The story revolves around the lives of two sisters, Joo Young and Joo Hee, who move into a new apartment. However, their seemingly ordinary lives take a nightmarish turn when Joo Hee mysteriously vanishes from their apartment without a trace. With mounting dread and an ever-present, disturbing noise in the background, Joo Young, and Joo Hee's boyfriend Ki Hoon embark on a harrowing mystery to find Joo Hee and uncover the source of the unsettling sounds. (Source: ~~ Release date: Sep 7, 2024 (Festival) Edit Translation
- English
- Français
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
Cast & Credits
- Lee Sun BinJoo YoungMain Role
- Han Soo AJoo HeeMain Role
- Kim Min SeokKi HoonMain Role
- Ryu Kyung SooJoong Shim [Room #406 resident]Support Role
- Jeon Ik RyungJung InSupport Role
- Lee Hyoung Hoon Support Role
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