The story revolves around a woman named Sachiko who flees to Bali after the failure of her Konkatsu (marriage hunting) business. By chance, she meets and is inspired by a Japanese multi-millionaire who’s called “Aniki” (big brother) by other visiting foreigners. Aniki, a character based on real-life Japanese entrepreneur Maruo Takatoshi who made his fortune in Bali and continues to influence others to become successful. ~~ Based on the novel "Dekasegeba Daifugo" by Sho Kuroiwa. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 神様はバリにいる
- Also Known As: God is in Bali , Kamisama wa Bali ni Iru
- Director: Lee Toshio
- Screenwriter: Mori Hayashi
- Genres: Business, Comedy, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Tamaki HiroshiRyuMain Role
- Ono MachikoSachikoMain Role
- Tsutsumi ShinichiAnikiMain Role
- Nanao Support Role
- Naoto Inti RaymiSugitaSupport Role
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