The story revolves around Tanka Ichiro, a first-year high school student born to African-American and Japanese parents. Ichiro harbors a crush on his classmate Yui while grappling with his feelings alongside his friend Osamu. Their dynamics shift when Michael, a transfer student of mixed European-American and Japanese descent, enters the scene. Yui, captivated by Michael's charm and all-round abilities, triggers jealousy in Ichiro, prompting him to confront Michael. However, Ichiro finds his determination faltering in the face of Michael's unassuming nature, leading to an unexpected bond of friendship among Ichiro, Osamu, and Michael. Eventually, Ichiro musters the courage to confess his feelings to Yui, but... (Source: Japanese = || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 恋は真っ赤に燃えて
- Also Known As: Love Burns Bright Red
- Screenwriter & Director: Nishiguchi Ko
- Genres: Youth
Cast & Credits
- Trotsky MacLendonTanaka IchiroMain Role
- Takahashi ShoMichaelSupport Role
- Nakashima RunaYuiSupport Role
- Tanaka TomoyaOsamuSupport Role
- Itao Itsuji Support Role