Set in a near-future Japan, this drama depicts the fateful love of Variants, who have supernatural abilities and are persecuted by society as they fight against oppression and power. The Variants are isolated in a settlement called "Naraku" and are constantly monitored by an organization called VCU (Variant Crime Unit). 21-year-old Umin is a Variant who also acts as a spy for the VCU. 23-year-old Emma is a member of the influencer unit "L" and distributes videos every day on a video distribution platform called Makuma, seeking the freedom and rights of Variants. When the two, who only have slight special abilities, meet by chance and touch hands... (Source: Japanese =|| Translation = MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the graphic novel series "Heart Attack" by Sean Kittelsen and Eric Zawadzki. ~~ Co-production with the U.S.A. Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: HEART ATTACK
- Also Known As: ハート・アタック
- Director: Maruyama Takeshi
- Genres: Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- Sato KanichiroUminMain Role
- Miura TokoEmmaMain Role
- Mizuma RonSidSupport Role
- Kouri YuukaHualienSupport Role
- Saotome TaichiEiichi EiichiSupport Role
- Nishida NaomiHidekoSupport Role