A movie version of Chōdenshi Bioman premiered at the Toei Manga Matsuri film festival on July 14, 1984. It was directed by Nagafumi Hori and written by Hirohisa Soda, who both worked on the series. The events of the movie are set somewhere between Episodes 11 and 33 due to the presence of Jun Yabuki as Yellow Four and the appearance of all five Beastnoids. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 超電子バイオマンTHE MOVIE
- Also Known As: Choudenshi Baioman , Bioman. , Chōdenshi Baioman: The Movie ,
- Screenwriter: Soda Hirohisa
- Genres: Action, Tokusatsu, Sci-Fi
Cast & Credits
- Sakamoto RyousukeGo Shiro / Red OneMain Role
- Ota TakahikoTakasugi Shingo / Green TwoMain Role
- Ousuga AkitoNanbara Ryuta / Blue ThreeMain Role
- Tanaka SumikoYabuki Jun / Yellow FourMain Role
- Makino MichikoKatsuragi Hikaru / Pink FiveMain Role
- Koda MunemaruKageyama Hideo / Doctor ManSupport Role
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