The story follows the love story of a dull elementary school teacher, Aoyama Ichiro, who has a girlfriend, Sasaki Yukika, who is the most important person in the world to him. She is so incredibly cute that he thinks she is “wasted on him”! She is the first person to affirm his existence and to love him wholeheartedly. A person who also overwrites the “unpleasant reality” with a happy cohabitation life, undoubtedly this is the peak of life! However, one day, when he tries out a friend’s invention, a VR machine, to look into the past, he learns about the past of his beloved Yukika, which makes him disbelieve in his own eyes. (Source: ~~ Adapted from the manga series "Kanojo to Kareshi no Akarui Mirai" (彼女と彼氏の明るい未来) by Taniguchi Natsuko (谷口菜津子). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 彼女と彼氏の明るい未来
- Also Known As: A Bright Future for Her and Her Boyfriend
- Screenwriter & Director: Hashizume Shunki
- Director: Yaegashi Fuga, Yaegashi Fuga
- Genres: Romance, Sci-Fi
Cast & Credits
- Suezawa SeiyaAoyama IchiroMain Role
- Sekimizu NagisaSasaki YukikaMain Role
- Nakagawa DaisukeNishino YoheiSupport Role
- Yamaya KasumiAkiSupport Role
- Aoki RyoMorikawa TakutoSupport Role
- Mihara UiKotoSupport Role