The narrative revolves around Park Do Jun and his mother, Mi Jin, who relocate from Korea to the Philippines. In Korea, Do Jun showcased prodigious talent in taekwondo, nurturing dreams of national acclaim. However, he relinquishes these aspirations to remain by his mother’s side. Despite Do Jun’s unwavering affection for his mother, their relationship becomes strained due to Mi Jin’s escalating gambling habits. As Mi Jin’s addiction spirals out of control, Do Jun forsakes his collegiate education, seeking employment to sustain himself. Along his journey, he forges alliances with Sandara, an aspiring K-pop artist, and Coco, forming bonds that transcend mere friendship. Tragedy strikes when Mi Jin vanishes, and Do Jun learns of her abduction by a formidable crime lord, the mastermind behind the most prominent Korean criminal syndicate in the Philippines. With the clock ticking, Do Jun is thrust into a race against time to rescue his mother. As he confronts perilous challenges and formidable adversaries, the burning question remains: will Do Jun’s valiant efforts bear fruit, or will fate conspire against him, leaving him powerless to shield his beloved mother? (Source: ~~ Co-produced with South Korea. Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: The Guardian
- Also Known As: Deo Gadieon , 더 가디언
- Genres: Action, Thriller, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Nam Woo HyunPark Do JunMain Role
- Park Eun HyeKim Mi JinMain Role
- Han Jae SeokCha Dong CheolMain Role
- Yassi PressmanSandaraSupport Role
- Eric EjercitoCocoSupport Role
- Jeric Raval Support Role