Several years after the events of Kamen Rider Gaim, Jonouchi has become a world-renowned pastry chef, but gains a bounty on his head set by Takatora Kureshima. With Jonouchi growing more and more popular by the day, a concerned Takatora approaches Oren Pierre Alfonso, while the mysterious Kamen Rider Sylphi lurks in the shadows... (source: Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- dansk
- Native Title: 鎧武外伝仮面ライダーグリドンVS仮面ライダーブラーボ
- Also Known As:
- Director: Morota Satoshi
- Screenwriter: Mori Nobuhiro
- Genres: Action, Tokusatsu
Cast & Credits
- Kubota Yuki Support Role
- Shiramata Atsushi Support Role
- Tomomi Jiena Sumi Support Role
- Okada KazuyaKamen Rider Gridon [Suit actor]Support Role
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