In their final year of high school, three teens in the least promising class each grapple with personal struggles. Gao Ling, brilliant but withdrawn, is haunted by his father's arrest. Wei Yuno hides her loneliness behind a fearless façade, while Zhang Wen Qi, from a single-parent household, seeks to prove her maturity by rushing into adulthood. Together, they navigate the challenges of adolescence, facing emotional scars and self-discovery. (Source: TVDb) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 青柠之味
- Also Known As: Qing Ning Zhi Wei , Tou Le Shi Guang De Mao , 青檸之味 , 偷了时光的猫
- Genres: Youth
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