The story follows Ling Chuxia, a young girl trapped in a difficult situation, who bravely defies family constraints and societal criticism. She forms a bond with the male lead, Liang Junye, who shares her struggles. Together, they support each other, overcome their life challenges, and join forces to uncover an evil conspiracy by a foreign tribe, ultimately protecting their homeland. (Source: WeTV) Edit Translation
- English
- Русский
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- Native Title: 初颜
- Also Known As: Chu Yan , Jun Ye Ban Xian Meng , 君夜伴夏夢 , 君夜伴夏梦
- Genres: Historical, Romance
Where to Watch The Unbreakable Bond
Cast & Credits
- Jia ZeLing Chu XiaMain Role
- Li Pei YangLiang Jun YeMain Role
- Du YuLiang Zi YanSupport Role
- Zhou Heng YuBai Li YueSupport Role
- Yu Wen XiaYun NiangSupport Role
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