In the bustling streets of Tokyo, a peculiar man dons a cardboard box over his head. Through a small peephole, he observes the world and diligently records his observations in a notebook. The photographer, known as "Myself", encounters this enigmatic figure and becomes captivated by his unconventional existence. Inspired, Myself embarks on a similar journey, aiming to become a "Box Man" like the mysterious stranger. However, the path is fraught with challenges: a deceptive doctor, a cunning military man, and an alluring woman who tempts him. Can Myself achieve his dream of fully embracing the box man's identity? (Source: Wikipedia) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Hako Otoko" (箱男) by Abe Kobo (安部公房). ~~ Release Date: Feb 17, 2024 (Festival) || Aug 23, 2024 (Cinema) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 箱男
- Also Known As: Box Man , Hako Otoko
- Screenwriter & Director: Ishii Gakuryu
- Genres: Drama
Cast & Credits
- Nagase Masatoshi"I"Main Role
- Asano Tadanobu[Fake doctor]Support Role
- Shiramoto AyanaYokoSupport Role
- Sato Koichi[Military doctor]Support Role
- Nakamura Yuko Support Role
- Shibukawa Kiyohiko Support Role