Both sageuks have important events that happened outside Joseon. There is also a non-Korean character in a high position in love with at one of the main leads.
Recommended by Sageuk Lover
=> Both are classic melodrama romance sageuks relased within two years of each other (early 2020s).
=> Both Male leads are madly in love with the female lead, male lead is very consistent with his feelings and desire to pursue and be with female lead
=> Female lead tries her best to resist her love and feelings for the male lead
=> Male leads have male friend who is the closest we can consider for the female lead's rival of male lead's affections. Of course both male leads only have feelings for our female lead. (In Red Sleeve though, this male friend is more like just a loyal friend with no romantic feelings, but some fans do think he has sort of feelings for the male lead).
PS: For Red Sleeve fans, the show being recommended is Part 2 of My Dearest, you should check part 1 first for the beginnings of the story.
Recommended by Sageuk Lover
Both are historical, have romance, and have ALOT of heartbreak and tragedy. both have a ml who falls in love with the fl first. both are a rollercoaster of emotions overall.
Recommended by choccychipcookiess
The same historical theme drama.
Almost the same era of chinese invasion. The clothes are similar.
War is also part of the storyline
Recommended by MG Mayre
Both sageuks have really good plots with the same writer. Both male and female lead are strong characters who have to overcome a lot. Both have good OSTs, Main difference is that there is less focus on romance on Rebel Thief than My Dearest and that the main couple in Rebel Thief are friends for long before becoming a couple. Rebel Thief also has a few fantastical elements not present in My Dearest.
Recommended by Sageuk Lover
Great series, beautyful and sad.

* Both magnificent love stories, full of emotion.
* the FL is struggling to survive
* Times are hard (war and invasion in "My dearest", slavery in TSOPG) and we cannot escape painful scenes
* Both MLs are charismatic
*OSTs are awesome

Recommended by Breizh_o_veva
=> Both are kdramas of the same story: My Dearest. Each of the two shows recommended are two seasons of the same show.
Recommended by Sageuk Lover
both dramas revolve around war, both dramas have a strong female character and a heart wrenching romance
Recommended by XingBack
=> Both are historical Kdramas partly inspired by Western love stories. If My Dearest is partly inspired by Gone with the Wind, (as described in wikipedia), The Princess' Man is partly inspired by Romeo and Juliet.
=> Earlier episodes contain fun and lighthearted scenes before political events changed everything
=> Female lead rides a swing in both kdramas, both scenes contributed to male lead falling in love with her
=> There are scenes in both dramas of couples trying to run away.
PS: For The Princess's Man fans, the show being recommended is Part 2 of My Dearest, you should check part 1 first for the beginnings of the story.
Recommended by Sageuk Lover
=> Both are set in the Qing invasion of Joseon
=> early parts of the story revolves around marriage but slowly turns to war and carnage
=> Both dramas depict how the Qing invasion really affected many people but young people who are at the stage of their lives to fall in love and get married have quite a focus.
=> There are important Qing characters.
=> Strong male and female characters (my fave actress Moon Chae Won got many awards for her depiction of the female lead in War of the Arrows => people should watch her sageuk works especially this, Princess Man, and Painter of the Wind).
PS: For War of the Arrows fans, the show being recommended is Part 2 of My Dearest, you should check part 1 first for the beginnings of the story.
Recommended by Sageuk Lover
My Dearest Part 2 (2023) poster



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