The plot follows Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog who can run at supersonic speeds, who teams up with a town sheriff to stop the mad scientist Dr. Robotnik. (Source: Wikipedia) ~~ Co-production with the U.S.A. Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: ソニック・ザ・ムービー
- Also Known As: Sonic the Movie
- Director: Jeff Fowler
- Screenwriter: Pat Casey, Josh Miller
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Cast & Credits
- Tika SumpterMaddie WachowskiMain Role
- Jim CarreyIvo "Eggman" RobotnikMain Role
- James MarsdenTom WachowskiMain Role
- Natasha RothwellRachelSupport Role
- Adam PallyWade WhippleSupport Role
- Lee MajdoubStoneSupport Role