43 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2014
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
JBR is the best Makjang drama I have seen. It uses all of the Korean drama cliches/troupes from amnesia to birth secrets. The family mix is great. There are so many moms and grandmas that it is just funny. There are a few useless and somewhat lame bi-stories, but they don't take too much time. What makes this great is that the liars and schemers are never truly happy and constantly afraid they will be found out. Most everyone has a secret. It is over the top acting with a ridiculous story line at its best.

The actors are great. All of the acting is a little over the don't expect it to be realistic. There are some great veteran actors in this drama. However, Lee Yoo Ri totally stole the show. She takes crazy to a new level as Min Jung. She wears this thick bright red lipstick that is just way too much which goes perfectly with her character. Her ending is better than the endings for most "bad guys". Everyone else is good in this too. Kim Ji Hoon plays a totally adorable Lee Jae Hwa that acts kind stupid, but isn't. I like that the romance between him and Jang Bo Ri (Oh Yeon Seo) is consistent once it starts. Strangely enough, Bo Ri isn't the center of the story to me although the drama is named after the character. My favorite relationship dynamic was between Moon Ji Sang (Sung Hyuk) and Bi Dan. Kim Ji Young is just the cutest little thing. I worried about Bi Dan from beginning to end.

The music is fine.

I probably won't rewatch this, but it is rewatchable.

I know some people don't like this kind of drama, but I enjoy them. If you like them, then JBR is definitely a must watch.

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Jan 3, 2016
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
As a person who watches many dramas, I expected clichés in all Korean drama. But in this drama the cliché only added to the plot of the drama(in a good way). I've watched almost every single Korean drama(I would hardly give any of them this kind of rating) that could exist on earth, but none could compare to this one. I have stayed up all night crying, laughing and raging. This drama is so touching and teaches very valuable lessons.

In this drama there are people who deserve to get all the happiness in the world which were taken from them since the beginning. And there are people who deserve to be slapped in the face. The comedy is great, with all the grandmas and moms. BUT IF you are going to watch this drama bring a bottle of punch and a box of tissue, because you'll be laughing and crying all together. This drama was a great experience for. I have watched it five times. It teaches lessons about greed, secrets and lying. I recommend this drama to everyone.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2016
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I LOVED this drama so much! Probably the best drama I've ever watched in my opinion.

The casting for this drama was THE BEST! Oh Yeon-Seo played Do Bo Ri, a wonderful, bubbly (but also dinky at times) character that was funny and we (the viewers) instantly fell in love with her bright attitude. Meanwhile, Lee Yoo Ri played Yeon Min Jung, possibly the best villain ever existed in Korean dramas. Lee Yoo Ri payed attention to the littlest details that made you despise her even more. From the taunting in her voice to her stunning make-up scenes (seriously, even her putting on lipstick made me despise her!) I have never hated a K-drama character more than Yeon Min Jung. Lee Yoo Ri absolutely deserved the Daesang prize!

The story was brilliantly written. Props to the writer, who must've had something going on in their head to come up with a despicable villain and a plot that infuriated us so much. How makjang can a drama get? Although, the comedy in this show was absolutely hilarious, I loved the supporting characters who made us laugh so much. But there was also an intense character solely focused on revenge, and they played their role so well. I'll be researching the writer, I love her style of writing.

The music varies from light-hearted to dark and evil-sounding. Seriously, even just listening to the music that played at the end of every episode added to the "I'm on the edge of my seat" effect! A beautifully written OST. I applaud the show's orchestra, they did a wonderful job.

The reason I'm giving the rewatch value an eight is because it gets to the point where if you rewatched this series twice, you'll soon jump around from episode to episode, rather than start to finish.

I highly recommend this drama for everyone, because it has a good makjang plot, a heartfelt romance, and great comedy. So this drama is good for everyone.

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Oct 28, 2021
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

One of the best Makjang Drama I've seen

I have watched this multiple times, and never gets bored. The writer did a good job writing this drama. I know a lot of people were annoyed at FL because she's too forgiving, but I think it is realistic. When you're in a toxic environment, it is hard to get out of it and you're finding yourself stuck in it. I've been in a toxic relationship and it was hard to get out because I was chained in it, but imagine if your own family is the one that is toxic. Even though the mother is not FL "real" family, still, she's the only family she remembers for years. So I think the writers did a good job writing the FL character.

The acting is so good in this drama, especially Lee Yoo Ri. She DESERVED a Daesang Prize back then. She's a very talented actress. Before I watched this drama, I watched her in "My Father is Strange" and love her character so much, so I search through her dramas, and found this gem. Although the character she played here and "My Father is Strange" are the complete opposite, she managed to portray each characters the best way possible.

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Aug 17, 2024
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

It's a Trap!

If you're coming into this thinking it's a weekend family kdrama, then you're going to be blindsided--this show is basically an hour-long makjang.

If you're into that kind of thing, then you might enjoy this. As far as makjangs go, this is actually pretty well-constructed narrative-wise. Still, though, there's a reason why makjangs are typically daily, 30-minute affairs--it can be utterly exhausting to watch a heavy soap for a little over an hour, and due to the unusual format, a lot of story-beats also felt a bit too far stretched-out at times.

The stuff revolving around the hanbok crafting was really interesting though, and if the showmakers only leaned well-into that and trimmed a great chunk of the makjang elements, this would have been a top-class weekend drama in the vein of Five Enough, Father is Strange, Glorious Day, All About my Mom, Mama, What Happens to My Family, or Yeah, That's How It Is. As it is, I can only recommend this to those who are into full-blown soaps, the rest might not enjoy this as much.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 20, 2021
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Stepping up and out

I watched because of Yeon-Seo. I watched all her early work (that I can access) up thru 2021. I see a step up in a complex character pushing multiple roles, from pre-Bo Ri. I also liked the twisted can go any direction plot(s). This show put me onto Yoo-Ri. She nailed it, and from some of the other stuff she has done, this seems to be a step out of the box for her. The Ji Hoon/Jae Hwa never wavering, push thru it all, feelings for Bo Ri was a really nice anchor to the rest of the nutty characters. Overall it just felt like everyone got to fill out their roles and contribute in big ways when in scene, from mains to supports.

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Oct 6, 2019
52 of 52 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Сие мексиканские страсти на этот раз воплощались в неизвестной мне области, а именно в мире моды традиционной корейской одежды. И это первый плюс дорамы - интересно было увидеть некоторую кухню производства ханбоков. Второй плюс - хороший актерский состав, как известные мне актрисы и актеры, так и неизвестные мне лица - все были на высоте. Только Ли Ю Ри (сестра-злюка) традиционно подбешивала.
Но там была божественная U Hui Jin, которая в этом году блеснула в "Алых сердцах" придворной О и неизвестная мне доселе Hwang Yeong Hui, которая просто поразила здесь своей ролью матери, которая все отдаст ради своей корыстной дочери, даже откажется от нее.
А главный "пушной зверек" этой дорамы скрывался в сюжете, который даже и не пытался притворятся логичным и адекватным, а просто был как сказитель- бессмысленным, беспощадным, но сладко тёк в уши слушателя (читай зрителя). Вот так по струнам - бляяяяммммсссс - и поехали!
Ён Со в роли бедной гоповатой девушки была привлекательна и неизменно вызывала симпатию
Как часто бывает в таких многосерийках, уделялось времени разным членам многочисленных семей дорамы. И вот непутевый роман U Hui Jin и ее бойфренда-гангстера, вставшего на путь исправления был таким милым и кавайным, что даже залет от обнимашек был проглочен безболезненно

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