Kogure Osamu lived a simple and mundane life despite being poor. One day, his senior colleague Inuiaki suddenly appeared before him. Inuiaki entered Osamu's house and made him summon Koyuki, someone with whom Osamu had a past relationship. Inuiaki, who used violence, controlled Osamu and Koyuki, attempting to make them commit a robbery. However, the plan failed, and Osamu ended up losing his left hand. Osamu survived thanks to the underground doctor, Bessho, but his hand had become something monstrous. Vowing revenge against the gang of robbers who severed his hand, Osamu and Koyuki leave the town they lived in. A gruesome battle began revolving around the monstrous hand. (Source: Japanese = filmdog.jp/kemonote || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
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Cast & Credits
- Fukuya TakahiroKogure OsamuMain Role
- Wada MisaKoyukiMain Role
- Kawase YotaInuiakiSupport Role
- Matsuura YuyaKuroda RyuichiSupport Role
- Suwa Taro[Chief]Support Role