Pran, but that just didn't feel fulfilling enough for me to now be okay with them taking the backseat in what is supposed to be their own story.

Pat and Pran's relationship still feels the same as it did in the original series for the most part, which is nice. At least it did while they were still on campus. There's a lot of playfulness, teasing, competitiveness, but also a lot of care and mutual support. However, if you ask me, there's a severe lack of sweet moments between the two. Part of what I loved so much about Bad Buddy is how they managed to mix this very playful vibe with so many cute and genuinely sweet moments. We don't get to see much of that in Our Skyy 2.
I know that they're in their "we're pretending to be broken up" era (Don't ask me how their friends actually believe them, they're being so obvious). But all the more sense it would make for Pat and Pran to be all over each other once they get to the forest. There, they don't have to hide their love. So it would only be logical for them to barely be able to keep their hands and lips off each other. But that doesn't happen at all. In contrary, when Pat kisses Pran, Pran pushes him away. I hate how that's a thing in so many BLs, because they oftentimes treat being kissed like this huge sin that one of the characters in the relationship is super opposed to. Pat and Pran never used to be like that in the original series, which I loved. They loved giving each other little pecks on the cheeks or on the lips, and somehow now, it just feels a bit off for Pran to react that way. Besides, them basically role-playing as Tian and Phupha in some moments just felt strange to me.

Also on a very different note... Did anyone else sense some romantic tension between Pran and Tian? Or is that just me? I honestly ship it. I don't ship Pat and Phupha, but the scene where they wake up shirtless next to each other, was pretty funny. Not only because of them drunkenly mistaking each other as their boyfriends. But because apparently still wearing pants is solid proof that you weren't doing anything inappropriate with each other. As if you couldn't just put your pants back on, or simply just have made out without getting undressed.

The acting is - much like in the original shows - still really solid in this. The story is very simple and easy to follow so far. However, it feels unfair to compare it with the other episodes of Our Skyy 2, because this is stretched across 4 rather than only 2 episodes. For that being the case, it definitely isn't anything riveting that I'd wanna rewatch.

So far, I'm having an okay time watching this. It definitely lacks the magic the original Bad Buddy series had. And Phupha is really unlikable in this. I remember him being pretty stern in the original Tale of Thousand Stars, but it didn't irk me as much back then. But in these episodes, he just comes across like he's having a bad day... every day of the week.

Anyway, I'll add to this / edit this once all the episodes are out. For now, I'll go with a 5.5 rating.

Edit: I did in fact not come back to edit this, because I couldn't be bothered to watch the other episodes, which is very telling in itself.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Can we be lovey-dovey now?

So, this takes place three years after Pat and Pran got together. So, between the 11th and 12th episode of the main series. Others think the two broke up, but Ink, Pa, Wai and Korn know the truth. I am a bit confused if their friends know that their break up is fake. Wai and Korn know the truth, but no one bats an eye when Korn teases Pat about his boyfriend and then continues to talk like Pat and Pran broke up. It does make me a bit confused.

I’d pay to see Korn take on the role of one of the dwarfs in Snow White. Which one would suit him best though? There is no Naughty. Maybe Grumpy? They both have a short fuse, but Korn seems to be more cheerful than the dwarf.

I both love and hate them giving us another take at their iconic scenes. Elevator scene, fake fighting, curtain drop... Sure, it means nothing changed between the two and it brings back a ton of memories and feelings, but at the same time, it does come across as just a little bit lazy writing. I am not complaining too much, I really enjoyed the episode.

I really love how Pat and Pran seem to have stayed the same. It doesn't feel like the Our Skyy 2 episdoes were filmed 2 years later, but more like they have been done all together. I am really enjoying their bickering and their lovey-dovey moments, even if they are not that many. And Ink and Pa are absolutely adorable together!

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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
My review for each section of this series is based on the following criteria:
- Did it add anything to the original series
- Was there either an absence, advance, or regression of character/couple development
- Was the story concept interesting
- Script quality

Although it did not add anything to the original storyline, it was nice to see them during their “break-up” college days. This episode was cute and the acting was good, but it didn’t have the same magic as the main series. The background music choices were great, but I was not a fan with some of the sound effects. My only complaint is the crossover component. I would have loved to see Pat and Pran get two complete episodes instead of almost one full episode.

Random Note:

I’m probably in the minority with not liking this crossover. I’m just a little disappointed with it. Bad Buddy and A Tale of Thousand Stars are both my top favorite BL series, but I really wish this series stayed consistent with the 2-episode per couple format. I have a theory as to why this was done but I’ll keep it to myself.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

The OG PatPran are back baby!!

