Takizawa Bakin, a popular Edo period author, begins to recount a story he is planning in front of his friend, the artist Katsushika Hokusai. The story is about eight warriors who, each carrying a jewel, gather together as if guided by fate and embark on a harsh journey to fight the curse of the Satomi family. Hokusai is drawn into the story that Bakin is telling and visits Bakin on various occasions to hear the rest of the story, and a strange relationship between the two begins. The serialization becomes Bakin's life's work, with the idea of "rewarding good and punishing evil in a world where evil is rampant," but after 28 years, as the story finally approaches its climax, Bakin begins to lose his sight. With the completion of the story in doubt, he receives an unexpected proposal from his daughter-in-law. Will the story ever be completed? (Source: IMDb; edited by MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Hakkenden" (八犬伝) by Yamada Futaro (山田風太郎). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 八犬伝
- Also Known As: Legend of the Dog Warriors
- Screenwriter & Director: Sori Fumihiko
Cast & Credits
- Yakusho KojiTakizawa BakinMain Role
- Uchino SeiyouKatsushika HokusaiSupport Role
- Tsuchiya TaoFushihimeSupport Role
- Isomura HayatoSohakuSupport Role
- Kuroki HaruOjiSupport Role
- Terajima ShinobuOhakuSupport Role