Not too bad! I just finished the singular Bad Buddy episode and it wasn't bad.
I'm impressed with Ohm and Nanon's acting, you could barely tell that they'd had personal issues bts and I only noticed bc I was looking for it. I can't quite describe it but I do have to say that in PatPran scenes, there is a slight lack of Ohm's blissfully, at ease, carefree and almost whimsical, improvisation glow; not that the characters called for it anyways. The lack of carefree-ness and the smidge of awkwardness was a bit more obvious when comparing PatPran's chemistry with Pat and Wai's one scene. Pran's eyes still had heart eyes for Pat (at moments) but was missing a sparkle... that being said it wasn't lacking anything and I doubt the casual viewer would notice anything was up; this is just my nitpicking observation. I had been really curious as to how their acting would hold up so props to the boys! The episode was kind of dumb and a bit empty but also fun; this has to be my 2nd favorite OS2 story yet though. It was nice seeing and finally recognizing all of the supporting characters' actors!

I have to say, hands down that the Drake easter egg was my absolute favourite part of this episode. The nod to Korn having a Mork moment from Cause Your My Boy just made me so unbelievably HAPPY.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 6, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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PatPran and PhuTian the perfect combination

I have been waiting for 6 weeks to watch my favourite 2 episodes and favourite 2 Character Couples of Our Skyy 2 as the others I either did not care for the Character couples or the shows themselves as the quality of GMMTV BL this year so far have been disappointing to say the least.
P'Aof did not disappoint me as usual being a fan since joining the BL and Lakorn world back in 2015 and being with him since the Gay OK Bangkok days when he was just an actor.
OhmNanon brining Pat Pran to life once again and making me fall in love once again with Pat & Pran and all the characters from Bad Buddy just like Nanon's showbiz dads TayNew did during their Our Skyy Episode. I don't believe the rumours irl going on between Ohm & Nanon as anyone who watches them can see no dramas.
The Storyline was well done and I love how it gave basic hints to those clocked in about "Forest Conservation" and a reference to "looking up at the stars" even before the crossover was leaked, the second part also feels like PatPran were always apart of the ATOTS series as the chemistry between Nanon and Mix is the same I felt between Mix and Khao in the first series which shows just great actors, it would of been nice to have Khao & Drake play their respective characters in ATOTS but they may still come back in the last episode.
I loved everything about this episodes and can't wait to see what the other 2 episodes have in stall for the true fans of Bad Buddy & ATOTS.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 17, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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This was so them

I love the our skyy intro so much, and I don't know why. I just finished A Tale of a Thousand Stars about 50 minutes ago. This was cute. I love Pat and Pran. them not being lovely dovey was so them. One of them messing up and the other one having to run circles around them to get them to forgive them is so them.

I am excited for this weird ass crossover. It's going to be fun, lol. Poor Pran, he is so confused. This was fun and makes me miss Bad Buddy, so I will probably rewatch it because it was really good. Okay, if this review is long enough, then bye. Yeah, watch it; it's fun. Okay bye!

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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 1, 2024
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Don't miss these spinoff episodes if you enjoyed the original series!

Humor and sweet romance in two very watchable spinoff episodes to the series Bad Buddy. If you liked the story and characters in Bad Buddy, you will definitely like this one too. Related to Our Skyy2: A tale of a thousand stars. The two series are woven together in these total of four episodes of Our Skyy2.
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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Episode tambahan yang perfect!

Our Skyy kali ini mempunyai romansa yang sama dengan series aslinya "Bad Buddy", anda tahu sudah berapa lama series itu tamat? ya sangat lama, tapi episode kali ini benar-benar punya romansa yang "identik" percis seperti seri orisinilnya, keren!. Sempat beredar beberapa video yang memperlihatkan kehilangan chemistry Nanon dan Ohm di beberapa platform social media sebelum series ini rilis, mereka benar-benar kehilangan cemistry ; TAPI HEY! itu adalah sebuah TRAP, kenyataannya tidak seperti itu, itu malah membuat series our skyy 2 ini menjadi sangat viral - dan kenyataannya adalah chemistry Ohm dan Nannon di Our Skyy 2 ini tidak ada yang berubah : Lucu, gemas, dan sangat menghibur. Dari segi alur dan dialog mudah dimengerti ya, saya sangat suka episode kali ini karena kocak banget, mengundang banyak tawa dan keseruan serta nostalgia banget. Dari segi warna, masih flat aja ya ga ada yang spesial, series ini benar-benar sangat kuat dari cerita dan karakter, mereka semua punya "main key" yang membuat "bad buddy series" memang punya penggemarnya sendiri dan membuatnya unik dan menarik. Selain itu, hal mengejutkan terjadi saat "ternyata" series Our Skyy 2 "Bad Buddy" ini disatukan atau crossover dengan series "A Tale of Thousand Star" membuatnya out of the box and very luar biasa banget. Jujur sih ya saya tidak mempermasalahkan jumlah episode, beberapa mungkin protes kenapa hanya ada 1 episode ; bagiku mau satu atau dua episode, yang terpenting adalah "cemistry" dan "ceritanya". bukan kuantitas, tapi kualitas. Our skyy yang satu ini punya kualitas yang luar biasa bagus menurutku. Anda benar-benar harus menonton episode ini.
Note: Review ini sama percis seperti review saya di episode 1 secara individual di series "our skyy 2: Bad buddy".

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Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy (2023) poster



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